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  • you just spilled
  • also! Dying Light is a fun game until you get to the end of it. The ending is good, but once you complete the story mode the game is useless from then on, with boring missions and the same old zombie killing
  • seeing this made me want to gouge my eyes out.
  • i think jason should be able to teleport to players with a phasing animation like spirit, but with auto aim. and have a 35 meter lunge (maybe more that kinda seems under powered) and i feel like he needs a black skin-tight latex jumpsuit.
  • i play both sides and damn near every game i play the people just say gg and leave, IF THAT. if anything you're the one taking their words too seriously, just report and move on.
  • this is so embarrassing for you luv
  • i have a few solutions: Deal with it. Chase the survivor. Deal with it. Deal with it. Complain on the forums. Hope this helps!
  • you said and i quote: "I thought about this idea, if you use a flashlight and you get to blind a killer, it will deplet it, that will avoid malicious uses What do you think?" (first of all, deplete*) anyways, flashlights do deplete when you use them, i don't think i quite understand what you're even trying to say. you said…
  • I personally have almost all of my survivors (and almost killers) P3 LVL50. This not only means I have most perks on every Survivior (same for killer of course) but it means that I have experienced multiple different play styles over my 2k+ active hours. "Maining" a survivor is not in any way the same as killer. Killers…
  • I'm more than positive the developers know about this already. Usyllis and MULTIPLE other streamers have pointed it out. No need to make a thread bashing developers over a hot-fix. It will more than likely be patched when the Freddy rework goes live. Until then, either play killer and get over it or play survivor! (Spoiler)
  • killing legion had to be done, so don't even bring that up like it matters. sorry you were probably a legion main that swung in circles hoping for a hit.
  • everyone is trashing you but i completely see where you're coming from. now to address this comment; if you're scared of the killer you have to either be a new player or an inexperienced one. nobody with over 1k hours cares if the killer is intended to scare you. once you get over that initial fear of the killer it's hard…
  • i only care about winning in certain situations, mainly as survivor. if i go against a scumbag killer who is abusing glitches, tunneling, camping etc. i like to escape just to give them that fat gg (edit; this sounds so scummy but i'ts really not. playing against killers like that is not only frustrating but also annoying)
  • are you expecting a reply on the this thread from a staff member, or to just "expose" them. unless you have specified and legitimate proof that you had the legacy in the first place, you're not going to get anything in return.
  • not to mention ranking systems right now.
  • this still doesn't discuss the glitch of following a survivor either backwards or simply just looking away. waiting for their timer to dwindle down.