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  • It's like a few months back when Merciless Storm was wiping entire gen progress and wasnt killswitched. For some reason sometimes they just refuse ro use it on broken things.
  • Not had a single problem since the update, but sounds exactly like what happened to one of the nearby EU servers two Christmas' ago. It seemed like a 50/50 chance that the game was totally unplayable and it didn't get fixed for over two weeks. Was a complete mess trying to play through it, so you guys have my sympathies.…
  • Skull Merchant is a total train wreck that should never have been released in the first place. She's already had 3 reworking and is nowhere near the problem she was before. Just a mess of random status effects chucked together now. Saying that, I genuinely have no clue what you would do to her to make people stop throwing…
  • Get the perks if you're never going to get the killers associated with them. In two months it'll be the Anniversary event and the killers you want will very likely be 4500 shards each going off what's happened past years.
  • Three of the last four Billy games I've played have been 4 slugs at 5 gens so no! Demo is normally fun and I don't mind Blight or Nurse as long as they aren't stupidly OP Comp Builds. But even if they are, at least it's over with quickly! A nurse game the other day, I managed to run her for quite a while on the Wreckers…
  • I play on PS5 and have seen this a few times recently, not too much but it's annoying on the odd occasion it does happen. It's like a certain hit but the camera bugs out to the side and you totally miss the survivor, even if they aren't trying to dodge or 360 or whatever.
  • In the PTB whenever it is now, I would have liked DS to be kept at 3 seconds but the killer gets an affliction, similar to the orange glyph killer challenges. I did one of those at the weekend and breaking generators and dropped pallets was painfully slow, like double the time. Something like that lasting for a period of…
  • It's good fun for an hour or two and some light relief from grinding the main game. Also handy for getting the tome 3 challenge for escaping with Kate Denton where your next hook state would be instant death!
  • DIstortion is going to be the most used survivor perk if this is what they are doing to Ultimate Weapon.
  • This is the reason solo queue can be an absolute train wreck. I've lost count of the number of games I've been hooked first or even two hooked before anyone else has one and ended up escaping the trial. Some people literally kill themselves over anything, however stupid. A couple of months ended up loading in with the same…
  • I've played against that exact scenario a couple of times. If I see Badham and basement in killer shack offering now, I've closed the game way before the match has loaded!
  • It always seems to go in cycles. One day can be great with close, tense matches and good teammates that even if you die you can still say "Yeah, that was a good match", the next day every match the first survivor caught kills themselves on hook or you are constantly left to die on your first hook and every other match…
  • I found him quite fun to use, and enjoyed getting his achievements. As others have said he is very map and certain add on dependent. Also if I could choose just one killer that I could use Noed on from the entire roster, it would be him!
  • Yeah, it works as intended so no need to kill switch it. It's just very bad, particularly in solo queue and if the killer is even a quarter competent, it's a guaranteed win for them. I think even SWFs don't bother with it because there are much more viable ways for them to have success. Just a gimic perk that will probably…
  • I mean the first one is just pretty much telling all the survivors in the lobby to run Distortion.
  • I played 3 games as killer last night and got two 4ks and a 3k with hatch. Not one single gen was completed in any of those matches! Just reinforced why I'm not touching survivor solo queue for at least another week because it's just people throwing match after match at the moment for a perk that will only ever work for a…
  • Got Singularity with spare shards when he was released but never had any intention of playing him. The past couple of weeks I've given him a go, and with the right build and add ons can be quite fun to play.
  • I play on PS5 so the only possible answer is the Skilled Huntress one. 100 downs from 24 metres away is crazy.
  • Sometimes with the survivor HUD and the fact I run Bond quite a lot, it is silly the amount of times you see team mates basically sandbagging the rest of the team.
  • Couldn't agree more with this. Yesterday morning I played 8 survivor matches before I had to go out. The first three games, the first survivor caught killed themselves on hook. Instant 4k for the killer. The next two games, I died on first hook in one after no survivors came to get an easy rescue. 4k. Next game I was on…
  • Everyone gets a game like that once in a while either as killer like you described, or as survivor when you get slugged or tunneled by some aura build tunneling comp build Blight. The above is the best advice, it will only very occasionally be a match like that. Just take what blood points you get and move on to a better…
  • I quite like Dead Dawg Saloon and dont mind most maps, apart from Haddenfield as killer or survivor, and Badham is an awful experience as killer, especially if I'm not paying attention and get sent there by a SWF with a killer shack basement offering, because then you know you're going to be dealing with a couple of…
  • Me! I have every unlicensed survivor at between P7 and 13, and a Quentin, Ash and Cheyrl at P7 or 8. Normally level up and play whichever I need to do for dailies or tome challenges I'm doing and keep using them until I run out of cakes or envelopes and then move onto another.
  • I do like using Overcome at the moment, can combine it with other lesser used perks to break chase entirely, although it can be a bit of a waste against one hit killers, especially a tier 3 Myers. For killer, I use Spies from the Shadows a fair bit. Can help track down survivors in places you don't expect then to be,…
  • As killer, if you ever get a Badham offering together with basement in killer shack offering, do not even attempt to play the match would be my advice! A 4 man SWF doing that is the worst thing ever. Played some doing this the other night, two with No Mither, Boil Over and Flip Flop and they are basically immune to hooks…
  • They can be massively abused by Swf's. If you get sent to Badham as killer and there is also an offering to make basement spawn in the killer shack, two survivors have No Mither, you know you're not going to have a good time if you go anywhere near the lower floor in the school!
  • Killer - Clown - Nemesis - Game Afoot - Tinkerer - Pop Goes The Weasel Had to get hooks on the obsession for an archive, ended up with about 8 obsession hooks and a 4k. Survivor - Vittorio Decisive Strike Head On Bond Windows Of Opportunity Another archive build, this time to get killer stuns against a Billy. Didn't get…
  • Haven't seen one in weeks luckily.
  • They bring boil over and a map offering and it's an invitation to be slugged, literally asking you to do it.
  • Fifa (or EA FC24) has had 9 patches so far since it's release at the end of September. They've nerfed the high pressure that made the centre of the pitch impossible to play through if you didn't have very low ping, they've nerfed finesse shots, they've nerfed whipped crosses, they're about to nerf absolutely broken trivela…
  • There is no consistency at all. I play probably 80% survivor and some days you get games constantly with survivors who are totally useless and just refuse to do anything sensible or helpful to the team. Then you can play the next day and every game is a close one. Decent teammates everything, every match gets to endgame…
  • The Matchmaking feels like they're messing with it again. Some days I can play killer, and get matched up with some of the biggest streamers in Europe that feel borderline uncatchable, then there's yesterday where I played 7 straight games where I killed all the survivors or one got hatch with at most only two gens done.…
  • Also are other survivors thinking that Billy is the second coming of Skull Merchant or something? He must have the highest kill rate in history at the moment because every game someone is killing themselves on first hook at 5 gens making it an unwinnable game. Maybe if they stayed and learnt how to play against the updated…
  • My first day playing since Monday and of course the new update. Yeah, solo queue seems absolutely awful. Almost feels like they switched off any match making at all. The survivors I'm playing with don't seem to be doing anything to help at all. It's an absolute slog playing it today.
  • I got face camped by a Bubba on the Game map last week. It was still very successful because the survivors all swarmed round, probably 5-10 metres away trying to get the save which just stops the meter completely. I was urging them to all go back to gens so that I could get my self unhook and take my chances with the…
  • First game of the day for me, so much fun at moment. Of course left to bleed out. Quality of matches is utter dreadful at the moment.
  • No, ot the same person, that's the funny thing! Also has the iri add on that means you get instantly down from further than 12 metres away. I haven't come up against a knockout build since the pre changed Sadako months ago, then 3 in the same day with the same character just seems more than a coincidence.
  • Could it be Overcome and Tenacity? Although the ping spike wouldn't make sense though. Have heard of more advanced hackers on another cross platform game that can make their ID show as a different platform even though they are on PC to try and mask the fact they are cheating. Hopefully that hasn't come to DBD also.
  • Last year it was broken servers for two weeks during the holidays so it was more or less a 50/50 chance that the game would be completely unplayable due to rubber banding lag. It's bad news for Knight players but better than a game breaking exploit being left untouched for two weeks until the holidays are over.
  • Are the servers struggling for anyone else? Just played a game with ridiculous lag, just like how it was for two weeks during the Christmas break last year. Probably even worse.
  • I was the same about Legion, probably 18 months ago. I played a bit as Legion to get the achievements and now I don't mind so much playing against them. My top three is: 1) Skull Merchant. Obvious reasons. Terribly designed killer, no fun to play against, and 99% of the time someone kills themself so a complete waste of…
  • I'm noticeably playing with more survivors that do gens very efficiently it seems. Most games have had multiple escapes or been 4K for the killer with a gen remaining, barely a game where the killer stomps the lobby anymore. Been playing with way less survivors that seem to have no idea what's going on. Also have been on…
  • Could see them nerfing UW slightly, but nothing really strikes me as being ridiculously OP or busted at present. Don't see them altering WoO because of the help it gives new players. More likely they randomly buff or change how a couple of perks work that nobody uses and haven't been mentioned once in any thread in th past…
  • I switched to PS5 at the start of the year and randomly got to 1/20 when I was redoing doing an adept challenge. When achievements glitches in the summer on playstation, it went up to 10/20 by the time they fixed it without doing anything. Have tried a bit since to do it by running a boon perk but never found even one in…
  • Going off Nightlight stats, Sloppy is used in 13.12% of killer builds, although I certainly see it more often than 1-2 times every 10 matches!
  • Played against a Death Slinger using Ultimate Weapon yesterday. That was a complete pain as he was extremely good and very difficult to shake off and could find you no problem at all.