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  • If it works on everyone inside your terror radius than in this case size is definitely important
  • Good to know I was debating on flagging them.
  • Maybe but I feel like mine were all removed from my offering slot after the event was over but I'm definitely not 100% on that
  • Another part of the difference is I'm on Xbox not pc I dunno if that also affects prices but either way I'm with you, cells cost too much I/e skins you have to use cells to buy skins and to buy chapters you have to use real money not cells to use cells you have to buy one character so buying them with cells would be twice…
  • This map requires a little memorisation it's a rough map but it's still very new iv only plaid it a hand full of times it seems killer sided because I can never seem to find the last gens the map is huge
  • I hate to tell you but 1100 cells is only 8.99 usd the base game it self is only 30 you get almost 4000 cells for that price. That being said I think one outfit costing more than an entire chapter is outrageous the chapters are usually like 7 usd and that comes with a killer and a survivor or 2 depending on what chapter…
  • Try going up the blade just a little more I never have a problem getting on the bails but a good survivor goes the other direction. I dunno if most people don't realize but you can go to the left side where the killer can't get to instead of the right where the killer can "jump" to
  • Active Totems now show up in pink to show where your totem is anyways a good trapper is overpowered as it is
  • Okay so I disagree killer can block hatch if you have full health and he's standing on it you can take the hit and then because of the way the game works walk threw him to use hatch. When I play killer I will stand on hatch to lure in the remaining survivor, if they run up to me hoping for a hit I learned the hard way you…
  • Oh my goodness you should see billy bounce around