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  • Normally it doesn't bother be. But when I think I've had a good match, check the vod and they're insulting me all game kinda takes the wind out of you. It would be like that for a lot of people I'd imagine. That's one of the reasons I'd love a blacklist function. Weather it's a streamer or not there's people you know from…
  • No I get it. I have a handful of friends that I SWF with and all of them either stream or used to stream. Like I said above I've met some really cool people that I've group with in the past that had TTV in their name. Without naming names I grouped with 1 a few months ago and he was a decent, well playing nice guy. I gave…
  • Senpai will notice you one day.
  • And I agree. I'm not saying all streamers are bad people. Just mainly the ones that I get paired with on either side. I just find that so often from my experience whenever I have someone with TTV in their name they just make it unfun for both sides. Hence why I was asking if anyone else had thoughts on them. It does kind…
  • They need to be taken out until they actually fix game breaking bugs/glitches/hacks. Played against a Wraith last night (Who's sound is bugged btw) who hooked me on death hook. My character was on the hook but refused to die. Just stayed there on the hook not doing anything. The killer could still cloak, break pallets etc…
  • Unbreakable is fine the way it is. Don't fix that which isn't broken. Rank 1 survivor and killer and I never have a problem with it. If I run it on survivor I never get slugged so it's pointless. The only time I get slugged is if I'm going against Leatherface who wants to play toxic or a rather nasty Plague. As Killer it…
  • You give the Toxic you get the Mori. After I get who ever was being a jerk I'll typically let the others go. Had a toxic 3 man swf the other day who complained about my "Meta" perks on hag (Who I rarely play anymore) and wishing oh so lovely things upon me. Got them again in my next lobby. Mori'd 2 with the 3rd DCing and I…
  • @DwightOP I would as well. I have my own list of people who are super toxic towards me or anyone else in game. It's starting to get rather big. They're the ones who get the Ebony Mori ;)
  • I'm not sure if there even could be a legal issue. Maybe from telling the reporter exactly what happened? It would be nice tho to have an email just stating "Yes, we have received your complaint and yes something has been done". I feel as tho their entire report system could use an overhaul more in favor of the reporter.…
  • @MandyTalk Oh okay awesome. Kinda sad I'll never know if they got a punishment but as long as they are actively being looked into then that's alright with me. Are you able to tell me or link to a page where it lists bannable offenses? I'd like to know just for future reference. Thanks all for the replies!
  • I hope that's not the case. People need to realize being super toxic is a garbage way to play a game. Like I leave my profile open so people can comment and give me salt because I don't care more often than not. However, if you're telling people to get cancer or kill themself then you should be removed from whatever game…
  • Finally! A thread not bashing the skin!! Nea's my new main because of the new skin for her. I love it to death lol.
  • Cosmetic looks awesome. Was never really a Nea player but with it I'll be getting her P3 for sure. The fact that it's a set and I can't mix and match doesn't bother me at all. I don't know why everyone's so upset over it. It's ONE skin. I have dozens of cosmetic over several characters to match with. One skin, even if…
  • Alex Mercer from Prototype would be an awesome killer I think. He'd be nerfed into the ground cause his power from the games would be way too op tho.
  • I just had two super mad survivors. Playing Doctor at rank 4 and a Dwight ran up to me while carrying a survivor to a hook trying to blind me. Smacked him twice and hooked both of them. In the end game chat as per usual I just say "ggwp all" (Unless I'm tilted then I just leave) and he proceeded to ask me to commit suicide…
  • I don't blame you. I've uninstalled a few times. I got so mad at a streamer one time. Camping first hook with Iri Hatchets. Was playing with a friend whose rank was much lower than mine so they weren't the best. Him and his entire stream were just bad mouthing us the entire time. The whole morons, boosted, potato nonsense.…
  • Dead By Daylight: Fails of the Week. Rake in that YouTube money lol.
  • That actually just happened to me lol. I was asked to stop living :P.
  • You and me both. I guess it's in a good portion of Gamers nature to hurl insults and what not over the smallest of things. It reminds me of playing hide and seek as a kid and fighting over whether you caught someone or not lol.
  • I find running Spine Chill has me hit less through windows. Try throwing that into your kit. Survivors Teabagging... Best hope my aim with deathslinger is off and you're not injured lol
  • What about them? Lag, rubberbanding, impossible window hits? If memory serves I think the devs said something about trying to fix the issue with latency on dedicated servers.
  • Which I want to make apparent is not what I'm doing. Just so no miscommunication here. I've seen many a post where someone comes bellyaching to the forums looking for people to agree with them only to have it backfire or start a 4 page wide argument. I am curious as to why they seek so hard to be right. Whether it's a bad…
  • I agree with basically everything you've said. Can you be on my team please? lol. I've had plenty of teams where I've gotten several hooks before 2 gens are done and there's many time's I could slug and go for the last guy. More often then not I don't slug and let the third guy get the unhook while I'm hooking player #2.…
  • Wow. Thanks all for the speedy replies on this. It's all much appreciated. It's good to know even if I get reported from salty survivors on the basis of hacking I'll end up being okay in the long run. Thanks Queen for the reply :)