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  • Well as usual In the morning it's pretty chill but with longers queues And during the night it's a bit sweaty Nothing has change personnaly
  • Chase in general are great moments but, when there is a gap of skills betwen the two players, it's become more like a chore than everything else. I prefer chasing the survivor with the same skill level as me rather than the one I will down in 2 seconds or the one that I will chase for 10 minutes. Just like other game, the…
  • For Billy and Leatherface, i think the deviousness points should "compensate" for the brutality points. For Myers, Plagues yes they need a little txeak.
  • I think a lot of people hate the idea of fnaf in dbd because : - Some think it's wouldnt fit in dbd (with or without valid arguments - It's a popular game and you know when something is popular it's hated only because of it (just take fortnite as an example) - A lot of people ask to the devs if they Can add this and it's…
  • I start thinking this is the logic of online vidéo game. I remember that time when someone Say to me that lightborn is a crutch. At this point gearhead is a crutch and no mither is the meta
  • Honestly Bubba need this change and now im happy is not only good for camping. Bis add-ons rework look good and perks changé as well. Im just a bit curious why they hade the heat mechanic. I mean Hibbilly is probably the most balances killer in the whole game. But that dosen't sound that Bad and it's not a Big nerf so it's…
  • Thanks for the advice i'm gonna buy the Legacy collection.
    in PayDay 2 Comment by WeslYght June 2020
  • That the best solution i ever seen thank for the advice !
    in Trash Talk Comment by WeslYght June 2020
  • Because the idea behind this is not to always slow down the game constantly but only allow more Time to setup or just walk. If that punishing you for playing good, it's because you already slow the game down and add to this a repair speed reduce would be unfair. Yeah killer like Billy can't use this perks but trapper, hag…
    in Ruin Comment by WeslYght June 2020
  • Yea fun is subjective and of course if you enjoy more the stealth that okay everyone has a different idea of what fun is. But what i say it just being inactive (camping, AFK,ect) or have no time during the game is boring for both side in general. Everyone have a different definition of fun and i think we should try to make…
  • I really like this idea. The faster healing is not so much and still get BP. This perks could be more usseful.