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  • I agree that dredge is a jokingly strong in that mode. But overall id say its one of the most fun.
  • Premonition doesn't have this effect. I dont think any perk does. If it did, it'd honestly be better than distortion because the info distortion gives you was often more valuable then just having your aura hidden.
  • aww. So because you have two very low proc'ing aura perks, distortion completely ruined it for ya then. I can admit that certain perks could probably be able to consume more then 1 token, or consume more time per token. But distortion among all 4 players in incredibly rare and even then. It'd be more of a nerf to…
  • You mean bad killer mains. To a good killer, distortion even pre nerf is more often a nerf to survivors. Its just fun for them and supports their playstyle. Not everyone wants to be a chase god, and now the survivors that actually cant handle chases, but are still good at completing objectives are just gonna feed the…
  • Gen repair should be how it get's replenished. Not every survivor likes being chased and if they are doing gens they are doing objectives, and if a killer cant watch their gens without an aura perk that's their fault.
  • That's the thing. The art of perfecting locker timing is to just never leave it. The second a rat gets hooked even one time they'll just hide the rest of the game in one. I say even more people will use distortion than pre nerf is because aura perks are just getting even stronger. You'll see far more object of obsessions…
  • Off the record's a great perk, but far from an aura counter perk. A great perk but the usage of its aura hiding ability is minimal at best and nobody looks at that perk for its ability to hide aura. Once off the record hits blood trails are massively noticeable and you're already marked by the killer. Hiding aura at that…
  • This is excessively true. Because they dont play like they want them to play, they'll harp on them and take specific notice.
  • So your solution is to turn those same distortion users into locker rats. There are no other aura counter perks and they wont just stop using stealth gameplay. The perk was already a dead slot for survivors. It's already a rather big weakness having that perk in chase and this change only makes it worse. With aura perks…
  • It's incredibly easy to just predict where a distortion user is off of the information you get from seeing other survivors. Distortion's now basically just a dead perk slot because even before it made you weaker in chase's and with the amount of aura perks currently it'll basically just have no value. But regardless, it's…
  • Plenty of distortion users take chase, this make's it so all you'll do is take chase/gen rush.
  • Its excessively strong on that killer specifically, but its far from being as bad as you claim. When people stealthed before distortion, there were half as many aura perks. You are basically guaranteed to know where at least half the team is now almost 24/7 if not more. Even then, if you didn't burn all of someone's…
  • It didn't shut down a whole suite of perks and add-ons. It delayed them, it was super easy for a killer if they wanted to burn out distortion. The perk could have some small tweaks since you'd probably never run out against killers with larger terror radius, but even then. If a survivors doing objective's it's already easy…
  • It was incredibly easy to to burn distortion stacks, especially on killers with smaller terror radius. Predator is not strong on many killers, but its incredibly oppressive with nurse and a few specific killers. This didn't help diversity, its simply forced the game into a single playstyle. Everyone that doesn't fill that…
  • Its not that distortion counters too many perks and add on's, but that distortion is the only counter to so many perks and add ons. Dev's should get a clue. If someone wants to go unseen the whole game they'll just go in lockers. An aura build will already burn through distortion stacks. With the new build and perks like…
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