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  • I think the most egregious and obvious sign of survivor bias is the Trapper change. Are we to believe that the most pressing issue facing Trapper is how it feels for survivors to occasionally have to try more then 4 ######### times to escape. People being stuck in traps too long was not a ######### problem on literally one…
  • 45 secs before being able to recall Victor is way too long. 45 secs is most of a generator in this game. I don't think they understand just how important time is. Given everything else they have done with the killer I think they intend you to make sure Charlotte and Victor are always close to each other. If that is the…
  • The thing about Brutal Strength is that you will always get use out of it. It is a very consistent perk. It works on so many actions and allows you to eat pallets and be done with them. The game is about time and resource management. Every sec and pallet count.
  • Easy question. Because it works. Because the goal of survivors is to survivor. There is in fact a fat incentive to do so. One whole category of survivor points is almost entirely earned by getting out the gates. The Survivor category has precious few ways to meaningfully earn points in it, outside escaping. A whole 5k of…
  • Yeah. I agree. The multiple ranks of perks simple makes getting into the game difficult or playing new killers very painful. I think there is a sufficient grind in the game as is. It's not as if I'll stop getting and spending blood points. After all add-ons are a thing. Offerings are a thing. These are plenty good reasons.…
  • So we agree this event is crap right? Does this feel good? Is this exciting or enriching to the experience of DBD? Or is it naked corporate marketing at the expense of the players?
  • The problem with Trapper is that he is a set up killer in a game where the survivors can do every gen in 5min. This game aggressively favors killers with one shots, high mobility, or unique mobility. This is a game where if you don't find and down someone in less than a minute you can lose. Trapper CANNOT be fixed without…
  • "Okay how about: Monstrous Shrine: After hooking 4,3,2 survivors..... the next survivor you hook will be sent to the basement..... and the same percentages can be in there as well......" That's very interesting. Very interesting.
  • So the nature of the game is such that the basement in it's own right is very powerful. Getting dropped in the basement at all regardless of whether the killer has MS or not usually means very bad things for you and you team. Especially against killers like Bubba, Trapper, and Hag. So a rework or buff of this perk should…
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