So not having one for 4 weeks would be bad….
Because it ends in 6 days and the new one won’t come out until next patch. Which if it follows pattern is a month away.
Why would they not want us to prestige it’s not like it’s easy lol it takes forever to just get 1 character P3 with every perk 😅
If this works on killers that you play against you must be rank 20 😂 any killer with more than 5 hours won’t fall for that!
I just wrote on that 2.0 console lag post about this I’m getting really pissed off about not being able to hit survivors who aren’t even good because the FPS drops! Playing killer wasn’t great to begin with but it was doable since 2.0 especially Haddonfield map it’s the most infuriating thing to do! Also tbh I’ve hardly…
Any update on when this is getting patched playing killer is the most infuriating thing on Xbox atm playing against survivors who aren’t even good and can’t hit them due to lag is really starting to piss me off! I’m getting to the point of just dcing if I get haddonfield as the map! That map has the worst lag in the game I…
8 atm
Never mind I saw the countdown it’s 1am U.K. time
Yeah 50% might be too much just thinking of a way to not have 3 gens done at rank 1 by the time you get your first hook. It’s the most annoying thing about this game when you have no control in this game when you are supposed to be an all powerful killer. I think it would give the killer more of a chance at least. It’s a…
I don't feel like its punishing players that are doing good its only slowing down the gen progression its not harming you. The problem I have with the repair speed once you're hooked is that when facing a good team especially SWF you're going to have 2-3 gens finished by that point anyway. The killer has no control over…
Camping totem is boring