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  • Freddy also need his buff, I really appreciate all the content perk changes reworks and chapter releases but how can they keep releasing all this new content before fixing current issues, Freddie’s buff/rework should’ve been done ages ago
  • her nerfs were not needed, the changes I suggested would be better for the community
  • I actually agree with that too, when I heard there was a killer vampire coming I was hoping he would have something like AI bats around the map kinda like nemesis to be used for intel and they can also swarm/injure survivors as well, I like everything else about the killer though 😊
  • Thanks lol
  • I don’t agree with 3 gen because she cannot camp gens like she used to at all, so 3 gen isn’t a reason to complain especially with the gen kicking mechanics they implemented, only thing that I think needs to be removed is the deep wound status affect and the broke status affect, everything else honestly should remain the…
  • then bye 👋 people who truly love this game and appreciate what the devs do will still be here and play the game
  • It’s not our fault that killers want to play with friends, the killer mains that have no friends is not our fault you’re load times are so long, they can add bots to speed up the queue times honestly, same for killer bots, like how the tutorial is or something but this game mode is amazing and should definitely be permanent
  • they can take away deep wound and broken in my opinion, but they need to keep haste, hindered and undetectable since haste and undetectable was apart of her original design anyways.
  • hopefully she gets even stronger and becomes the strongest killer 😘
  • Wanting to give her an extended lunge is the main reason why she needs to be 4.6 because if you do miss the survivor gets a lot of distance especially if it’s near a loop, so no she doesn’t need an extended lunge she needs to be 4.6, she cannot be compared to nurse, blight has his rush he’s 4.6 trapped has his traps he’s…
  • then why is he 4.6? He should be 4.4 thank you
  • the fact that you think slugging two survivors at 4 gens until we both bleed out isn’t an issue is disgusting to me. And yes I know what tunneling is he tunneled out the first two survivors 123 out and me and the other survivor that were left we didn’t get hooked not once and he just left us on the ground at 4 gens even if…
  • just sit there for the duration of the slug isn’t punishable? I just gotta sit there and wait while the killer is just running around the map being toxic nodding, tbagging me? No that’s not fair to say “just deal with it” isn’t the right answer to the killer slugging two survivors for the whole time it takes to bleed out…
  • I have many friends that are trickster mains and they HATED MFT especially when paired with HOPE they thought it was too strong so I do believe he got his speed buff because of MFT
  • exactly I agree it can be very frustrating
  • THANK YOU! I agree 100%
  • and what would your idea of fun be? Get rid of her power? No that’s not how that works lol
  • undetectable was apart of her original power, so they can’t take that away, it would be like taking away onryo manifest and de manifest, she cannot camp gens! Idk why people still think she can camp gens you can literally sit on a gen and will never get scanned, ever so no her being undetectable isn’t the issue, people…
  • this is why atleast two people running Deja vu is important, having Deja vu and the 8 gen kicking mechanic was made so that way it won’t be easy for killers to 3 gen because the killer still has to kick gens to get oppression and dragons grip value not to mention if they also have pop, pain res, or even surge, so I think…
  • skull merchant CANNOT camp a 3 gen like used to, why is she being mentioned? I’m confused as a skull merchant main she’s all about intel and chase, you can sit on a gen right by a drone and there would be no way I would know unless you let yourself get scanned or hack the drone, which btw don’t hack a drone if it’s right a…
  • I think giving survivors 3 chances in between claw traps is fair, it’s not like knight, once you are detected that’s it’s!
  • Hello friend 👋
  • she’s only undetectable for 8 seconds when she places a drone, and then there’s like a 12-16 second cool down before she can throw another down, and they can’t be too close to each other
  • it does require brain power ACTUALLY if you put it in a awkward position where she can walk over it, it will go over her head and it won’t scan you it will be considered an inactive drone, survivors can crouch and even stand still to avoid getting scanned, you can sit on a gen and won’t get scanned u can heal and won’t get…
  • Not all SM are the same, if I get survivors that D/C I take out the bots and the ones that decided to stay and play the game get rewarded, we farm and they escape, a lot of the times I let all survivors go when I play her anyways, I like showing that not all SM are mean and sore winners we have personality and feelings too.
  • I don’t agree that she’s like legion, legion is constant deep wound, with skull merchant if you are careless enough to get scanned 3 times then that was your own fault just like with knight if you don’t loop correctly against his guards they will hit you and they also apply deep wound, so I’m not sure why skull merchant…
  • excuse me? I don’t agree at all in her current state she cannot camp a 3 gen like she used to so im sorry but this is irrelevant, knight can hold a 3 gen and was the original 3 gen holder. As a skull merchant main I never 3 gened EVER! I agree it was a lame way to play but she’s different now so stop hating on her because…
  • I’d love a Gabriel shirtless, he looks kinda buff
  • It’s doable though, not impossible, they did it with feng mins masquerade outfit I want heels like those at least
    in Heels Comment by shizzy_Pooh March 11
  • I agree remove it or make the medal smaller
  • A small backpack is fine, I just like the shirtless idea, like how David and vitorrio have shirtless skins ❤️
  • I hate it honestly 🙄
  • I get that, but ugh why, it will only make skilled huntress players unbearable to go against
  • Maybe don’t chase for that long? Use corrupt? Legal pursuer? Dead lock? Or maybe idk 🤔 get good ?
  • I like that idea alot