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  • You and people like you (who only look at the kill rates and not what leads to the kill rates) need to look into things more, realize what is actually going on. Keep in mind that the charts didn't take platform into account, nor that survivor ranks are inflated because of how easy it is to reach and maintain rank 1 as…
  • Yes, ever since they screwed up the way pipping works some matches feel so anti-climactic. Getting a 4k with Billy with all gens remaining, maybe 1 done, and getting "rewarded" with a de-pip/black-pip is basically the game saying you did something wrong.
  • Yeah sure they don't balance it entirely around killrates, but using them as a metric to say wether a killer is strong or not is imo pretty disingenuine, but only because the concept of what winning is is so vague. Do you win when you kill a certain number of survivors? Do you win if you pip? Since it's a game that has…
  • The problem with that is that you don't win by killing more than half of the survivors. If you don't rank up in a game with rank, it's not a win.
  • Yeah, but will the new ranked system be based around kills? In that case it would just be the same as back in the day. And depending on when they'll rework it it might not be pointless at all since "eventually" can mean anything from next patch to 10 years from now. And I also mentioned that it's better to change the pip…
  • I don't see any word from bhvr specifically saying "nerf", for all we know it could be nerfing add-ons but buffing her base power so she's less reliant on them. Just saying.
  • Double BP: Everyone wants to play killer for easy bloodpoints. A lot of people who normally play killer stop playing killer to get away from the queue times. After Double BP: The killers who left are now all coming back
  • This post is just one big bag of generalization. You're all talking as if all killers/survivors are toxic. People are toxic, not the roles. We see more DCs from survs because there's more of them in a match. We also see more toxicity from them because of the same reason. Sure, players being toxic might be an issue to some…
  • Man, I just want to play the game. Vs good survivors you don't get to play the game on Coldwind.
  • It's not as much about offerings as it is the apparent frequency of Coldwind maps. Over the past 3 days maybe 40% of the matches I've played were on Coldwind, without offerings.
  • How does the killer end up with 4 kills if he camps all of them? That should just be a 1k loss immediately
  • That is also true. But I think for that to really work there would need to be a bigger playerbase.
  • They can't do it because of the way lobbies work. They've talked about this before.
  • Another game mode like this could be helpful. Personally I think an unranked option would be good. Only solo in ranked and SWF available in "normals".