Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Nah the only thing they ban for is when you say really mean things to your opponent, even though half the players in this game deserve talking to like that.
  • First off, I’m not watching that long drawn out crybaby crap. I can’t take anyone serious that complains about the balance of the game literally all the time while dominating the majority of the teams he goes against. And enough is enough with the “I don’t want to see dbd die”. This game has been going strong for over 2…
  • I don’t know man, I remember flying around the map as just a myers face with a chainsaw. Took them 2 months to fix it lmao. Can’t lie that was fun 
  • SWF just needs removing period. I love playing with my friends, but it’s just ridiculously overpowered. Theres just no no way to balance it unless you just remove the ability to use perks, which I would be fine with, it would still be massively OP
  • There is no way you’ve played this game for 2 years if you believe that. Either that or you just developed amnesia and don’t remember when you could just fast vault over and over without even moving. And I’m not even a survivor main.
  • I’m sure this is true for some survivor mains, but not all of them. IMO the problem most survivors have are tunneling scumbag killers. And the problem most killers have are 4 man navy seal swf teams. Neither of these issues were addressed in this patch. You cant force killers to not camp and tunnel. But playing against…
  • Welcome to the swf only, derank, and DC meta.
    in Long ques Comment by boomgagem July 2018
  • Thats what I was thinking, why are you even bringing his name up? Sounds like he may have hurt you in some way
  • How can the devs ban anyone for utilizing a feature that’s in the game? If this many people are leaving during the match, there’s a problem
  • You must live a boring life then.
  • It just shows your whole life revolves around ridiculous sayings on the internet. Live on brother
  • Well, judging by my last 5 games, yeah this patch wasnt good. All of my games have had people dcing. Welcome to the derank meta boys and girls
  • My lord, you have issues dude.
  • Welcome to the internet, where people who are insecure in their personal lives come to try to be hard. Gotta get offline at some point guy. 
    in WHY Comment by boomgagem July 2018
  • I’m begging you, please make a big deal out of it :)
    in WHY Comment by boomgagem July 2018
  • If you’re not concerned, maybe just scroll on past the post then mister. You are not welcome for me informing you of common sense 
    in WHY Comment by boomgagem July 2018
  • I’ve thought about some nerfs similar to that. My idea was to take away 1 perk for every member in the swf. I can agree with that
  • Bro, you face camped me three times today. If anyone knows what Rasta man jakes nuts smell like it’s you!!!!! BRO
  • Gens are already not fun. It’s one of the reasons survivors just run behind the killer with a flashlight trolling. Other objectives would be cool though 
  • None of you guys are very smart huh? This PTB going live won’t kill the game, but bashing a player over his opinion of the changes will no doubt hurt it. The same way someone mentioned new rank 20 killers getting beat on by entitled survivors that derank just to troll and bully. You all should find a new way to approach…
  • I play both sides equally, but when i play survivor, its normally solo. And I am tired of feeling like the killer is taking his frustrations from previous matches with swf teams out on solo players. I am 100% cool with SWF being completely removed from the game or an option for killers to OPT OUT
    in Double BP Comment by boomgagem July 2018
  • As much as it probably makes you guys feel good just saying "baddies dc on any platform", its simply not the truth. I'm sure there are some who DC just because they get caught, but THIS MANY? There's a DC epidemic for a reason. And it happens on both sides, not just survivors.
  • 30? you're being too generous lmao
  • You say such an update would be unfair, like a good 4 man swf is fair to the killer. You say you disagree with my proposed change, yet you offer no possible changes with the exception of basically "git gud". If you want to argue back and forth about it, I'm down to go all day long. But please offer some solution besides a…
  • The problem with SWF is not flashlights and DS, it's communication. Theres not enough perks in the game to combat that. The only killers who are truly viable against really good SWF teams is the nurse and possibly billy. SWF needs a nerf. My opinion on a decent nerf would be 4 man SWF - no perks 3 man SWF - 1 perk each…
  • BUMP Since the update, the faces that you havent unlocked are gone. Are the faces still available since patch?
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