Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Add me to customers suffering from this bug as well. Steam platform Killer used Leatherface Map - The Game Shame, I was holding off on this challenge as one of the last this rift
  • "Why do killers seem to act like every game they are in is against the sweatiest, tournament level swf on earth?" Because most of the friendly have fun and take it easy killers get trounced 4 out of 5 games because of SWF's. And a good number of the games that aren't swat teams the survivors BM in the post game chat so…
  • I think you have things backwards here. Its much more likely that Behvr wanted Chucky and Tiffany as the killers as much as we do, and they went ahead and developed killer mechanics in expectation of landing a deal. I expect the license agreement fell though and they no longer consider it likely. They wouldn't want all…
  • Dbd was fairly new at that point and likely was not as picky when working out a license deal. Or maybe it was a sticking point they gave up on? Whatever the case is, years ago when they were trying to solve the infinites on that map (before the balanced landing fix) the devs mentioned they can not do major changes to the…
  • Was about to go report this for myself as well. It can show up on any of the maps where that tractor is. I made a very brief clip of it on Rotten Fields. Its very problematic with the current hex Undying/ruin Meta, which I was unluckly enough to have to deal with that match (please forgive my baby dwights perks, just was…
  • There is a very low skill cap playing against the shape. Maybe because there are so many killers and hes simple and unpopular people are forgetting how to play around him?
  • Add me to this, played doctor and after I hit max deviousness for the match the challenge only tracked 634 points. This is going to be a loooooong grind.
  • I'd rather have a pedestal or shrine(maybe like the ones anniversary crowns were on) appear when the gates are powered. If all 4 survivors are alive, it emits a noise similar to the hatch. If the killer finds the pedestal, they can activate it and cause the endgame entity effect to claim 1 random survivor. When the…
  • Just wanted to post an update, This is still an issue in the latest 4.1.0 build.
  • My favorite skillcheck bug is when huntres lullabies in effect and you fail your skillcheck before the skillwheel appears. It doesn't happen every match but when it does happen it happens all match. And its been a thing for over a year now. And that no skillchecks at all thing? Thats been a bug for at least since before…
  • Being able to ######### while downed would just lead to survivors choosing that to either enable the hatch for another survivor, or even attempts to suicide on first down as they cant just DC. But I agree, the downed timer is too long, it could be shorter to both put pressure on survivors to actually come save, and so the…
  • 4 gens with dark sense, prove thyself, and bond. At the start of a match find someone and work a gen with them. It will pop in 40 seconds, which gives you 40 seconds to find a gen the other not in chase survivor has been working on and finish it with them. Then use the follow me command at that survivor and do a 3rd gen…
  • Balanced landing just gets changes all over the place doesnt it? Do you remember when people would only level up balanced landing to rank 1 or 2 and go with just a 50/75% stagger reduction so the exhaustion effect wouldnt disable their perk? And then as a bonus they would be able to run a better sprint burst on the side…
  • Lets talk about why rank 1 killer diversity sucks. Killers with instant downs preform poorly in the emblem system. Killers that have long chases preform poorly in the emblem system. Who is left? Spirit, nurse, freddy, legion. One of these requires a lot of time practicing blinks. And one of these was a garbage killer and…
  • Dont forget, if you do really well as a killer and 4k you can still depip. Frankly the only way to be sure of a pip is to 'play' with survivors and for the survivors to 'let' you pip.
  • Mori's are more fair then keys, and keys are more fun for the user(s) then Mori's. But both are no fun for the other party and good survivors can negate a mori. Both Mori's and Keys negate objectives, however Mori's are weakest during a killers weakest period (when pallets, gens, and items are plentiful) and strongest…
  • Hes definitely on the weaker side of killers. Hes big and easy to spot, easy to track, has an easy to predict and dodge lunge as long as you dont try to pallet stun him. His tunnel power is weak, especially as once they are set survivors just dont cleanse them and soon they are in a useless spot. And all of his perks suck.…
  • Its better to calculate it as it takes 80 seconds per gen, with 5 gens for a total of 400 survivor seconds to power the doors. If the killer is camping someone for 120 seconds, 3 survivors will output 360 seconds of work. If it took the killer 20 seconds to find the first survivor, 4 survivors would have output 80 seconds…
  • To be fair... A lot of killers will tunnel an obsession down as punishment for bringing dstrike as well. But if the killer is camping, its time to push out gens. Camping killers should get 1k and have a boring time, which will discourage them from doing it again.
  • If they do add a better likeness to the game I hope its via cosmetic. I like being able to play as Gollum.
  • I'd guess one in six matches that I escape from the match without ever being hooked, thus denying at least 1 stack of bbq. And between first down dc's and other survivors being stealthy I expect killers on average dont get 4 bbq stacks a match. But getting WGLF stacks is easy, just bodyblock someone on the way to the hook.…
  • I easily play 20-30+ survivor games for every killer game (speaking of which dbd should track stats like that ingame for players), and survivor toxic behavior is just through the roof. I used to see a lot of facecamping myers and bubbas back over a year ago but after the hallowed blight I only bump into maybe one camper a…
  • This is a needlessly complex and excessively punishing addition to an already punishing and failure prone last ditch tactic that almost only comes about because of bad survivors rewarding killers with worse plays. How about a different solution? Each time a survivor is rescued within 10/20/30 seconds of being hooked all…
  • It is important to know, that the survivors common offering that slightly thickens the mist increases it by 25%, while the killers common offering slightly lessens it by 50%. I hate mist offerings so much.. I don't like them as a killer or survivor. The only thing more useless is the yellow Mori.