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  • I'm not sure if I entirely agree with your suggestions, but I do admit I would like to see Hex perks become more dynamic. Currently a lot of them either can completely carry games or are just permanently disabled within the first minute of a match. I would like them to be more consistent but less impactful at their peak.
  • I seriously disagree with making this perk a Hex perk, regardless of its strength. Hex perks are honestly a bit problematic for the game right now and I don't think the game needs more of them in its current state. The problem with Franklin's Demise is that even if it can completely shutdown items by completely draining…
  • Agreed. So many of these maps are just dogshit, and arguably some are for both sides. Hey want to play 95% corn? Oh, sorry, I mean Rotten fields? Not to mention how a few have straight up infinites.
  • Read what? The threads on here? I wouldn't call this forum an accurate representation of the most knowledged players. As in, players who know the most about the game.
  • Yes, it would take 15 seconds with Franks as base, instead of twice that without it, which would be 30 seconds or half a minute. I did not mention Franks when I said half a minute. I get that he is unfun to play against, but that shouldn't be the only point to focus on when designing a killer. Again, when we do that, we…
  • New pallets? You mean the ones that no longer teleport you or grant invincibility? They still stun fine for me if you time it right. Yes, he has little counterplay in a chase, but ONLY in a chase. A chase that still takes just about half a minute to complete. Outside of that, he has almost nothing BUT counterplay.…
  • I think that would be the point. 12 seconds is still quite some time to be able to rush down a single survivor, but you still don't have any more snowball power.
  • My thoughts exactly Caretaker. I don't want easy wins at all; the game wouldn't be a challenge to me anymore and I wouldn't get any fun out of it. I just want to be able to play any killer I want and at least have the OPPORTUNITY to mess around and have fun. If I don't play Nurse or Hillbilly, I have to sweat my ass of as…
  • While I think some of those numbers need toning down, that sounds kind of cool.
  • Nah, It is still going to be bad. With Leader you give everyone around you that 9% bonus. It is mathematically superior still.
  • i was also thinking of a multiplier, but I don't think it should go up to 2. I think the max should be 1.5
  • 15% might be too much, and that's only IF there are 3 others. The fact that it needs all other people to work really hurts this perk.
  • News Flash Bud: NOED was actually nerfed. It no longer gives you a successful attack bonus. Therefore, it was made useful at tiers 1 and 2 but nerfed at tier 3.
  • I think killers should also have point incentive to not tunnel or camp. One idea I had was "Fresh Meat". This scoring event becomes available for 15 seconds after a survivor has been unhooked. It gives you extra points for hitting survivors other than the unhooked one during these 15 seconds.
  • Pharmacy is trash. Self care doesn't really make survivors very strong. Actually, it gives more reason for killers to use perks like NC and Caulrophobia. And I don't see how Self Care helps survivors 1v1 the killer. Sprint Burst does. DS does.
  • This actually sounds like it would fit really well into the Hag's tool kit. I'd have to look into this.
  • I hate seeing a Legacy 3 NEA with a flashlight come into the lobby, but they often DC when they D strike me as a Nurse, but I have Enduring and down them again within 5 seconds. Yes, people can be so toxic with DS that I'll run Enduring on Nurse. Ask Marth88. He does too.
  • I feel that an easy way to make ranks meaningful is to give rewards to high ranked players every reset. The rewards could include bloodpoints, items, or even cosmetics. These would more than likely encourage ranking up to accelerate the rate at which you level up your favorite characters.
  • Honestly I feel like it is too long. Either that or the speed boost survivors get when hit is too high, or the killers move too slowly during the animation. An almost 18 meter distance is quite a lot.
  • I think the problems is the killer doesn't have the power in a chase. Survivors can keep the power in the objective if the Killer has the power in the chase.