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  • 2v8 will be what finishes DBD if they try and persist with it to be anymore than an occasional weekend mode. Even two to three weeks was way too much as it permanently broke queue times and just splits the community. The mode is too watered down with a lack of any longevity at all. There is no obvious way to sort queues.…
  • This huge on certain maps. Places like Ormond, Shelter Woods, RPD, the newish map with the cinema that's the same relm as Garden of Joy. Also several others. Get those done early and even a mobile killer can struggle to protect gens spread out later on. Also leave gens in high up buildings such as the cinema map, Dead Dawg…
  • This is a great thread really then. If it helps even one person, then that's one person who's DBD experience will be greatly improved! Keep the tips coming guys however obvious they might seem. Even if it helps just one or two people then it's info we'll shared.
  • I came to DBD after the covid area Warzone when that game started to deteriorate. In that looting chests, reloading, putting on armour plates by default you had to hold the button down. From that I knew how important toggle instead of button hold could be. After a few days of trying to do skill checks, look around for…
  • I thought everyone knew this already and haven't been sat holding down a button on gens or healing for years?
  • Closest I got to it was about two years ago on one of the farm maps against a Nurse. There were two gens left when the other 3 were dead. The Nurse found the hatch and just stood by it. She didn't know that I'd seen her camping it, so I 99'd the first gen, did another nearby one, quickly popped the other one, managed to…
  • Killers seem to have moved on already. 90mph wind all day and couldn't go out so played a hell of a lot of DBD today. Saw it once all day. During the week it was every game.
  • It's the 38 seconds you get on the toten the 1st time before the killer checks it, then the 32 seconds you spend doing it again once the killer is chasing someone else, but then he's injured them so you scream, then the 3rd time you get to 35 seconds before the killer chases someone and spots you doing it. By this time…
  • It's pretty much just a waste of time you don't actually have trying to cleanse all the totems. Best way I've found is Commodius Toolbox with charge and speed add ons, run Built To Last, Streetwise, Sprint Burst and either Deliverance or Resilience and smash the gens ASAP. There's no Pain Res, Lethal and Corrupt to worry…
  • Revert it and test it with view to a more sensible buff in the next PTB.
  • This evening I played I think 6 games and escaped from 4 of them. Every single game was a TOTH build. It's actually been a decent session though. I've just gone all out on gens. Luckily other survivors seem to have also realised that slamming gens is better than wasting time trying to cleanse the totems. You don't really…
  • Counterforce doesn't work in solo queue, believe me. Best way to counter this build is do gens as fast as possible and in chase don't get caught for as long as possible. Problens with this are that for the past year, at the very least in solo queue, there has been a wide number of perks you can use and not feel completely…
  • I've not played a game yet where the totems have been cleansed even with Counterforce in my build every game and have faced it a lot now. I'm thinking the only real way to beat it is to do the gens as quickly as possible before they get the 5 stacks of Devour, which has worked once with a 3 man out and got to 1 or 2 gens…
  • It's still 100 on PS5. Think Sony only allow them to be changed if they are made outright impossible by a game update. I've long since settled for The Lullaby For The Dark chapter trophies to be forever stuck on 75%!
  • I've played against it the last four survivor solo queue games this evening. The killer just tries to protect the TOTH totum at all costs. So sending out the dog, a Knight sending the guards and Unknown teleporting to the nearest clone. Against the Hound Master on Ormond we absolutely slammed gens and the 3rd Devour Stack…
  • Ignoring the totems altogether basically means you have 3 unhooks until you are permanently exposed and 5 unhooks until you are 1 hit from insta mori. Any killer with mobility and a half decent knowledge of maps will easily be able to get that way before 5 gens are completed. The problem is solo queue and lack of comms and…
  • It needs to be dialled back a bit. I've been taking Counterforce all day but when someone is running this totem build, someone always seems to dc. Then you end up with the bots attempting to do the totem without Counterforce while you are stood there with a big boost and they don't realise that you have the perk to do…
  • I play 75-80% survivor and am certainly not a killer main, I don't want 2v8 as it is at the moment and can see the very obvious problems with it. It's nothing to do with survivor vs killer or easier games or not.
  • They aren't scared to make it permanent, they just don't want to destroy their own game. A LOT of people enjoyed survivor for a very limited time. It has no variety, gets boring and samey extremely quickly and there's simply no way supply of survivors would keep up with the demand caused by killers. Then all queues are…
  • No way am I using No Mither. I did an old tome challenge which was escape using No Mither and no other perk just before 2v8 came back. Was very lucky to get it first go as it seemed to be a baby killer but just felt like I was sabotaging the game from the start for my other teammates. I'll be using For the People with…
  • Most uses of maps are SWFs that use builds associated with that map to give themselves a huge advantage. Worst offenders being Eyrie of Crows (which was even worse before the rework), Garden of Joy (which is just a 50/50 now so has dropped off) and Badham with a basement at killer shack offering that makes survivors in…
  • So SWF''s can coordinate to ignore it but in solo queue, we know that's never going to happen! Im not sure what impact this will have in a build yet, but have seen it apparently makes Face the Darkness unclensable. Definitely something to watch. We'll see I guess.
  • Make 2v8 permanent, at least in its current state, and the knock on effects it causes will kill DBD entirely. Not straight away but it'll happen.
  • Have just seen a load of stuff about this on twitter. Looks very abusable and once a big creater makes a video on this, get ready for hex builds all over the place! Will probably get changed pretty quickly if it becomes a big problem.
  • Were the escapes on the newer version of Ormond? It may be that it only triggers on the original map?
  • I've yet to try him out since the changes but reading what they've done, I'm very happy I got the Evil Incarnate trophy the day before 2v8 started. That looks even harder to do now.
  • And then you'd end up with full sweat killers in 2v8 just shooting across the map to tunnel out survivors because it's pretty easy to predict the cages spawns. If no survivors had arrived yet they'd learn the distance to proxy camp in no time. It was already happening a lot this week in the few matches I played and was the…
  • I agree. It'll be a game thrower in solo queue and any decent swfs with good game sense won't need to use it. Maybe duos might find a use for it but that's it I reckon.
  • Scenes when BHVR shut down 1v4 and then think, wait a minute, we have zero revenue from selling killers and perks because you can't use any of them in 2v8! Sounds like a sound financial decision.
  • I tried playing it for a couple of challenges that in theory should be easier in 2v8. Every game is just killers tunnelling the easy to predict cage spawns. Whilst stupid survivors ran about doing everything but touch gens. Was about as fun as getting teeth pulled. Seemed that all the sensible survivors have stopped…
  • Being in my forties, X Files with Mulder, Scully and as killer Alex Krycek with a Eugene Tooms legendary skin would be great! Walking Dead with Rick Grimes with Negan as killer! Also just finishes watching Breaking Bad and El Camino last night whilst I'm on a break from the game until 2v8 goes away. Could get behind maybe…
  • This is exactly the reason this mode is only fun for me for a day or two maximum. 4 different load outs only, with exactly the same gameplay loop every single time. I'm bored before I finish the tome challenges. At least in 1v4 I can experiment with over an almost infinite number of builds, items and add ons. I'm always…
  • Occasional weekends would be way better, even one week is way too long for the huge lack of variety the mode has.
  • Probably the best summary of 2v8 I've seen. It is basically watered down DBD that was fun for a day or two each time for me. For two weeks, and three weeks last time, it has destroyed queue times in both modes for killer, and matches in normal 1v4 are pretty much total stumps one way or the other as the MMR feels like it…
  • Any game that only has one or two different modes and needs to use bots to fill lobbies has a major problem. The devs need to be very careful with 2v8 or it could be the downfall of DBD.
  • I play probably 80-20 survivor and I can't wait for it to end. It's boring, repetitive and with no variety whatsoever, it's doing more and more damage to the game the longer it stays. Was fun for an evening but is essential DBD lite and not enjoyable at all now.
  • This is the problem that this mode has caused. Absolutely no dig at you, everybody is more than entitled to their opinions, but if this mode was made permanent, that would be the beginning of the end. The current queue times are unsustainable. You would have to go down the bot route to fill lobbies and that would be the…
    in 2v8 sucks Comment by TWS001 November 20
  • It's dying a painful death. Sitting in lobbies with 6 survivors and 2 killers all ready to go and no survivors join for 2 minutes on the day the 2nd tome is released is all you need to know. And 150% BP bonus isn't going to solve anything. Scouts and Escapists running to the killer to get killed just so they can complete…
  • 2v8 will be what kills DBD if they bring it as a permanent game mode or do it more than for two weeks at a time twice a year. The only way would be to bring in bots and we really don't want to go down that road. It just about works with a handful of them in a 100 player Fortnite lobby, but in much smaller DBD lobbies it…
  • Yesterday I was already seeing survivor lobbies start to fill up more slowly. Since Tuesday they've been instantly at 8. The problem is the mode gets boring very quickly. As last time, it was fun for a day or two but the same killers over and over and same 4 classes over and over equals no variety or depth. With perks you…
  • I'm not waiting fror 15-20 minutes to play killer and I've got bored with playing survivor in 2v8 so I'm back to the main game. Will go back to do the second tome but that's it. It's just a watered down version and as happened the first time, it has got pretty boring for me pretty quickly. Killer times on the normal mode…
  • It won't be long until it's just Billy and Blight zooming across the map searching for cages or survivors recently rescued from them. It's what happened last time once killers caught on to how the cages spawn. Fully expect that to happen again, and as per the earlier post a bit above this, it's looks like it might already…
  • I've played 17 games also. Didn't keep track of what killers I faced though. Escaped in 15 of them. One was a hatch escape, the other escapes were pretty much landslides for the survivor team with at least 6 escapes. The hatch escape was on the Chapel map where we heavily 3 genned ourselves. Overall though it's been a…
  • That's a good point! I'm always careful not to step on Pyramid heads trails so I'm not sure and haven't played as him yet. You can certainly miss skill checks on the second stage though.
  • Yeah, that and the fact killers worked out how the cages spawned and the quicker ones would show up at the opposite side of the map to interrupt the unhook. This won't get any better with Blight in it and Billy also able to insta down now. This will happen straight away rather than a week or so in like last time. I really…
  • Enjoyed it for about a day or two maximum last time. Got old extremely quickly for me with the complete lack of variety it had. I'll give it a chance but will likely be a couple of week break for me from the DBD grind if queue times are destroyed in the normal mode. It's a shame because during the Halloween sale I found…
  • That combo in the same match with two people playing together that know what they are doing will just be mass suicide on hook/cage!
  • Not excited at all. Three weeks, if they extend it again, of awful queue times in the normal game mode and as killer in 2v8 for something that is boring within a couple of days as survivor. I'll give it a chance, hopefully there's more variety this time, but if not it will be a break from the game for me till it goes. Just…
  • The average age of gamers is probably going up and up as time goes on. I'm 45 and started in the mid 80s. Probably a lot of people my age and higher that have grown up with it and won't stop. It helps me relax when I'm not working, being a dad or playing sport.
  • High chance that they've stream sniped him bringing all that. Very unlikely they do that in a normal lobby.