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  • This is a step in the right direction. The killer power and add ons don't need to be bigger than the gens remaining and having the survivors vertical rather than horizontal feels like it takes up more space than it should. I'd definitely take this immediately over the current hud though.
  • There probably are a few things that could be tweaked here and there on her but she's far from the first killer I'd say needs a complete rework. I've generally had even performance in terms of match outcomes. It really comes down to a few things. Fountain placements, map, and if the survivors actually cleanse or not. Good…
  • I'm a fan of the Nea jellyfish shirt. Yui has some neat cosmetics but that backpack is obnoxiously bulky. Had someone with it in one of my matches and the helmet sticks out like a sore thumb more than I expected. Oni has some neat skins and most of the charms are good too. Overall not a bad rift, not amazing either.
  • Got hit with this today. I'm very thankful the survivor realized I couldn't pick her up and she crawled out of the area so I could. I don't think I'm going to be as lucky next time if it isn't fixed soon.
  • I'm glad it's not just me, cause man let me tell you I was questioning some of the hits that would down me. Getting hit after a dead hard from several feet behind, on the edge of pile of boxes I had already turned the corner on, and through a tree I was already on the other side of. All different matches too, and I'm…
  • I went from one pip away from getting back into rank 1 to one pip away from falling back to 4 because of a similar issue. For whatever reason the unbroken emblem hasn't been showing up, only on 1 match where I went through hatch it showed up.
  • I already miss just looking down to the lower left of the screen to see all the info I need. I've been finding the new UI has made matches where I play killer less enjoyable just by having to look all over the screen for info, survivor too but to a lesser extent. I have no idea how or why the unbroken emblem is gone. It's…