Has anybody found a solution yet? RIP my eyes I can't see sh/t there, I've just played 2 matches and it looks horrible, everything is blurred .
This game is about survs' complaining. As soon there is any bug which ruins the game on surv side, this bug will be fixed ASAP. Remember the broken DS against the Doctor. DEVS don't care about the killers. The whole 4 months they cannot fix the noise bug when downed survs lie COMPLETELY SILENT.
These freaking servers regularly ruin my game: grasps don't work (animation starts and gets interrupted). freezes and drops survs get teleported I get teleported
1st time "disconnected" and got a 5 minute ban, the streamer got 5 minutes as well.
Not just skill checks, but also grasps don't work BECAUSE OF S****Y DEDICATED SERVERS
Repairing speed makes impossibly difficult to get rank up as killer. When survivors get their emblems quickly and easily. After Ruin was nerfed survivors act UNFAIR and RESPECTLESS towards the killer. They aren't afraid of killer's approaching, they repair IN FRONT OF THE KILLER'S FACE. Dead by Daylight is now a game where…
I mori him first, because such monkeys need a funny content where they bully killers.
I would like to know it too. Now are the 20th ranks holding M1 button and escaping the match while killers are something laughable in the game.
No, this is garbage
Lol you will be banned for the leaks
Challenges are garbage. They put more toxicity into the game, look at the 4th level (bugged page): there will be 4 mementos by the Spirit and Doc. Personally I find the cleansing 12 totems / searching 6 chests very annoying.
what? should I record it or what?
PC, Germany, red ranks: surv & killer (I am trying both sides when I cannot find a lobby), today's total time (2 hours) - surv
Why is doctor's chasing music so awfully annoying?
New music is made without sense of anything. It's awfully annoying
Too toxic
a really good sense of humor bruh!
the author is a German who doesn't speak English. The title should be: what have we got
It sounds like you don't have any job or study, you spend 24/7 playing games. Personally I have spent a lot of money on this game too and I can't play every single day. So it was pretty stressful before to get 12th rank after the reset. Now I'm satisfied with the 5th from the 3rd. The game should be more satisfying than…