Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • My impression is not that they're trying to gut her or discourage people from playing her, they're trying to implement practical nerfs to lower her kill rate while they get the resources together for a bigger rework more people will be happy with. And Lamb I think your proposed changes here would be WONDERFUL and make her…
  • I like about 85% of her addons and think they're fantastic, I will say that. There are a few that are simply never going to be used by a knowledgeable player for any reason though. Sea soaked cloth is completely outclassed by Yoichi's Net (also a yellow), rickety pinwheel adds brief bursts of obliviousness to a stealth…
  • Just want to say I think this version of her you guys have created is close to perfect if not perfect. The feel of actively applying condemned and actively locking in condemned is a MASSIVE improvement on her last version, and you guys backed away from hindering her potential which I'm so grateful for. You should consider…
  • I wanna humbly offer my own take on these new changes. OBVIOUSLY these will have to be experimented with. It's much easier for me personally to theorycraft about the balance of condemned because that stuff really comes down to time vs gen progress in many cases. Chase buffs are harder to visualize... HOWEVER, in my mind,…
  • @radiantHero23 @Skitten56 @MechWarrior3 (and everyone here lol) I don't know if any of you saw Peanits' comment on the discord. I'm sure they'll announce it here soon as well. But I think many of us will be rejoicing :)
  • A final plea against the condemned cooldown! Hey guys! Was just doing some thinking tonight and I realized something about this version of Sadako that I find very problematic. It's a bit 'mathy' so bear with me here. I'll try to lay this out as clearly as possible: Survivor interactions currently turn TVs off for 70…
  • Exactly! Agreed! Slugging is really quite easy to achieve if you stall the game enough. She's a stealth killer, it's her bread and butter to injure someone, leave, come back later, get a down, and then quickly rinse and repeat. C omitting to a specific chase can be a HUGE time investment if the survivor is playing well,…
  • I've said it elsewhere but I want to make sure I share my thoughts here, as well. All we need to do is go back to PTB. SO much was good about the PTB, but it's now like (sorry I love food metaphors)... a delicious bowl of soup that is SO oversalted for no reason at all. "Condemn spam" is just not a thing, even without a…
  • Totally. And you came up with a great solution if the CD was non-negotiable for BHVR, I'd be so down for that. But I don't understand why it would be necessary in the first place. Survivors have never had a more simple counter to this killer, it is quite possibly more simple than 'do pig box when scary trap is on head'...…
  • I like your idea well enough but I'd go further, I don't find the cooldown necessary whatsoever. Survivors can see the auras of the TVs, they can see the aura of the 'blast radius' of that TV. If a survivor is being 'spammed', their options are to: turn it off (takes 1 second) just... leave stand there and let the mean ol'…
  • Came here to post the same. I cannot congratulate BHVR enough on these changes, they came up with elegant solutions to most of her problems. WELL. DONE!
  • Basically, a TV has two 'videos' it can play. White noise, and the cursed tape. If a survivor enters the range and leaves, the TV will play audio from both videos at once.
  • Completely agree, and actually I strongly feel she needs a nerf in some ways to encourage more skilled play with her. Right now she's more or less a "survivor makes some tactical mistakes and they die" killer, I don't love that at all. That being said I think she could go back to the way she was in most ways, take some…
  • @hailxsatanxeveryxday really really appreciate the heads-up. Still have this problem, would love acknowledgment from BHVR that a fix is coming
  • This would be beautiful, give us back some of our skill expression while retaining the nice map normalization of global condemned. If they nerfed other things along with this (maybe have tape destruction inflict less or no condemned or something) it could work well... oh and also revert reiko's watch thanks
  • Hand wraps is SUCH a good idea. An add-on that increases vault speed makes so much sense after they decoupled that from perks like bam etc. QoL stuff like ditching the feral frenzy cooldown pitch lock just makes sense. I don't see anything problematic in these changes at all, make the killer feel more fun to play without…
  • The iri isn't really necessary for this playstyle at all, but ring drawing often feels necessary, which is sad. I hope for some basekit buffs and some addon tweaks.
  • BHVR PLEASE. Provide Linux and steamdeck support! I've nothing else to add to the discussion, but I'm one more player who feels frustrated this hasn't been properly addressed!
  • Hoping they fix this ASAP, huge, HUGE problem for Sadako
  • Noticed this playing Sadako, it's quite annoying