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  • At the end of the day it boils down to which one(s) you like the most. I used to main Steve, but have recently played Yui a lot. When it comes to cosmetics I have a soft spot for Nea though.
  • I can teabag as ghostface to be funny, and it's always a good time if the survivors teabag back. However, I don't like it if they then go up to me later expecting me not to hit them. I still want to play as normally as possible
  • Imho, gens being done early on isn't an issue in and of itself. If you put adequate pressure on them, they will usually have a harder time finishing the last 2-3 gens.
  • I don't know you, but I support this 100% 💜
  • It's definitely a good build. I personally use bond, iron will, sprint burst and either a healing perk (desperate measures/botany knowledge/we'll make it) or adrenaline. Kindred is also a really good aura reading perk imho, I just personally prefer bond due to it being active at all times. Spine chill is the only perk in…
    in Class? Comment by Wongrath November 2020
  • I'm on PC in EU w/ crossplay, playing survivor in red ranks. For the most part it's fairly quick. Even though it does fluctuate a bit from time to time, I usually don't have queues that feels like they're taking forever
  • They can't all be 4Ks. I won't defend this action in and of itself (when purposefully done by the two survivors in question), but it roots from a desire to give the last person standing at least a chance at escape. Deliberately slugging to secure the fourth kill isn't necessarily the best course of action imho. If you get…
  • I have it the same way, except the other way around. For the most part I only play survivor, but I dabble into playing killer so I can see it from their point of view as well. Great way of learning both sides of the game. I urge OP to keep trying to play survivor, especially if you can get some friends to play with you.
  • Definitely pizza for me as well
  • You're putting yourself into a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation if you think of it like that. It's more so for getting advice and such, I'm sure there's a lot of people who are willing to help if you ask. I'm not gonna touch the discussion around communication between survivors and how that affects the game,…
  • I'm also fairly new to this game, having started playing just two months ago. There's definitely a steep learning curve, but I promise you it will become better if you stick to it. I recommend trying to find people to play with, whereas the official DBD discord is a great tool for that. Things that also might help in…