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  • I didnt remember it procing on hatch closure. But I may be mistaken. I wasn't the only one who was surprised by it either in my group of friends.
  • So what I am reading is you are actual garbage and need to get easy wins to stay invested in the game. Personally I prefer playing against swf because some of them get too altruistic and it becomes their undoing. Learn to play the game and you won't have such a problem. You guys are probably the same ones complaining about…
  • So. Speaking of toxic killers. We just encountered a real p.o.s. on cross-play Killer rank 20, all stock only perk was tinkered 1. Yet SOOOOOMEHOW he could clearly see auras as well as hide his terror radius. We are 3 stack, the random offed himself on his second hook, just straight up didnt struggle. After he died the…
  • Yes. If you let some people go they think that gives them the right to troll at the gate for more points. That is fair, if you only have faced brutal killers i could see why letting them go is less intriguing. But you have to put more of what you want to see into the game. I'm not a big believer in karma. But I have seen a…
  • There's A lot of killers that dependant upon certain things, will let a survivor go. You just have to check certain boxes. I went into a match lastnight and he let me go literally because of the outfit on my David. Because he wanted to know what it was so he could get it. I wasn't hit the whole game because he didn't want…
  • Correction. It appears to be every map on pride rock has this glitch.
  • I mean I can't see complaining about a misbehavior then partaking in it. If someone is going to unhook in my face because of DS, yes I will tunnel because you literally just screwed the survivor who was hooked. Or if you are going to taunt me. Yeah I'll tunnel for that too. Tbagging on pallets will just get you killed. And…
  • Not "All killers" and it depends upon how stupid the survivor plays. I am a wraith main. And the only time I willing to sacrifice the whole game is when the survivor in question is being a tool. If i am hooking a survivor and the second he touches the hook idiot tries taking him off, yes i will tunnel the 2nd player till…
  • I wouldnt say that's exactly true. I am a wraith main. Regularly come across a 4stack or "SWF" as it is called on this game. Dont camp and dont tunnel. Never really have much of a problem. The main issue is survivors being too altruistic if anything. They with rush me with their buddy on my shoulder or try to ineffectively…
  • I got reported playing killer, wraith. I usually get 4ks but on this occasion I had to afk. So before I afked I wandered off into the killer basement cloaked. When I came back I had a survivor tbagging on me. I uncloaked and shook my aim at him. Swung once to get him to bail. I was on an important phone call and didn't…