If survivors want to do their objective efficiently then so be it. I see killers slugging at 5 gens and hard tunnelling people out of the game way more than i see actual "genrushing". As for it being boring, I'll leave you with an old killer main quote "its not my responsibilty to look after anyone elses fun".
Hopeless Healer is very weak and just outclassed by bond tbh, as such i wouldnt he surprised if bhvr actually made it. Growing Rage needs a cap. Naive courage is cool, i would run it
DC penalty has absolutely no place in this game
You cant nerf unsafe unhooking without indirectly buffing face camping and end game camping scenarios, and for that reason i dont think theres anything that can be done
"Mind game" killer
Well both sides can already fake vaults, but its more important for survs. Vault cancelling for either side would probably be messy/buggy and look weird
If you were given endurance you can take a hit and get the on hit burst and move to a loop and then going down within 30 seconds is mostly up to your skill at looping. Even if you werent farmed and the killer was some distance away, many killers come back to the hook immediately and they might just down you within 30…
Those 2 statements were meant to be separate. BT counters camping. OP was talking about the unhooked surv bodyblocking with bt after being immediately unhooked, which i consider an aggressive use of it, and something more fun than m1
I was referring to bt being used in an aggressive way, not being farmed. If you get immediately unhooked with bt i dont consider that farming
The perk counters camping, one of the most boring and uninteractive things in this game, it needs to be strong. Killers call immediate unhooks "stupid plays that should be punished" or something to that effect, but i see it not as survs being stupid, but as them wanting to do something engaging and exciting, instead of…
Hes fit but the characters dont need a sexuality in this game
No. Sometimes people genuinely have to leave, or they are being held hostage. Survs being held hostage is going to become more common now btw,as killers know that they have to suffer the queue penalty in order to leave. And the survs who dislike the killer/map ot whatever will just kill themselves on hook, so the dc ban…
Killers required to git gud and realise that not every game is meant to end in a 4k?
The statistics that were released a while ago show that its unlikely every game you play is against swf. And so what if it is, swf doesnt turn a bad survivor into a good one or magically make them better at looping. 2k or 3k with 4 bbq stacks is still a good performance.
Some of these are fine, but absolutely no to the Clown, Plague and 2nd half of the trapper buffs