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  • Ok. I think I see a clearer picture of your argument, you want what you define as skill (something that is in fact a personal idea as to what skill is) and you want everyone to play in a way you prescribe and they better have fun because you have removed all aspects of the game that would be tilting (I hope that extends…
  • @TormentedSoul385 sorry if I hijacked your thread. I actually side with you on the main issue (unnecessary camping) and I do not in any way hope for bad things coming your way. I’ve seen some harsh things happen to people with the intention of doing something good (which I believe was the purpose of your story, evil wins…
  • Being incorrect is not the same as being stupid. That type of derogatory language is what people with weak arguments use to validate an unsubstantiated claim. If you are correct why do you feel the need to insult anyone? Let your statement stand if it’s correct good for you but if it’s not because you have less…
  • language like “I blocked him in. He couldn’t move not even a little bit” may be construed by the developers as holding a game hostage. Also if it wasn’t I don’t understand the point of how it would be punishing if you didn’t expect it to be taken in that manner. Also @Tizzle a opinion you or anyone else don’t agree with…
  • I don’t understand how playing the game mechanics allow is equal to forcing another player to be held hostage in a game, which is what your story appears to me to be highlighting as an acceptable response to something allowed that you personally disagree with on an emotional level. dont get me wrong I agree that for me…
  • I saw that, which is why this thread is so silly to me (entertaining but...) As far as I can tell op is advocating for no gameplay that is not what they consider to be skilled game play, something I believe to be subjective and only based on a personal emotional response. The quantifiable way of winning is either through…
  • Not all killer characters are skill based. How many nurses camp? How many survivors can loop the nurse? A nurse game is the closest thing I can think of that would reflect the criteria the op has listed to make the game “fun” my question is; are nurse matches generally believed to be more fun then vs any other killer? this…
  • I think any changes would need to be conditional, for example: -no chase for 5 mins? -no survivors on hooks? -killer afk for 60 full seconds? if all values are true, entity pulls everyone out of the match with points earned until then (these conditions also would inadvertently solve hatch standoff imo) if there isn’t…
  • Personally I’d rather the game go back to menu without loss of pips for anyone if a dc happens before match fully loads. Not fun as killer or survivor in my experience and IMO “farming” is boring af 
  • Bunge can tie console gt to their forums in destiny so I would think dbd devs would be able to also 
  • That makes sense if the update was out for consoles, but the game is still capped at 1k shards on console so we can’t farm iridescent to trade for even bp while we wait for the update. 