but yall don't nerf moris or insta downs at the same time 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪
Game has been out for 3+ years. This is ABSOLUTELY not the first round of testing lmfaoooo
??????????????????????????? lmfao
Exactly. Imagine testing servers and not using your test build to do it.
Wow... stalking with myers is AWFUL now. There's a massive delay AND I get ghost hits. The auto aim instantly aims to them and I still miss (it's not dead hard). Kicking pallets and generators has a weird bump, there's a delay before starting and stopping damaging both pallets and generators. Y I K E S
my killer lobbies are now 178 ping when i live in san diego... hello????
????? wow even community manager's view is skewed do you not realize that the most popular dbd streamers went to twitchcon??? and that since they're not streaming you lose viewers in the game? and all the viewers that like to play with that streamer don't play??? i'm shocked that a community manager is belittling its own…
Also having this issue. Edit: Using Spectrum in the SoCal area.
By that logic, why is NOED a thing? lol
With the addition of this perk, we might just see it more. Running surge, lullably, ruin, and thrill would be the ultimate gen stopper build.
100% agree with this. Surge + Huntresses Lullaby + Ruin + Base explosion regression?????
they hella snatched her weave. did her dirty yall
You suggested that be the only buff to the perk. I'm disagreeing that your suggestion isn't what I like. BBQ is definitely great because of the aura reading. I'm absolutely positive killer mains will agree. Again, safe unhooks can be very simple with borrowed time and empathy.
That really doesn't give any benefit to the perk. Safe unhooks are already easy to get. I think it would be fair for both survivor and killer to get a decent farming perk. BBQ&Chili is great. WGLF sucks.
No one uses that perk.