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  • I'd really prefer something that would increase the amount of hex totems and some more Hex perks that would rely on their number as well. I feel like the whole totem perk idea was abandoned even though the whole mechanic is still very relevant and useful when it comes for Ruin and Devour Hope.
  • The issue here is 20% bloodpoints bonus you'd get for the hook the disconnecter intentionally evades by rage quitting. Let's say the match ends with 28k points for the killer player. That's 5600 points you're not getting because of a salty survivor disconnecting before even getting hooked.
  • Typical snowflake survivor main mentality: "I run up towards the killer with my blinky flashlight so that I can loop them around every pallet on the map but they're better than I am at the game and now my character's on the ground so I'll just disconnect to keep my purple flashlight, cause it's sooooo unfair that you get…
  • They shouldn't if the DC was actually a DC, and not a deliberate leave when a player just leaves a match via the exit menu. If someone just leaves the match, you should get all the benefits you'd normally get for eliminating them. Just because some toxic jerk can't handle being outplayed and leaves the game before they get…
  • Other than slowing down gen rush with Ruin, there's also the aspect of playing unconventionally. Devour Hope adds in that surprise to the match if it remains hidden long enough. NOED is just bad ass for those gen rush SWF groups that use Brand New Part and get too confident of their abilities. For example tbagging you in…
  • Why would the Pig need a buff? She already has the stealth lounge. The traps are just extra. Does anyone really rely on the bear traps other than to slow down the survivor team while they're searching for the key? It's more like a Ruin kind of thing than an actual strategy to get survivor traps to go off.
  • Yeah, I got Kate's and The Clowns. I think it might be some weird glitch. Keep trying.
  • If you're crying over someone 360-ing you, it's not them, you're terrible at hitting them. Not being able to figure out how to counter a 360 meant that you should stick to rank 20.
    in 360 = camp Comment by Vinnie June 2018