How come people "upgrade simply", some people are playing the game on a work laptop or an old computer ? Some others are living in very poor nations ? E.g. I live in Algeria (located in North Africa) and a lot of people here cannot afford a computer due to the fees and inexistence of online shopping, therefore it's rare…
i want to disagree at one point Stranger things chapter was one of the biggest surprieses in the game and it actually bringed alot of the serie fans to the game lets not forget its trailer has one of the highest "if not the highest" views across all chapters and you rated them about perks not the hype and how fun they are…
She's so bugged right now and Devs don't really care much about the nurse her problems are : • Can't blink through main wall in suffocation pit "at all" even tho it doesn't get you outside the map. • blink charging bugs and gets cancelled somehow. • Auto blinks you sometimes. • fully charging a blink to blink 1 meter even…
i don't mean reconnect But in dbd if u lose connection for like 1 or 2 seconds you will get kicked unlike other games that will kick you after 20 seconds at least due to covid sometimes net is going off :)