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  • Console can have it BHVR just doesn’t want to do it cause it involves work and they only do that randomly. Other games have anonymous mode on console but BHVR loves steam, epic/ pc players which have all the hackers and say screw console players
  • So your saying that the reason it can’t be allowed on consoles is because of a made up reason that can be fixed on your side? If it’s to block other players then we are at no way safe from everyone else sense console players have become the biggest joke in this community. If it’s because of the consoles them selves that’s…
  • We can just message them I did it and they replied back with excuses but I bet if a lot more people got involved they would reconsider
  • They really should bring anonymous mode to consoles back. But unless people message them asking for it to come back they won’t. I enjoyed having it on console I wasn’t targeted by angry players and didn’t receive insane messages. I would love to play this again but sense they removed it from everyone but steam I just felt…
  • The only way for devs to get the idea is quit playing... which sucks but if there not receiving money well then they’ll be forced to look at all the complaints. Come on we pay ten dollars for cosmetics they can listen to our complaints instead of be greedy. But just remember they made a fortune for not supporting there…
  • Well you see they were planing on the technology to be here but sense it’s not the got backed in a corner which has been resolved with more matchmaking, horrible dedicated servers, and etc.
  • I’m starting to feel like there game is just dying and there trying to jump ship so instead of fixing anything there just gonna pump out cosmetics, dlc and rift passes til there secure and not fix there killers, there survivor perks like dead hard, there rank set up, and just let everyone fend for themselves
  • Well if it’s about console controls you could buy a cheaper alternative for ps4 with there two back button adapter I bought it and it’s pretty nice once you get used to it
  • I’ve been banned twice today for dcing that wasn’t my fault my game crashed twice and I about had it with this company they don’t fix problems they squeeze out what ever cash they can from you for dlc and cosmetics not fixing the bigger problems I don’t have to dc but when I’m getting banned for faulty game design that…
  • I know this is an old post but none of them matter your rank doesn’t matter sense they’ll just throw you with anyone to try and cut down on lobby times. This game has gone way down hill and it’s not getting better just worse
  • i get ruin being gone is a big thing to a lot of players but mettle of man got nerfed into the ground it’s gonna keep happening that’s just how it is they want the 4% of players who complain to be happy and the other 96% of players to get over it. As for banning they already tried that and it failed sense there game is…
  • No broken rank system, toxic players, insanely high Grind to unlock perks, awful map design. I think if they fixed the rank system and at least tried to fix map design then maybe
  • did they actually fix the rank system cause a couple of weeks ago it felt insanely broken and have sense refused to play til they fix it.
  • I believe ruin is good for new killers and for those who play specific killers with little map pressure. Don’t get me wrong I think the new ruin should be a new perk for killers cause it does seem really good for billy who could keep great map pressure I don’t believe new ruin would be good for say clown or bubba maybe I’m…
  • destroying ruin which is an ok fix to trash map design, rank mess up where ranks don’t matter so new players already being alienated out, I’m pretty sure the player base will drop hell im dropping out soon and I actually was excited about the 2nd rift. I also enjoy on consoles we don’t get an option to change our names…
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