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  • Trapper still starts with 1 trap. That's all you need to know - Behavior doesn't care.
  • It literally makes no sense that they don't do this as part of his base kit, 2 traps on start & can always carry two. A minor buff technically, but would make Trapper dramatically more playable without needing to farm the web every damn game. Quality of life, barely a buff. Hell they could give Trapper 4 traps at start…
  • He's weaker than the Trapper and Legion. Huntress is superior in 99% of cases. Behavior must be trolling us at this point.
  • Wait, what? They do?
  • No, they are not. A good killer playing anything besides nurse / spirit (maybe Freddy) will almost never win against a good SWF team. You'll get an odd game here and there where the SWF team makes a blunder, but that's it really. Killers are at the mercy of the team they face making mistakes. They cannot themselves…
  • Camping was an extremely ineffective strategy, so who cares? If a killer camps, he's guaranteed one kill but everyone else leaves, still depips. Not a winning strategy.
  • Survivors are at a massive advantage in this game. I will do anything and everything to try to negate that advantage. It's my job as a killer to kill as many survivors as possible. I don't care how I do it. I won't play by the rulebook of survivors, I'm a killer. I'm supposed to be evil.
  • So the obvious solution is making DS proc from a cage pull.
  • The counter is DS. That's what it's designed for and it's extremely powerful. People act like they have no tools against being tunneled when they have the most powerful perk in the game, on both sides, by far.
  • This isn't about tunneling. The nerf is lack of info, since you don't know where the cage is, when he's saved, you don't know where the saving player was.
  • It's simply impossible to lose as a coordinated 4-man SWF group. You obtain so much information, it's a neural net distribution network. You know where the killer is, where your friends are, you know who goes to rescue on the hook if anyone is ever even hooked at all. Even what pallets have been broken. To have all that…
  • This is disgusting. And it's only gotten worse, not better. The game is simply not balanced with four-man SWF. You get a neural network distribution of information that solo queue players don't get. It's a gargantuan advantage and simply unfair for killers.
  • When I reference a SWF group, I don't mean random people grouping up for fun, or even friends on discord just having fun without a serious need to win. Against groups like that, winning for a killer is still possible. Harder than it should be just from simple problems like coordinated knowledge of who needs to go rescue…
  • Yep. And even if you read them perfectly, predict the dead hard an end the first chance real fast, 2 gens pop instead of 1. Yeah... it's still GG in another 4 minutes, if that.
  • As usual, it's just dependent on SWF. A full group of solo survivors? I'd say most matchups, it's balanced between killer and survivor. A full group of SWF friends trying hard? Killer has effectively 0 chance, unless he's an extremely good Nurse / Spirit / Hag.
  • Well, that's a valid point. New players probably do stick around, on survivor. Not killer.
  • A few ideas I've had. Trapper now starts with a max trap capacity of 2. Still only starts with 1 trap. This opens up using different add-ons besides bags. A survivor caught in a trap from the injured state, if freeing themselves, will enter the dying state. A survivor caught in a trap from the healthy state, if freeing…
  • This makes no sense. Why doesn't matchmaking take the average of the group's ranking, instead of just the highest rank in the group?
  • This data isn't granulated. Show me how often it lasts in a SWF group of red rank survivors. I doubt it'd be more than 10% of the time, if that. Great for stomping new players or arguably decent for facing full solo groups, but you can't queue just against players the game was designed for killers to face, so that's…
  • Because when you play survivor, you're playing solo queue, matched with other solo players. When you play killer, you're mostly getting coordinated SWF groups who cleanse totems for breakfast.
  • If hexes were redesigned to at least offer guaranteed value early on, it'd be good. But now, it could be randomly cleansed in a minute, and then you're a 3 perk killer the rest of the game. It isn't even close to powerful enough to justify the chance of being expunged so quickly.
  • Against solos, agreed. Against a coordinated 4-man efficient perk team? Hell no. Even the best killers will rarely be able to do anything against that kind of group. It really is two difference games. How it was intended, against solos, and how it's utterly imbalanced, against tryhard SWF groups.
  • The game was fundamentally designed, both for killers and survivors, for everyone to be playing solo without any sort of coms or knowledge of the game state in real-time, outside of perks balanced for that kind of intel. SWF is fun to goof off in, but to play it seriously? Hilariously unfair for the killer and frankly just…
  • How do I get your queue? Almost every other game I play against are coordinated groups, 2 working gens all the time, one ready to flashlight save, one to loop / infinite me. Even if I shift and try to gen pressure, the roles are just switched in their group. Games barely last more than 7 minutes on average because it's…
  • The problem with those statistics is they undoubtedly include solo queues and no-color ranks. If we're talking about SWF red ranks? Or even red rank solo survivors? If you exclude the stats for killers facing those survivors, they'll be extraordinarily different, tilted in favor of survivors.
  • Doctor in C? Trapper in his current state can't be in B. Too easy to counter.
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