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  • Boy, you whiny survivors aren't gonna stop till the killers have no good perks at all and you all can just practically escape every game without getting hit, having to run, or getting hung. You all are the reason this game is so unfun anymore, not the killer perks, it's you all. And I'm a survivor main, and I can say this…
  • In all honesty, you people aren't gonna be happy with any perk they add, for real... If it's really good then it's OP and u cry day and night, and if they're mediocre or less they're 'laughable' and worthless. So tell me where the medium ground is because like the devs, I'm lost at what u people want??????????
  • I am a survivor main, but the way I see some survivors use the pallet looping against me and against my boyfriend who is a killer main, sometimes it does seem rediculous... but in either case, it doesn't matter, cuz they're redoing all maps, and making all pallet circles smaller so survivors can't do this anymore, it's in…
  • Well, everyone was right, it is a Stranger Things crossover with 2 survivors, a Demogorgon and a new laboratory map...
  • You're the one arguing with it, why can't u prove your own argument instead. Just saying... But since its been disproven, like I said to begin with, Who Cares?! Just play the damn game and be happy with it, but u people never are I've seen...
  • Real cute. Then do it whenever you can... If only being on the bus could somehow affect ur ability to post on here... 🤔
  • WHAT DOES IT MATTER???!!! Lmao, if u don't believe him, find out for yourself instead of looking for and believing everything you read on the Internet and take it as if God himself said it, therefore it must be true! Lol. You people kill me with ur pettiness, instead of just trying something out, youll spend so much time…
  • Sorry bout that then, lol. Sometimes you can't tell on here when someone is kidding by saying something like that or when they're really serious about saying something like that... Haha.
  • I agree, on both accounts...I think one of the problems is that we have so many characters to choose from and more that is coming, that it's hard to make one of their "new ideas" fresh, because it seems like to me that all the "new" powers of these new characters are just an extension of some power or ability that alreasy…
  • Boo wah!!! Let's just cater to all the survivors who can't and won't do anything to help the teams and make the game impossibly easy for YOU to win every time...That's what's wrong with the game to begin with and why the killers need the perks they have.... Cuz every whiny survivor expects to win every time and when they…
  • I won't jump on you. Lol. And ur right, there are a lot of toxic Neas as well, but just in my experiences I have played with a lot more fair and useful Neas than I have ever played with or against Claudettes of that nature. I'm sure everyone has their own pet peeve character that they don't like to play with/against, but…
  • I'm not saying that every one of them are this way, I have actually played with a couple good ones myself, but it seems they are very far and few between... In my own experiences, this is the general way that they play tho, and I've played this game everyday since it came out, and its just very frustrating to me for both…
  • I know she's not a real person, I'm not delusional... And I'm not saying they don't have the right to play the character, this is just my opinion based on about every game I play with her in it, it seems every single Claudette player plays the exact same way.
  • I think NOED is a good thing, I honestly can't wait for it to kick in so all you whiny survivors that do nothing but loop, and loop, and loop, and loop, and loop, and loop finally get taken down a notch at the end of the game. I love seeing you get knocked down in the exit gate while doing ur but dance and clicking ur…
  • All you ever hear on these forums is Wahhhh Wahhhh Wahhhh! Yall complain about EVERYTHING, truly....just play the damn game or dont, it's as simple as that, have u ever thought that no one cares about ur own pity parties that you guys throw on here daily? Didn't think so. So like I said, just play the game, or dont, and…
  • I kinda have to agree, I watch my boyfriend play killer every single day, and about half of his matches during the period that he plays, has a dc'ing survivor just to ruin his score of no one escaped and getting a dc consolation score, but the way they've made it now, if u don't kill 3 or all survivors by hanging them…
  • It should be Victor Crowley from Hatchet, not sure why he hasn't been considered yet...?
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