Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • While I would GREATLY appreciate a slider to just mute survivor HOOK screams (or at least lower the volume), it'd be really nice if his scream was at least consistent for the mute focus trick. A lot of streamers mute the survivor hook screams to make the viewing experience more enjoyable for their audience and those that…
  • This is actually a VERY annoying issue with the perk. I love the Scene Partner and how silly it can make chases. What I don't love is being unable to vault, drop a pallet, unhook, or pick up a slug, because it stops me. This is only exacerbated if you get multiple scream procs, because it can really cause a massive…
  • Just because I don't mention console, it doesn't mean I'm saying, "Suck it, Console, hope it doesn't get fixed for you". I'm simply asking if it has to be a temporary solution until it's fully removed, I'll take an ini command.
  • Yeah, I swapped to medium from Ultra to temporarily help, but now the game is so insanely blurry that it's actually worse for me. Such a frustrating change.
  • Please, please, please …..either remove it again, or give us the option to remove it…at the very least a command for the ini file that works. I have very poor eye sight and the removal of film grain helped a lot. reverting that change has made today suffering on my eyes.
  • Thank you for taking the time to share this information. Seeing this makes me feel like I have something else to strive for, so I can continue to help improve DBD. While I do wish there was some sort of application process, I realize that'd be rather hard with how many people there are. I'm very passionate about discussing…
  • After continuing to play this mode, I'd like to alter one of my suggestions. 3. Perhaps an offering / option to randomize add-ons/items as well for an extra 50% BP. EDIT 3. Items should still be selectable, so people can do challenges like "guess what perks I have", BUT ALL ADD-ONS SHOULD BE RANDOMIZED ON BOTH SIDES. This…
  • People would seriously rather be 4% hindered instead of have a 20% gen speed penalty AT FULL INFECTION that after 4 sprays cannot come back no matter what? That's honestly kinda bonkers to me. I loathe being hindered in chase and as Wesker I don't feel I won a chase if I got them while hindered.
  • I wouldn't mind you being able to rummage one "extra" spray to carry on you, but perhaps a small c/d on opening the same crate, so you can't just spam both at the start when the infection isn't any sort of threat.
  • This is true and you're correct. The hitbox feels like launch week Wesker where you'd get stuck on literally everything, but also slide straight through survivors as if they didn't exist.
  • As someone that is almost completely blind in my left eye, this has been very frustrating. I thought I was imagining it, but this post confirmed it. I feel like ever since the "scratch marks update" about a year ago, they've gotten progressively worse and worse, but after this update I constantly lose people midchase,…
  • After more testing, this doesn't seem to be as obvious on EVERY other map, but it's extremely nauseating on Haddonfield and I've noticed it's very strong on Borgo as well.
  • Of course, I think it's important that BHVR sees how this impacts smaller streamers.
  • Speaking of getting destroyed because of this, here's an example :) I get lucky that Billy takes wide assuming I'll flare, but I normally would die here.
  • Hi there, I've wanted to make a post just like this in the past, but didn't want to get flagged for "self promo". I actually DID write a post in the Reddit AMA asking if there were plans to rework this program, and since I was worried that it'd be seen as self promo there as well, I went into detail of my trials /…
  • This map is the last of the 3 maps that I will BEG you to change the color on. When I load in, because of my poor eye sight I cannot see scratch marks at all. It's absolute misery. I also love that you guys went for unique loops on this and Nostromo, but respectfully, you did such a POOR JOB of outlining what those loops…
  • This is another one of the 3 maps in the game that I feel very strongly about the color scheme. As I mentioned on Borgo's thread, please change the colors. When I get on this map, because I am almost completely blind in my left eye, the lack of different colors makes everything appear with no depth perception for me. No…
  • I feel very passionate about my opinion on the color of this map - please for the love of all that is holy - make it more like Dead Dawg's color scheme. I am almost completely blind in my left eye, and playing on this map is a nightmare. No matter what I do to it, even with nVidia filters...I just accept a loss when I load…
  • I feel like I'm playing a different Fractured, because...I think the balancing while better than before is still REALLY bad, but it's also very RNG dependent. Sometimes I can get 5 very strong loops back to back, but then multiple dead zones that feel miserable. Overall if the survivors simply predrops on this map when the…
  • Yeah, I know a lot of Trickster players said that he no longer feels skillful whatsoever, and I completely understand that. It feels like most Tricksters I VS massively fail their daggers over and over, but he's so fast now that even through multiple Main Events, he'll M1, so it's a lose lose and doesn't require much…
  • I feel like I've shown you many examples of why this should be reverted, but I wanted to show you an example in regular game-play where it feels that I massively outplay Billy, but the curve window allows him to correct his mess up. Before someone says "ping", I'm on 90 here, and that's not the point. The point is how he…
  • Sorry for the double post, but it'd also be greatly appreciated from the Billy community if we could know - does unpinning the thread confirm you won't consider reverting/more tweaks within the next couple of weeks (before the next chapter release)? As it stands, right now I don't even want to touch my favorite killer…
  • I feel like I've said almost everything I can within the posts I've put here, but I wanted to add some final thoughts, because I've realized what frustrates me most about these changes. By increasing Billy's turn window, you've given him an "identity crisis". That sounds a little crazy, so let me explain. Before this…
  • I really hope not. I don't think I'll be playing him until this is reverted. If it's not reverted, I guess I no longer get to play my favorite killer.
  • Do you mean make a new thread? I have to be honest, this recent patch managed to take Billy from my all time favorite killer to play/verse to my my most disliked to vs and feels insanely unsatisfying to play. Please, above all else, revert the change to the sensitivity window. It makes Billy feel ungodly boring to play. No…
  • I partially agree with your first point, but not the rest. The way Tmix interacts with LoPro is a huge issue, but this is because the way LoPro activates was changed this patch, and the extra c/d reduction happening with it is making it miserable. Tmix+C/D addons should NOT apply to LoPro, but they do. The same goes for,…
  • You mention something here as well that I think a lot of newer players aren't used to, because the massive amount of anti-loop that has been added. YOU CAN LOOP THE TILE! Sometimes leaving is the best decision, but a lot of the time, not insta dropping the pallet and leaving is best against Billy. You can keep him very…
  • Emeal is famous for this. Literally, this is pretty much how they always respond to everything. I'm both. I'm a survivor and killer main. I'm giving a balanced take on the issues with Billy, so if you want someone that is being unbiased and telling you how it is, I'm right here. There is a good chance you saw my post on…
  • I really want to emphasize something Archol says here, "Unlike other killers Billy's curving tends to always give you an option, Go wide or go close when he is trying to curve and your decision really matters. There aren't many killers about which you can say this these days. Billy is just great design and it is good to…
  • I'm so amazed we're at a point where survivors are begging for killers to be forced to M1 all the time. The reason killers have unique powers is so they can use them. Each power has a different counter play that you have to learn. M1 is supposed to be a back up if the survivor is counter playing PERFECTLY and you need…
  • Again, I agree with Jukies. While I do 100% feel that TMix is over tuned, there is a certain point where people have to realize the amount of stuff that has to go RIGHT for Billy to get downs with his saw and that is usually the survivors doing things WRONG. It's also massively dependent on map RNG/Collision. Billy is NOT…
  • Exactly this. I don't mean to sound rude to the people in this thread, but it is very obvious how rarely Billy was seen (so people didn't learn how to verse him), and not being able to just pre-drop every pallet and win has people claiming OP. Billy is a chase killer, his power is meant to have lethality and he has a high…
  • No offense, but if you're getting downed so easily that it's like his chainsaw is an "M1", you are not experienced at versing Billy. Billy while his c/d after miss is over tuned (I address this), he still is easily counterable once you learn how to verse him.
  • Devs, please listen to at @Lynnziezie, she is one of the best Billys I know and played him through all of the pain Billy has faced. She also echos a lot of the feedback I have given above. Most actual Billy mains love the challenge of him, but know he needed help. We want him to be strong if you're willing to put in the…
  • I APPRECIATE THE BILLY UPDATE, BUT EVERYTHING FROM MY PTB FEEDBACK THREAD IS STILL ACCURATE AND NEEDS TO BE CONSIDERED GOING FORWARD! I would post it in regular feedback with some tweaks if I could access it, but I'm unable to. I did however realize that I could embed it at the bottom of the thread, so you can read it…
  • Resolved for me as well! Thank you guys for getting this done before the work day was over!
  • Thanks for the response, just wanted to make sure in case it's something simple like that!
  • Take this with a grain of salt, but someone responded to my Tweet with this, and it ended up being true for me. Is it the same for anyone else in this thread?
  • I'm having the exact same issue. Steps I've tried: Took all custom .ini settings out. Verify Game Files Reinstalled DBD Cleared Steam D/L cache (that's helped with other stuff in the past) Turned off my VPN. Still no matter what, I'm greeted with the same screen. Multiple people have told me that they have the issue, but…
  • Sure! I actually made profiles of them and I plan on making a YT video soon, so I can share them for other vision impaired folks.
  • Bad decisions shouldn't be balance. They should be balanced to be fair, but not broken. Half the time their pathing is horrendous and they're an easy down if you just hold W after them. Although, I do agree, they should be affected by Undetectable / Oblivious
  • Regular. They added a few options, disabling AA, FPS options, etc.
  • I mean, they didn't make this choice, Steam did. It's still possible to share DLC as long as the other person doesn't own the base game, because of how STEAM changed this system. I don't see how FOMO would be a thing when the full non-exclusive sets have come back. I just feel like they think they'll get more money, etc…
  • FPS options are in the Alien update.
  • Yup, exactly. If anything right now they are a hindrance in a lot of situations. End Game --> Clutch Gen Finish --> 2nd Hook. Like, again, I realize you guys want realism, but the average decent survivor doesn't miss almost any skill checks. I only miss them if I'm talking to my chat, or it's a skill check build. Can they…
  • You mentioned my exact issue. Those three maps are painful to look at for me without separate filters, because using my default filters to resolve issues overall make them brutal on the eyes. Your game doesn't look much different to mine, other than the obvious colorblind filter that offers no advantage, simply puts you on…
  • Also, you quoted me talking about LightBURN, not LightBORN, different things.
  • That's not what we're talking about though, right? You said that build was useless, and I'm simply saying, that's incorrect. There are many niche builds that can be very good if used well. If the killer doesn't like being blinded by that build, they can chase someone else or do what I do if someone blinds me a lot. I look…
  • It's actually hilarious that shortly after posting this I was able to get a perfect example of how Bots interact with Wesker. Again, I appreciate that we have bots now. Unfortunately, most people just go next on hook to avoid the D/C penalty since it starts at 5 minutes and even then, I'm not sure if that's a bad thing,…
  • I don't see where this makes you right. Blind builds are certainly a thing. Sometimes I'll run Blast Mine/Flash Bang/Residual/Fixated + Double Duration Blind beamer, because those builds are actually good, whether you like it or not. I can blind at a pallet and the amount of confusion / time it buys, because I fixated away…