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  • Fnaf 4 Foxy would be both fun and terrifying lol. Fun for the killer putting themselves together, terrifying for the survivor not knowing which locker will "scare" them. It would be funny if they added fnaf 1 Foxy's hallway run tho.
  • Before I started having extreme lag issues that only affected my killers, I mained Hag. Loved being able to gain ground quick thru teleporting. Started working on Plague a couple months ago and I like using her now. My survivor mains are Feng, Yui, and Claudette, and Meg. Their perks go great together when you're able to…
  • If we are talking briefly about FNAF, I think Foxy would be a better fit. Think about it. No one has an idea on what Springtraps mechanics would be since he would just appear for his jumpscare in the fnaf games, but Foxy always would pounce on you for his jumpscare. So, we could have some sort of pounce attack as Foxy's…
  • I'm a survivor main, cause my wifi doesnt agree with me when I play killer. Tons of lag with a 99% chance of "get better wifi idiot" messages. I see nothing wrong with NOED. It gives a sense of urgency to us survivors once its activated if we didnt find and break the totem beforehand. So we either try to escape while…
  • I dont play Killer much, my highest level killer is only 26. I've never gotten an Ebony to appear in the bloodweb for any of my killers. Just Cypress ones. Every time I have a killer reach the next level, I hope for an Ebony to appear so I can work on a Kill by any means necessary challenge. I lag badly as a killer, so I…
  • Ignore my last comment. I just saw the Collection Trailer. Now I know what u guys are talking about.
  • Lisa..... Lisa.... wait. I'm confused. We talking about Legion? All these comments are getting me so confused.
  • That's exactly what I do. Except when I'm against Doctor, Huntress, and Wraith. Those 3 I go the "Blend Into The Shadows And Hope To Survive" route. I'm always the first to die if I play normally with those 3. No, really. I always die first. And sometimes its within the first 2 minutes.
  • I went from 15 back down to noob 20 for survivor. I can never seem to get out of yellow rank. No matter how much stuff I do in a match, I either get no pip, lose a pip, or extremely rarely gain a pip. I should have been a red a long time ago. I play like a red now, but the system still thinks I didn't do enough to rank up.…
  • But then whyd u say Moris are for baby killers, when u dont play survivor? And added a few other things? I've never gotten an Ebony mori to appear in the killers bloodweb. And I think I've only Mori'd someone once with a Cypress mori, for a daily. Not trying to sound mean if that's what my post looks like.
  • I find it funny how the OP is complaining about how the mori's and a few items are a baby move, given his username. He must be getting killers that Mori every match. I very rarely Brand New Part and that syringe add on. Even if someone does bring those add ons, you have a very small Check window to successfully use them.…
  • A few times a day, I can get up to 20k as a survivor. Sometimes 32k or more if I'm doing a lot of stuff in a match and escape. There was one match where I was up against Oni in Gideons. Somehow I got him to let me unhook and heal my fellow survivors a few times for an unhooking rift challenge. Just those unhooks and heals…
  • I'm not sure what you're playing on, but the PS4 has custom matches. They just dont count towards ranking up.
    in How??? Comment by TinyMoon3 May 2020
  • Exactly what Peanits said. When I first started using Plague, it took a long time for me to learn how to aim her vile/corrupt purge attack. My choice of killers were pretty low back then. Mostly used Oni, Spirit, and Hag. Now, I use Oni, Spirit, Hag, Nurse, Trapper, Demogorgon, Plague, and DeathSlinger. Still working on…
  • If we got something like this for Clowns chase music, I actually would buy Clown. Maybe buy the elephant costume for him as well for that extra scarily funny chase.
  • A month ago, I was thinking how awesome it would be to add Imhotep from The Mummy. Even tho the Mummy movies arent technically Horror movies. But Imhotep, Scorpion King, and the Dragon Emperor would be interesting additions to the game. I'd buy em instantly!
  • I've played survivor for so long, I now play like a red rank, even tho my rank refuses to leave yellow rank. I break totems, fix gens, heal others and unhook them all in one match, and I sometimes still dont get a pip that gets me closer to the next number in the ranks. It seems to want to keep me at 16-15.
  • The only Candyman I know of, is the one in this old, cute song called Candyman. The one you guys are mentioning is probably the only horror movie killer I've never even heard of. Doesnt help that I dont watch horror movies cause of how easily I get scared, yet i know about the more popular ones. But at first, i thought we…
  • That rubber banding was the reason I avoided window vaults while being chased. I always failed at going thru them without getting hit or downed. Even when I was at a safe enough distance to avoid the hit.
  • I'm a survivor main (I go killer if I'm really needing bloodpoints to raise a survivors level faster), but I never really see a change when it comes to vaults and things in maps being changed. I very rarely use the ground windows when I'm being chased. I tend to use Spine Chill, Lightweight, the perk that shows where…
  • I'm just gonna say it. ITS JUST A GAME! Just because you didnt get the 4 kills you wanted, doesnt mean u can complain about it and rage that survivors should be nerfed so much they are basically potatoes. Both sides make mistakes! Killers can make mistakes! Survivors can make mistakes! We all can make mistakes! When I play…
  • I dont play as ghostface, but he's one of the killers I love and hate going up against. Plus, it seems that when I'm in a match against him or Wraith, my teammates are potatoes when it comes to looking for the shimmer of the cloak or outline of the killer that has no terror radius, while fixing gens or healing others. I'm…
  • I haven't used Zarina's For The People perk yet (I prefer using Red Herring for the distraction), but I think it would count towards it.
  • I started playing a little after the Cursed Legacy dlc came out with Yui and the Oni. Yui has been my main survivor out of 3 other female survivors I play as, and I still haven't reached Prestige with her. I'm getting close tho. She's at level 43 now. I also got the new dlc with Zarina and Deathslinger, so I've been…
  • I've named him Vulpy. Please dont scare him away, BHVR. I love him and his adorable vulture-ness. I want him as a charm too. If he becomes a charm, please let it be in the free section of the next rift rewards. Preferably Rift level 1 so we get him right away. We love him.
  • Did you ever think the guy meant to dc? There are other reasons you know. The others are errors/bluescreens or their wifi connection failed. Not sure why u wanted to complain about a disconnecting survivor, it's so dumb. I dont get upset when a survivor dc's during a match.
  • That's why theres more than 1 Mori item. Besides, the Ebony is much more rare to get in the blood web. None of my killers have gotten the Ebony Mori to appear. Just the Cypress Memento Mori. Ebony let's you kill all, while Cypress let's you kill the 1 remaining survivor. Mori does not need to be reworked.
  • The only time I use Botany and Self Care is when I need to work on specific dailies or challenge. Yet I'm a yellow ranked survivor. (I play survivor so much, yet the game isn't letting me progress to the next rank. I keep switching between yellow 14 and 15. I should be higher)
  • I've been calling him Vulpy. Even a Deathslingers gotta have a pet with a cute name. 😋
  • The only time I help the survivors as a killer, is when i start to get extremely laggy. Like one moment I'm chasing and hooking survivors, next I'm feeling lag. So once it gets really bad, I let the ones who are still alive go. It's better then getting angry messages if I continued the chase. Well, lag is a reason I let…
  • The Hag might need some help. When I play other killers, I dont get as much bounce back lag. But whenever I play Hag, she lags way too much. Like, it's almost impossible for me to play her without getting messaged by survivors complaining about me. I can tap the movement joystick and she takes an extra step forward when…
  • Wish I could pick 2. It's a tie between Kate and Yui for me. Most of their outfits look amazing on them as well, compared to the other survivors who have maybe one or 2 outfits that make them look good and the rest make them look like someone with terrible fashion sense put together their outfits.
  • I wanna use flashlights, but my wifi connection gives me enough lag to mess with my aim. So I end up instantly getting downed when I try to use them.
  • How about Imhotep from The Mummy 1 and 2? He's a mummy, tries to take control of the world, didnt care who got killed..... got defeated in the end. But what if he didnt get sent back to the afterlife? What if the Entity got him instead? We would have one awesome desert pyramid type map.
  • I do play both, but because of where I live and it being winter right now, I've been playing survivor cause I've been lagging way too much as killer because of these cold temperatures and snow. For now, I only play killer if the daily is easy and doesnt require any hooks. Otherwise I get messaged saying "fix your wifi" and…
  • I'm ok with the delay. Gives me more time to study the new killer thru the youtuber Ohmwreckers videos. I'm definitely buying the bundle if the new survivor and killer are gonna be released that way.
  • At first I thought it was me that you recorded in that match till I made the screen bigger to see the names. I was in a match yesterday playing as Nea as well and I was the last alive going up against the same killer. Same map too.