whats the problem with windows?
Most survivors with current distortion do gens or play normally when tokens are gone and they come back eventually on their own. Its a passive perk just like killer aurora perks. I never go out of my way to rat and gain tokens back.
i will gladly take a chase, and i am sure i speak for most survivors when i say we are not scared of the chase we welcome them, we are just tired of having aurora revealed for completing all basic actions in the game. Spawning in, picking up an item, opening a chest, dropping a pallet/ getting a stun, escaping a chase,…
lethal pursuer? No action. Bbq chilli? You were gonna hook them anyways? No where to hide ? You have to kick the gen anyways. Weave? You do nothing most killer aurora perks require no steps or procedure you just wait and see. Iron maiden ? What did the killer do to see my aurora? Nothing. Survivors auroras are revealed by…
right now the game is in a perpetual cycle of: killer find meta - survivor find counter - survivor counter gets nerfed - killer meta gets nerfed - killer gets buffed - then the cycle restarts. All the time survivor just gets nerfed to the ground. There has been no new survivor perks or buffs that are worth our time. And…
A good change would be: For every 30% of a gen you do, another token is granted maximum of 3 tokens. Devs have really gone overboard with aurora reveal on killer side. Modern distortion is literally the only counter. So what if its a hard counter thats GOOD, i chose to waste a perk slot to bring distortion so i should be…
so you have a problem with survivors getting value out of distortion without having to do anything? Well lets take away all the killer perks and addons that show my aurora without them having to do anything. Thats all aurora perks for killers are: value without doing anything. So why take away my counter. Even with three…
Nowhere to hide, bbq chili, weave atunement with franklins demise will see heavy use diminishing tokens quicker than you can recharge them. And this is a combo i frequently run into.
well said. I agree it should be recharged with gens. 1 token for 50% of a gen. Then you arent ratting you are doing gens and blocking wall hacks. Killers are so mad they have to actually play the game and work for kills.
They made it a waste of a perk slot. How many times a match do you think your aurora is revealed a match? Imagine a killer With a weave atunement franklins demise and two other aurora perk build. The aurora will be revealed like 20-30 times a match and now you are lucky to get 6 hidden auroras a match (two before each…
stop crutching on wall hack builds, good killers dont need it.
Day 894 of asking for a mr x skin
Current distortion is necessary, with how out of hand these killer aurora wallhack perks have gotten. They are crutching on aurora you can literally see a killers brain melt then they kick a gen expecting to see an aurora but get nothing. Aurora reveal in general needs a rework if you are going to nerf distortion.
i agree with op, if you let them go down of a pallet its your fault you should of forced the drop.
their save was earned too.