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  • How is this based? Do you enjoy playing killer's who are easier to beat or do you want someone challenging? I like playing against the stealth killer's there the most fun. I don't like legion or plague as a Solo player your teammates make it horrible to go against. I don't like nurse because everyone sucks with her so it's…
  • Lol my survivor build is spine, resilience,dead hard and a random perk not only are they good perks but they counter a lot of things and two are base perks survivor is so much easier
  • I play both sides a lot and yes that perk was shadow buffed with group repair speed nerf. It saves up to 7 second with 2 people as opposed to 4. I don't know if it's a problem because gen speed is so quick anyway that your better off using other stuff however I occasionally use it now as well. As killer I run discordance…
  • Good luck regulus
  • You cannot be serious and it's a 20 second regression not 40 thank you this made my day I'm almost in tears from laughing I actually apologize I forget not everyone is a sweat at this game at rank 15 this is op it takes time but you will get better I'm not picking on you for being new but honestly that statement is…
  • In a 4 vs 1 game the 1 needs to be way stronger than the 4 meaning that someone with slightly lesser skill should still be able to have a chance. If there equal or better than they should always win. No killer expects 4 k to be the balance but my experience is as killer I average close to 3 depends on killer. As a survivor…
  • Yeah my thinking is trying to reduce tunneling. I mostly play killer but when I play survivor I see a lot of tunneling and camping. I know I hate gen speed but admittedly I gen rush the hell out of killers not anything else to do and when you're solo queue it's hard to know what your getting for teamates. Also a lot of…
  • I forgot about exit gates I agree with you on that you should not be guaranteed a escape. Borrow time is enough it's ok to tunnel at that point not much else you can do
  • I don't know how to delete ignore this part meant to comment to individual
  • You don't play killer much I have hooked people than chased a full health survivor down him and got DS. That needs to change. I feel that DS should not be obsession perk, require a skill check and should have unlimited charges. But as soon as you start healing, gen repair any other actions it deactivate till next time.…
  • Also why is he being criticism for noed? It's a easily counter perked and essentially makes you play with 3 perks experience killers won't use it as the value you get out of it is so small especially in oni. I would suggest using a constant perk that can help you win without relying on a maybe perk especially on Oni. If…
  • Hell at rank 15 my last game was against a 1-2-19-20 time before 2-6-8-12 at least your lobby is good honestly 3k is what I want to get a 3k and 27k blood points without ranking up I think is lucky I quit for a long time hence my low rank and bro red rank survivor is not fun it is way easier playing survivor I destroy…
  • Well I didn't use them anyway and as a Solo survivor I just left before match loaded in never a issue. Keys are more problematic as you don't even need to bring them into match to find one I don't use those either. Just remove moro's and kill survivor by hand challenges and be done with it. Game is about survivor…
  • I think you should try playing killer your opinion will change drastically. Spirit, nurse, oni, and freddy are very strong killers. The rest are either fair or really really bad. The killer does not have control over the games outcome they are reliant on survivor mistakes. It sounds like you're a bad survivor or your like…
  • Also remember survivor only player's this is a 1 vs 4 game a killer with reasonable skill and map knowledge should be able to win his 1 vs 1 quickly. I understand as survivor it's fun to loop someone for 3 gens yes people should just not chase me but at some point you have to. Killer want a 4k survivor wants to survive. I…
  • Also if they remove bloodlust I will quit for good
  • I say remove blood lust but also remove speed burst survivor gets after being hit as well or just buff killer movement speed. Honestly survivor is still really easy to play the only thing hard about survivor is your team sometimes suck