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  • That's how it feels honestly. She's the designated Survivor bully victim. I don't get what else is special about her. She has worse slowdown, stealth and mobility than any other Killer that has those things.
  • As usual, more Perks that are necessary to even have a chance at beating sweaty SWFs (that they'll immediately counter anyway), but will cause you to steamroll and destroy any SoloQ team in an instant. That's just the way literally everything in this game is.
  • I notice this happens really often to me as Killer right as I hook someone. I think more than a server issue it's a coding issue causing some kind of error which causes a network desync. It happens too consistently at the same times for it to just be a random network issue. This game's quality control is abysmal.
  • I'm not really noticing any significant differences in anything besides your Perk builds being different from mine. But the Survivors I get seem to be excessively coordinated, like they are full SWFs every time. My position is constantly known, Condemned is constantly cleansed, I am looped perfectly, body blocked,…
  • I notice such a huge difference when I play a Killer like Freddy compared to Sadako. I rarely ever played Freddy, and when I play him now I get extremely casual matches where I could win or lose, but it still feels fair and relaxed either way. I play as Sadako however, whom I unfortunately mained during 2.0 iteration and…
  • Just had another extremely aggravating match as Sadako, I really can't stand playing as her. I play as every other M1 Killer and I don't seem to get bullied anywhere near as much as I do when I play just her. I cannot get a single down before the Survivors pop three gens and swarm me with perfectly coordinated body blocks…
  • I don't think people being upset about being tunneled is a problem, I also don't think people who tunnel are a problem. The only thing that is a real problem is exactly what you said in your post: players thinking they have the right to judge other players' morals and value as human beings because of how they choose to…
  • MMR. The fact that it doesn't work properly. I either get matches against Survivors way above or way below my skill level, rarely anything in between. I want even matches but they are the minority and it really takes away the fun of the game. Matches are either boringly easy or frustratingly hard, it's too inconsistent.
  • Trickster Iron Maiden, I'm All Ears, Brutal Strength, Deadlock Memento Blades, Tequila Moonrock
  • Deja Vu, Prove Thyself, Resilience, We'll Make It. Gen rushing is the only way to even out the handicaps of solo queue, it's only thanks to me sitting on gens the whole match that my teams even get half the escapes we do. And then We'll Make It because everyone in solo queue insists on being healed under hook.
  • Yeah, it's this dilemma that drives me insane. I keep going against players that are waaaaay better than me, probably because I get so many matches where Survivors give up that now the game thinks I'm some kind of Killer god when I'm not. It's so frustrating. If MMR were real, then I'd think maybe I should play with…
  • I just had another match against sweatlord Survivors that were way above my skill level and I seriously can't stand it. I prefer matches where I can play casual and chill but I get so many matches against Survivors that are literal babies or that give up instantly that it boosts my MMR so high I'm forced to deal with these…
  • Seeing teammates' auras on a gen might be a little too much information advantage if it's map-wide, however within 32 meters and only while in chase I think would be fine and would be nice as I'm also sick of teammates bringing the Killer to me while I'm on a gen and I hate accidentally doing that myself. The deja vu…
  • This is extremely aggravating, I agree. And I don't even mean when the last two Survivors are at least still doing gens but are very good at hiding when I patrol them, I mean matches where the last two Survivors will literally not even touch a gen whatsoever for over 10 minutes. Players like that really need to be punished…
  • I often do the same and will always target the unhooker as it's a much better way of spreading pressure. But I often find that the same things that bother me about my teammates when I play SoloQ Survivor are the same things that result in me tunneling when I play Killer: the other teammates are not playing well and are…
  • Thanks, this was very insightful. Could you elaborate on the differences between Reiko's Watch, Old Newspaper and Mother's Mirror? I'm not sure which of them are useful or are good in combination with each other in regards to mindgames. Demanifest mindgames are something I've never really understood or gotten the hang of…
  • What playstyles/builds do you both use and enjoy playing with? I'd like to hear about some other players' experiences and how they still manage to have fun despite dealing with this weird MMR system.
  • Tunneling isn't necessarily an intentional act of toxicity or sweatiness. I play Killer in an auto-pilot efficiency mindset that will sometimes result in me tunneling someone if there's no better options. For example, if I hook someone, then I go to find someone else, but the Survivor gets unhooked while I'm still nearby,…
  • I feel like Killer is definitely weaker than Survivor if all 4 Survivors are good. But at low and mid MMR, aka the majority of the player base, all 4 Survivors are not all sweatlords. So more often than not I have Perks that give me huge advantages that turn matches that would've otherwise been close, even, engaging…
  • haha, yep, that was me. i remember that match on coldwind farm cause that was the first time i'd tried that. i don't normally hard tunnel or face camp but thought it would be funny to try it once as nemmy against a RE survivor. i found it extremely boring though so i stopped after that match. sorry you were on the…
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