Same here. I like when games that are branded as horror cam actually make me jump.
As much as I like this change, I still think it promotes slugging as the counter to DS, and I've never been a fan of having to play that way.
Yep. These QOL changes are simple and overdue. Make them worth doing, especially for veteran players who don't need BP as much.
Then run lightborn.
BHVR release an event that isn't bugged and poorly thought out challenge.
The event is here to occupy time and add new things to the store we can buy. It's a distraction from the same tired gameplay loop.
I'd say it suffers a bit from some of the same issues that the swamp does. A little bit too big lengthwise, the clutter is really hard to find survivors in at times. It's hard to know what's foliage you can hide in/what's going to block passage, and some of the buildings/broken rocks/debris looks vaultable but isn't. I'd…
I love the aesthetic of this map, but it can be a bit of a nightmare for survivors to navigate. I would call it mostly balanced but slightly killer sided.
It has some absolutely amazing safe pallets/mandatory break pallets, and a central structure that can be a pain for killers to navigate while giving survivors lots of places to hide and break line of sight. I like it a low more after the changes, but it's still definitely survivor sided.
Having completed the Lights Out Tome, I can say that it was super fun. Survivors are whining, but what else is new? I played survivor most of the event, and yeah, it was killer sided, but the challenge was fun, and 150% BP was nice. I also noticed that while "Killer Sided" it wasn't just a free win for most of the killers,…
So weird that they disabled Freddie but not GF or Meyers or any of the killers who benefit from the darkness.
My two cents: Having completed the Lights Out Tome, I can say that it was super fun. Survivors are whining, but what else is new? I played survivor most of the event, and yeah, it was killer sided, but the challenge was fun, and 150% BP was nice.
Personally, I know Freddie isn't top tier, but he is incredibly unfun to play against, and this is a welcome change imo. It's nice to see the devs making QOL changes that don't revolve around tier lists and the opinions of the "elite" players.
Exactly as expected. They dodge the hot button issues, dangle some mediocre updates down the line, and offer no concrete solutions on any of the ongoing concerns.
This is the measured takes I expect from this community. But yeah, buff surge.
What a great patch.
I legitimately couldn't tell if that was supposed to be a joke when they put that on Social Media.
It's sad how predictably they will muzzle people who make good points.
If you don't think killer is stressful, I don't know what game you're playing.
Standard damage control, out of sight, out of mind. I'm sure they have terms for players who are aware of BS, and the ones that they can control easier. So they try to separate the two groups so nobody from the easy group gets converted.
This thread will definitely get locked, but yeah. Devs really seem to struggle to understand their own game somehow.
JuSt BrEaK tHe WaLl
Survivors can gain additional items outside the bloodweb. Killers can't. Stop whining.
Ring around the rosie is the pinnacle of gaming for you, huh?
A valued licensing deal.
BHVR valuing their customers once again.
I agree, but I'm sure you've triggered every survivor main on this forum.
Clearly you've never encountered a purple pachyderm ninja.
Hag/Trapper/Bubba. Course, I'm sti trying to unlock all my perks, so this might change after I get all my perks and have more time to practice with the killers I haven't gotten to try much of yet, like Spirit, Freddy, or Clown. I can safely say I hate nurse, if I want to play a high mobility killer, I prefer Blight,…
I used to be like you. You can't go into every match expecting to win. Sadly, because of the community, you can't even go into every match expecting to have fun. It's why I've switched off of killer main, it's just too stressful to have to herd cats, which sucks, because the killers would be fun to play, if survivors…
It's a nice perk for practicing a new killer and maybe cheating a kill or two out of a game that doesn't go hour way. Asking why killers run NOED is like asking why survivors run unbreakable. Why pick yourself up? Just don't get downed.
*Thank you art team. We all know the balance devs don't listen to us, just statistics. 😏
No. Your biased and inaccurate timeline doesn't resemble reality. Good day.
It's kind of disgusting how awful the state of killer Add-ons is. It's completely random across the board. Some killers have good add-ons. Some have decent ones. Some have NECESSARY add-ons. And still others have awful or actively detrimental add-ons.
God forbid they take away people's ability to soft-DC. /s
Just bring unbreakable.
Bots for cross play.
Its received two sequels, one of which just came out. The wendigo shriek is identical to the sound in the trailer. I'm not particularly happy with it, but it seems to be the most likely fit. Sorry, bud.
I've fought a couple of whisperers before. One of them chastised me for tunneling, another tilted me off the planet with his slugging.
Devs: No, the perks are fine. We're reworking clown.
Forever Freddy is worse than Iri huntress. Don't @ me.
Yeah, and not knowing if they're actually taking action against the perpetrators even after all that. Fun times.
I'd be okay with this, but killers also need some perks worked into their base kit then. What would be a fair exchange?
Odd, since sometimes it feels like a small number tweak is all it would take to make certain killers/perks more bearable. I guess another question would be, why don't they just try small tweaks on more frequent patches to fix these long periods where it feels like they're not doing anything?
You mean like how we waited for Macmillan update and it was bad, and we told them it was bad and they ignored us?
4 on both.
This. Toxic survivors ruining the game.
There has to be better forum for this.
The problem with breakable walls is that they're once gain a feature implemented to waste the killer's most valuable resource, his time. They used then to reintroduce God loops , instead of using them to make already strong loops less safe. Now the killer HAS to spend time breaking them, or get Infinite looped. Not a…