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  • All the fun killers seem to be the weakest but I still enjoy trapper, ghostface and deathslinger.
  • I had a missing perk with Wesker. End game showed 3 perks instead of 4. At first I thought it was my fault and hadn't equipped it because I don't play Wesker very often. Buy yeah it was definitely equipped. Funny thing is it was nowhere to hide and no aura on gen kicks that's why I assumed it wasn't picked. I know…
  • Yeah it's taken over from RPD that came up so often I was beginning to think I worked there.
  • I play anonymous because I don't know you and you don't need to know me - especially if you're a child Don't make out it it's for some hidden agenda.
  • I'll always without fail go for the survivor pointing out another survivor. I had a survivor pointing out which locker a survivor went into in basement after an unhook. Guess who I went for? (hint: it wasn't the one in the locker).
  • I used to let survivors leave if it appeared they were reasonably new. Now I hardly ever let anyone leave where possible because being "nice" in one game normally resulted in scumbag survivors in the next. If you're really really new and making silly mistakes I'll probably still let you go but otherwise no because I can…
  • None. I have 6 or 7 killers I play the most but main none of them. Too boring. As they say variety is the spice of life.
  • And here I thought the point of the game was to kill survivors with the killer of your choice. Must have missed the part where it says only play the survivors choice of killers and perks so they have fun and you don't. There's a lot to dislike about survivor perks especially second chance perks but I deal with it. You pay…
  • Everyone should play the way they want and run whatever perks they want. It's your game so stop giving a damn what anyone says. Your job is to kill survivors or escape as a survivor. You'll never please everyone no matter how you play.
  • Love having lightborn especially against flashlight bully sqauds or the survivors click click clicking. Nowhere is also very good for the Blendette's hiding in bushes etc. You might think that is a waste of 2 perks but as I don't care about winning or losing I never leave home without them.
  • As killer I play with fun killers like huntress, chucky, deathslinger and clown. No add-ons and couldn't care less if it's a 0k or 4k. I can't see how anyone can get fun out of sweating to win on either side. Boring
  • Makes a change from I'm fed up seeing Nurse I'm fed up seeing Blight I'm fed up seeing Spirit I'm fed up seeing Wesker I'm fed up seeing Knight I'm fed up seeing Chucky I'm fed up seeing Huntress Do you want to just play against a perkless Trapper?
  • Ignore them especially the clowns that open and close lockers or fast vault near the exit gate in a pathetic attempt to get you to come to the gate so they can t-bag and run out. Never going to happen in any game I play.
    in So explain Comment by bazarama April 4
  • Sure nerf them into the ground like all the other slow down perks so you can see endless games of slugging as gens would just fly otherwise. What a great idea.
  • Some survivors are just toxic and some are just bully flashlight and head-on sqauds. You get good survivors who play the game and appreciate it if the killer is playing nice. Some survivors think unless they die on hook your a bad killer. I've had 8 hooks (much more fun) then survivor got free escape with bt and to be fair…
  • Much more fun playing for hooks and if everyone escapes who cares? Kills tells you nothing about skill, killer or play style. A survivor kills themselves on first hook and a 2k becomes a lot easier with possibly just 2 hooks. Slug all 4 and its a 4k with 4 hooks but maybe get one kill with 9 hooks.
  • End game chat is toxic in the vast majority of games. It does nothing other than let simple minded people spew hate and insult the other side Why people get so worked up over a video game is beyond me. If you lost go on to the next game. If you win go on to the next game. It's that simple. If you're over the age of 12 and…
  • They are fine the way they are. Some challenges are difficult and an easy challenge is a breath of fresh air. But do agree the green one's are a pain in the butt as you can here them form but struggle to find them.
  • The amount of times my son has been told to kill himself because he won is pathetic and these people really need help with their anger issues. Two people in my work have had to lay a child into a grave recently and no parent deserves that hurt and grief. No parent wants to outlive their child/children and if that's a…
  • Playing for hooks is much more fun and if everyone escapes who cares? Nobody. No pat on the back, no medal and the press aren't desperate to interview you. People forget it's a video game. A collection of pixels on a screen. Don't know what the answer is to stop dc and toxic killers/try hards. Slugging is sometimes…
  • Some maps the exit gates are so fat apart you need a helicopter to get from one to the other. Adding a hatch escape to those maps for more than one person would make it very very difficult to get to any remaining survivors as you couldn't possibly cover all 3. It would basically be a 1 in 3 chance you pick the right exit.
  • I played a game as clown and got 8 hooks but zero kills. Now I for one find that much more satisfying than going for kills (I let a Billy Bob run free instead of killing him on hook and went after a Claudette trying in vain to flashlight click). Until hooks are used to judge killers then nothing will change. The kill rate…
  • If you face a bully squad that is toxic in that they have no intention of doing gens then the last thing you want to do is play into their hands. Don't dc and incur a penalty just face a wall and wait for the next game. Nothing frustrates a toxic bully squad more than not being able to bully a new or inexperienced killer.…
  • Yeah on console I sometimes struggle to get second hit as survivors dissappear into the darkness whilst I recover from first hit. And hooks can be hard to find. But on the whole I enjoyed the change. I tried different killers and found chucky and ghostface the best. Chucky because he's small and ghostface because you can…
  • Stop caring about survivors fun. The vast majority don't care about your fun as killer. I play for hooks rather than kills and don't go anywhere near the exit gate and as ps5 player don't have to suffer immature pathetic toxic chat. Play how you want. It's your game.
  • Chucky and ghostface Both fun to play
  • Like the mode but survivors playing as Claudette in dark clothing Really!?
  • I couldn't hit an elephant at 2 yards trying to learn huntress. Now I can hit said elephant from 5 yards. 😀 Practice practice practice with your new killer and don't care about winning or losing. Good luck.
  • I killer main and if its obvious I'm playing new players I let them win and lead them to pallets so they can drop them on me. Although if they are really new it can take a few hits of the pallet to get them to understand what they should do. I agree with your points and that's why I try to help where I can but…
  • Blah blah blah I don't want to play against Spirit. I don't want to play against Nurse. I don't want to play against Blight. I don't want to play against Wesker. I don't want to play against Chucky. Enough already. I don't play any of those killers (apart from thd odd game with Chucky) but even I'm sick and tired of…
  • T-bag at first pallet. I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't finish the game with an escape.
  • I miss the old friendship you could have with survivors. Pretending to serve drinks in the saloon and survivors queuing up to get a drink. Now if you try that you get t-bags and flashlights. Toxic behaviour has taken a good game and flushed it down the toilet.
  • Stand in a corner or facing a wall if you're being bullied and don't want to play Trust me they will get bored very quickly when they can't bully you and aren't getting chased. Although they will pallet vault and locker open for a few minutes in a sad pathetic attempt to get you to chase them.
  • I don't play survivor but it would be fun to see how bad I was. Never made sense that you can practice as a killer but not as a survivor. Surely this would help new players.
  • 100% agree fix and provide new maps rather than constantly bringing in more killers/survivors. They won't because that's where the money comes in. Plus the devs really need to play all maps as killer and survivor to see the issues both sides have. It's all very well us stating the issues but they need to see it in actual…
  • I had a flashlight clicker following me around click click clicking in an effort to get me to chase them. Sad thing for them was I was running lightborn so flashlight was useless to them but they clicked and clicked and clicked some more. Waited around corner and got a lovely free hit sending them running. Always ignore…
  • Don't forget the gen regression nerf. It got so bad they had to buff pop. Not every killer is good and not every person playing killer is good but some (not all) survivors lose to a good killer/player and start screaming for nerfs to everything. Some games suck for both sides. Some nerfs are justified but asking for…
  • Same last night. 4k was on the cards but I let then all escape as they were obviously new - dropping pallets on the wrong side and blowing up every gen. The next game was 4 clowns who obviously had no intention of playing other than to torment the killer and all with 2nd chance perks and boil over with flip flop for good…
  • NWTH works on characters where it was already loaded pre kill switch. Only at yellow level and doesn't show up in after match score sheet. I have it on several killers and all work fine albeit at base level.
  • "So now I’m put with potatoes, and lemmings." Great comment. Way to go to encourage new players. You were new once yourself. If you can't offer anything constructive don't say anything. Insults to new and learning players are pathetic and childish. It's just a game and everyone starts somewhere.
  • Happy New year to one and all and try to make 2024 the year we finally see a lot less toxic behaviour/comments. Remember it's just a game. Best wishes and good health.
  • I play clown for fun. Games range from zero hooks to 4k. But he's fun and that's all that matters to me. I don't care about winning, loops or map pressure that's for try-hards. Chill to play and I keep my swear words for cod jumping around corner idiots. Have a great holiday season break.
  • Same old same old. I want to play against a perkless trapper.and pick pretty flowers. Stop asking for nerfs to killers or you'll be facing Blight, Nurse, Wesker, Spirit and Chucky over and over and over again.
  • Cheers and best wishes to you and yours for 2024.
  • I don't go anywhere near the exit gate when opened. I cant handle the skill set of survivors who want you to approach to instantly leave or take a hit and leave. I mean I can't possibly deal with that skill level as killer. Seriously, don't go to the gate and let the sad little individuals waste their time hoping you'll…
  • Not going to make much difference to console players
  • Just play chill. What do you get for a sweaty 4k? Nothing. Absolutely zero. No medals or pats on the back. Just toxic comments from entitled survivors who hate to lose. And then it's on to the next game so the previous game you stressed over means nothing. I played clown with 9 hooks. I had fun, the 3 survivors had fun…
  • Are survivors never happy unless it's a perkless trapper? I'm fed up seeing Blight. I'm fed up seeing Nurse I'm fed up seeing Wesker. I'm fed up seeing Spirit. Get over yourself and play something else if you're not happy. He's new and people paid good money for him and are entitled to play him just like you can pick the…
  • It's got to be a joke otherwise it's pathetic. The word drag is not offensive to anybody. Stop trying to woke everything.
  • With 4 players running deja vu every single game then I can assure you gens are getting done faster. I don't tunnel but I can see the attraction and benefit. Take a recent clown game. 9 hooks 3 survivors escaped. Playing 'fair' is never ideal if you want to win. For me the 9 hooks was more fun than going for the win but…
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