SWF keep ruining my killer matches, we need a way to identify them in lobby



  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Pretty much this. I’m fed up of playing the weaker killers and having survivors burn BS maps, having killers that are underpowered against unbalanced maps and a billion second chance perks. Just the other day I won a game on haddonfield but had a 4000 hour twitch streamer bragging how they could “loop me for days”, I mean I broke chase a few times but I was using an M1 killer and they just ran safe pallet to safe pallet to Myers house. Like what do you expect? So long as you’re on the opposite side of a loop, pallet or window the M1 killers cant get a hit. Its the design of the game.

    Aside from dailies which are painful I mostly just play Pyramid/Spirit now, two killers that don’t feel cucked by all the second chance perks or ultra safe loops and pallets.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    SWF using voice com will always have an advantage over even the best killers. To argue otherwise is to ignore reality. There's nothing to be done for it.

  • KnotEnthusiast
    KnotEnthusiast Member Posts: 464

    I know I'm late to the party, but if you think meta perks and body blocking is a sign of "OP SWF" then I have bad news about red ranks for you.

  • HeroFromTheSky
    HeroFromTheSky Member Posts: 23

    Once again killer mains just want to be spoon fed like things aren't already handed to them on a silver platter

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    Well said. My squad just likes to relax, shoot the s#*t, and have fun.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    don't know this been said I'm on page 2 i'll skip to page 4

    but you forgot the setup swf can do like in a chase lead them right to someone in locker with head on lead killer to someone with flashlight tell you teammate to pattle save you worst all above happens

    swf scary.

  • MissyChilds
    MissyChilds Member Posts: 5

    I'm sorry but just ######### no. I have Asperger and I am very troubled by your statement. You don't feel victimized because you're disabled it's because you're struggling to deal with being frustrated which I get because I've been there. Just take a break leave as soon as you have said gg and move on. I bet 99% of the time it's either red ranks hiding on smurfs or in baby ranks not a toxic swf. You either need a better end game plan or have better pressure but as someone who has been on both sides while it does suck to have toxic people in you're game it isn't personal and you should really lose the mentality of that others your not going to have fun.

  • WestX
    WestX Member Posts: 120

    This is an interesting situation to me. I don't like playing survivor solo. Its just not even close to as fun as it is with friends. This is mostly due to the complete lack of communication. If they had a voice chat system like with Friday the 13th then it would be much more enjoyable to me, but I just hate "Team" games that prevent any communication amongst the team, its always a downside to me. But at the same time I do understand why it can be frustrating going up against (I prefer to call them) Premades, too much coordination can be very hard to deal with in an asymmetric game.

    But keeping something that is pretty much ingrained in me from Friday the 13th, when I play as killer I tend to focus on one of two survivors at a time. I mostly play pyramid head and I'm good at forcing survivors into Torment status, so while I don't often get all 4 kills I make sure I atleast get 2 but more often 3 kills. Final Judgement is my coup de gras, I always try to force survivors into struggle status, in order to get that instant finish that nothing can save them from. If a group of players is sabotaging too many hooks then atleast I can use cages to force them into struggle phase despite how awful I find the cages to be. I satisfy myself by going for as many kills as possible, but never worrying about getting all 4. I might be "tunneling" or "Camping" But I will do what I have to do to make sure atleast SOME of the survivors are dead.

  • Oh gawddddd! get good.. Practice in custom match, change your perks, change your play style.. jheeeez! Introducing something like this will make matchmaking even longer.. Let the Devs fix whats already broken.. if you dont like SWF, then go for the weakest player.. Learn to play mind games, camping hooks amd chasing one survivor the whole game will not get you a win...

    Id like to know what killers you use and what perks you have set though...

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Yeah it´s so dumb boasting about having the upper hand in chase. Most Killers can´t do anything about a good looper, especially at the start of a match when all 30 pallets are still up. Even worse, it´s 2020 and so many tiles don´t offer any possibility of gameplay other than run around it 3 times or more, move to the next tile, repeat., and that´s not accounting for strong windows.

    Saloon, Hawkins and sometimes Springwood have nice setups. It´s actually possible to have meaningful input as Killer there. I´m referring to M1 gameplay of course, since that is the core of chase mechanics for most Killers.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    I don't know what the original plans for SWF were, but the way it was implemented in the game didn't include voice chat, and I think it's the voice chat -- which is happening outside the game -- that makes SWF a problem for balance. I honestly don't think there would be any problem with four survivors who happen to know each other and have a plan ahead of time but can't actually communicate during the match.

    The problem is that BHVR has allowed people to use 3rd party comms for so long, and it's become such an established part of the experience, that I don't see any realistic way to roll that back -- so now it's just part of the game, whether it was intended to be or not. That's why I think a more realistic solution is to limit SWF to two people in public matches, and let people shift their meme games over to KYF/Custom Game/whatever it's called nnow.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Yeah I get new players looping a killer and feeling like they're esports but at 4000 hours like that twitch guy you would think they would understand the mechanics a little better.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Oh yeah for sure. It certainly feels great reaching a certain level of skill and suddenly being able to extend chases quite a lot when you start playing, but a 4000 hours streamer...absolutely agree, they should know better. What a douche.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Once killers get a "murder with buddies" option, we killer mains will be singing a different tune. Don't worry, it'll happen.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,081

    Rolling it back? Not needed. SWF does not make some potatoes godlike. If anything, SWF makes Potatoes more cocky, which is in general good for the Killer. But i can guarantee you that players lose against way less SWFs than they think and that they would lose against the same players if they are all Solo. Because, you dont need someone who tells you to do Gens to actually do them (as an example).

    Also, Third Party Software in mind - 100% sure that they had it in mind. You cant program a videogame in 2016 without thinking that players will use Skype or TS (which were around for ages already at this point).

    Regarding limiting SWFs - playing SWF should be made as easy as possible. If you make it harder for players to play together, they will leave the game, if they are casual. Sweaty groups would dodge Lobbies until they are together, while Casuals would not care and leave the game or play less at least.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,081
    edited September 2020

    Well, I watch Umbra a lot recently and even if she loses as Huntress (aka not getting a 4K), she blames it on herself. And, I dont know how exactly the Map looked, but 4 Pallets in the middle is pretty decent, considering most of the time it has a max of 2 Pallets or is simply full of Tank Tracks.

    And regarding Streamers opinions - I already said it in another post, Killer-biased Streamers are praised here. Like the complaints would perfectly fit to some man who gets posted here a lot.

    To your second paragraph:

    Optimal SWFs are rare. And you would have the same behavior is those 4 players would not be in an SWF. Because someone does not suddenly know that they have to do Gens when not in Chase when they are not on Comms. And I dont play a Top Tier-Killer, most of the time I play Pig (which has a build-in Slowdown, to be fair). Would probably not work against some ultra-competitive Squad, but those are not common, so its fine for me. Its not as Killers have to only play Spirit or Nurse to have a chance in Red Ranks, because most Survivors are not good (same for Killers).

    (And if I can be at Rank 1 every season, many more players will be able to do that, because I am not a good Killer)

    The Tournament will not change my mind. I cannot take tournaments seriously in DBD, they are for showing off, but not any valuable since DBD Is not a tournament game at all, RNG is a huge factor. And I also dont like that this tournament is only used for one side, but it is ignored how scummy the Killers played, but this is apparently fine.

    In the end, the discussion about SWF is pointless anyway. It will not go away. And it will always be used by bad Killers as an excuse why they lost.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    Lmao imagine calling someone that plays well "scummy"

  • TheCoolDBDGamer
    TheCoolDBDGamer Member Posts: 92

    If you are Red Ranks and constantly facing 4 man swf's with Discord,

    May i suggest this overpowered Clown Build that will get the job done.

    You can also run NoED for extra salt against 4 man swf's.

    And also put on the instadown clown addon and the larger gas cloud range.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    You and many others make posts like this but it's never going to happen regardless of the outcry. Killers would either leave or be as toxic as the possibly can when they know it's a group. Also again as someone has to point out in each post like this at least once not all SWF are good and not all of them are out to make your day terrible. Peanits himself I believe said the escape rates of most SWF isn't that high anyway. If I remember correctly.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    That makes zero sense. You don't know if they're PC or SWF they can be SWF and be on the same platform as you and still destroy you.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505
  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    This in my eyes won't change anything. If the killer is that against it they'll just DC when the match starts and they still won't truly know if it's SWF just like they don't know now.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    Once in the match, when any player intentionally selects the “leave match” option to DC they are still taken to the post match screen where all player’s info is available. They’ll see who’s who there.

  • ThePolice
    ThePolice Member Posts: 801
  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    So what your comment amounts to is "git gud" which equals nothing.

    I'm just saying those survivors who use the excuse of "I'm just having a laugh with my friends and so it doesn't impact the killer" is clearly untrue and it would be better to just own it and say "i know it can impact the killers experience to SWF but we aren't sweaty about it" because it's not fair for killers to expect SWF not to be a thing but equally killers generally don't like sweaty SWF

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    I wonder which point of yours I have proven. Maybe it´s just being awake since yesterday morning but I can´t wrap my head around it.

  • Frontdoor6
    Frontdoor6 Member Posts: 609

    Because it makes me easy to be treated badly, its like running against a guy in a wheelchair

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    So you camp to struggle and mainly play swf cuz it's too hard with out knowing everything. case closed-BS player

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    "4 pallets in the middle of gas heaven is nor decent or bad, It doesn't usually have a max of 2 pallets lmao. That being said, there were those pallets and then a hill and she was playing Plague. As I said, that was around the time she was buffed where she started with one Corrupt fountain by default and she had brought an apple as well which added another corrupt fountain. When she chased me, we had a good chase where one gen popped but as soon as she used her corrupt fountain which was in the middle of the map, there was nothing I could do since Autohaven maps in general are very strong for killers who depend on having line of sight with survivors like Huntress, Plague, Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, Nurse ETC. This means that she had no right to complain about the map whether is was sarcastic or not.

    At least use a streamer who takes both sides into account. Goose, Zubat, Scott, Otz ETC. are all great streamers who take into account both sides of the game. Zubat said himself a couple months ago when someone asked him why he doesn't SWF with his friends that he doesn't want games where one person is running the killer for 5 gens while the other 3 complete all the generators. He's right. In solo, you can usually find at least one weak link and get pressure off of them but when there's a SWF with each survivor having over 1k hours which is more common then you think, like I said, there's almost nothing you can do if you aren't playing a high tier killer.

    Optimal SWF's aren't rare lmao. By the way, I literally told you earlier that I'm a survivor main but I do play my share of killer. Back to the topic, Optimal SWF's doesn't mean all 4 survivors are good at looping because the killer can usually just take a pallet and then rotate to apply pressure somewhere else. That being said, not every killer is like Spirit where she can be in one place and then halfway across the map within seconds. Old Billy was like that as well, Instant mobility accessible anytime, anywhere with a constant instadown. I only play Ghostface, I started playing in 2017 as a Myers main but when Ghostface came out, I've mained him at rank 1 since his release. It's the worst feeling playing on a map like Temple of Purgation, downing the first survivor pretty quickly, hooking them and then seeing 3 BBQ auras on separate corners of the map working on gens so that by the time I get to the closest one with my Pop Goes the Weasel, it pops along with the other two shortly after. It's apparent you may not run into this scenario very much but I do at rank 1 where I go up against SWF's with toolboxes, multiple BNP's and an object with map offerings.

    I even have a comment on my profile from a SWF who took me to Coldwind with 2 BNPS who spawned together and popped a gen within the first minute of the game starting. At the end, where I got cucked by DS while not even tunneling twice, they said "ggez" and I replied saying "must be with that many BNP's and Prove thy Self" and they commented on my profile saying "Are you scared of BNP? Haha" This is the kind of stuff that needs to be looked at. Survivor in a SWF is easy mode with all the second chances survivors are given through perks. If all 4 of them run DS and Unbreakable, Each one of them are invincible if I hook them for a minute. It's ridiculous.

    It's unfair to say only bad killers are screwed by SWF. Like it or not, the tourney was a perfect example of this. Most killers were forced to camp and tunnel because of the insane gen rush and the killers in the touney where in no way bad killers while especially in the first round, there were some bad teams of survivors who didn't even do basic things like looking behind them while being chased but they still ended up winning lmao.

  • Technician19XX
    Technician19XX Member Posts: 13

    So what I am reading is you are actual garbage and need to get easy wins to stay invested in the game. Personally I prefer playing against swf because some of them get too altruistic and it becomes their undoing. Learn to play the game and you won't have such a problem. You guys are probably the same ones complaining about "gen rush" even though thats not a thing either. Haha.

  • KIKI_
    KIKI_ Member Posts: 135


    • Yes is not balanced. Dont matter how bad you are, you are still benefiting from coms. You are taking pretty much 6 perks for free. As to why the game does not support coms yet? Who knows. Maybe the devs didn't get the memo yet.
    • People being able to play together is a key factor to this game income. And honestly why should you forbid people from playing together? That's not the problem. Problem is devs failing to realize its 2020 and who on earth will play a co-op game without coms. Honestly just a flaw from them
    • No, you losing a game is not only because of swf. You can make mistakes as well. People can be good as well regardless of being in a swf or not.
    • You have to understand that not every killer can put up with really strong challenges. And of course your input also matters. In a logical world, you are not supposed to beat people who is better than you. So first try to analyze whether you are losing because of your own mistakes (more likely) or if it is due to the game on its on (possible, but only once you have become really good).
    • Learn nurse.

    Wrapping it up, DBD is not a balanced game and swf is a factor that contributes to amplify and show those flaws easily. But no, is not the only reason why you are losing and chances are you are losing because of your own mistakes. If you don't care about being good at the game, then you shouldn't care about winning

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,359

    Yeah basicly, lol. There are those times i get teams who go out of their way to just annoy the ######### out of me with head on stuns and such rather than trying to actually be productive, but for the most part you can always learn and do better. Too many people like to pretend their own gameplay was perfect, or maybe it was just because of 1 mistake that they lost the entire game. I get a chuckle out of people who cry "gen rush" against a team who didnt use anything to speed up gen repair just because they themselves didnt manage their time properly.

  • KingRachett
    KingRachett Member Posts: 1

    Ok when you get camped or tunneled and if u get offended or frustrated that's a you problem not a them problem lighten up on your delicate sensibilities

  • Victor_hensley
    Victor_hensley Member Posts: 800

    their the only survivors a go up against anymore. I wonder why. I totally don't think it's because most of them are bad at this game and need all of the crutches they can get so they can harass killers and solos, taking any sort of fun out of the game and ruining the experience for new players, all the while devs will do nothing about it because they are the main source of income because they think they are super cool by flexing their wasted cash on something pointless because they like leeching their savings from either themselves for their families.

    Aka, don't play killer or solo until this bullsh*t gets dealt with. (aka never)

  • WestX
    WestX Member Posts: 120

    That's not at all what I said. I was talking about teamwork. Its very hard to work as a team with no communication at all. I don't need ######### like callouts like someone abusing a perk to know where the killer is at all times, I just need stuff like "Hey can you come help me with this gen? Hey I'm hiding out over here I need someone to heal me"

  • PB_TORCHer
    PB_TORCHer Member Posts: 317

    Garbage? because I believe swf is basically game breaking. I'm aware of how to play the game. swf is unbalanced with all the info leaking. The cross map chat is stupid. I play both sides. Honestly 90% of survivor annoy me. no matter what side I'm on. Allergic to gens, DCs, Dull totem first, hiding al game, not using every moment to do something useful. On the survivor side I see way too many people just running around or crouching somewhere. On the killer side swf just has too much info, like telling I have spirit furry or other perks. I don't use hex;s cuz they're practically useless if I go against swf

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I don't think they had it in mind at first.(skype discord)

    if that was the case they wouldn't be so scare to bring solo up to swf lvl and buff killers how they should.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    An SWF indicator would he useful. I've been getting rinsed as GF and spirit lately at rank 12, co ordinated survivors with perfect plays and lots of PC juking. Last night I smashed a team all lower than me who didn't have much team co ord. Would have liked to know who was SWF for sure. I like the challenge, I certainly won't lobby dodge.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    my man really suggested to play the worst killer in the game to deal with swf