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  • This frustrates me no end because I know how small the killer base is. When all four survivors escape easily and at the end you realize that you had 4 survivors with purple perks and the killer is working with one or two green or yellow and you just feel bad. I don't mind losing as a killer but damn at least give me a shot.
  • I can't count how many times I'm working a gen with kindred and suddenly I see someone running the killer straight for me. I have no problem brushing someone off on an AFKer but damn man give me some space. If you get downed by me it's an easy, quick save. Now he's got both of us in his sites and neither of us is working a…
  • This, 100 percent this. I suck at killer. I get looped easily, I only get kills when people get sloppy or they have less experience. At this point I know my role is to give the best damn game I can give. So I do the best I can to entertain the hell out of the survivors and I enjoy that. I don't give a damn about 4K versus…
  • Part of the problem is people seem to forget there is a serious shortage of killers out there and abusing them at every turn just makes this worse. I love the "idea" of playing killer but I am so far behind the curve that the only reason I bother is because I want to actually play the game. The queues in the evening are…
  • Biggest thing I remember was not knowing about the audio cue for the skill checks. I just kept missing them and missing them and my friends didn't even want to come near me for fear of me alerting the killer. Then finally someone said there's a cue...well jeez that would have been helpful info to have.
  • I hate dc'ing and I think it's a selfish way to play. Having said that I understand where the survivor frustration comes from. I turn on my Xbox, wait 15 minutes for a match. I get nabbed early on (sometimes my fault, sometimes another survivor) and bam my game is over. If my 15 minute waits consistently produces exiting…
  • I prefer killer but when I play a game or two before I sleep I sure as hell don't want the sweat fest of playing killer matches so I end up survivor. Having said that people talk about killers getting bullied...until it gets to the horrific level of Friday the 13th bullying the killers have it pretty good. Now that was a…
  • The sandbagging I have noticed has come in a different variety. Playing on console I almost always am the only console player in the match. I've seen a large uptick on people running the killer right to me. On the flip side I've had PC players pointing and flashing to get me to take out the console player while I am…
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