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  • Update to this: Meeting the requirements for this achievement on the map The Game and the Achievement applied as it is supposed to. Seems like it may be an issue connected to the Shattered Square.
  • In Firefox, clicking the search bar does nothing. Basically, searching the forums is impossible in firefox. If I click the search button in the top right it opens the search bar, but I cannot type anything into the search bar and clicking on it does nothing. Clicking the search icon that appears in the search bar pops up…
  • This is making it unusable. I turn my camera to see the killer while I run away and I can't activate dead hard while running away from the killer because I am holding S to run at my camera. It makes no sense.
  • Thank you for the reply and for clarifying, I really appreciate it!
  • Lol I was in a custom game once with friends and surprised them all with a tombstone Myers and typed "Evil has come to your little town" and the word Town got censored out.
  • Hi Mandy. Thank you! My ticket number was 1156066 and it looks like Noah replied.
  • This is not only a PS5 issue. This achievement also does not work on Steam. I have met the requirements at least a dozen times and it has not activated.
  • Need another option. I play out the game normally but clip the BM, then file both an in-game report and an online report for unsportsmanlike conduct at the end of the game with a video of whatever they were doing. It doesn't particularly bother me that people are sometimes total jerks, but it can really bother some folks…
  • Thanks, I didn't actually realize this. I thought 4k was Merciless Killer and I have a ton of killer adepts already. I have always gotten it on the first attempt where I got a 4k. I suspect I didn't get Merciless and didn't notice. Just tried again, got a 4K and didn't get Merciless Killer, didn't get the achievement.…
  • I strongly disagree. The Twins are extremely powerful and extremely fun to play once you figure them out. I only started playing them last week and got my Adept achievement the second day I was playing them because they were just so strong. You have SO MUCH map control if you play them right. Please leave Charlotte and…
  • This would be OK but it's not really a solution to the problem. Seems like it'd be easy enough to implement a random selection model of leveling up based on a single click. It could be more difficult or involved to create something like Akumakaji suggested where it takes best perks or or cheap selections, but random? That…
  • Is this system the reason why when survivors DC lately they keep making noises forever? Example: survivor DCs while injured and working on a gen? Gen repair noises and groans of pain at that location last through the rest of the game. Survivor DCs on hook? Hook noises last forever, even if you kill another survivor on the…
  • Just don't wiggle off. Either the killer has to put you down which will cause the bleed out timer to resume, put you on a hook and kill you, or play the rest of the game carrying you around, in which case you can go get a snack or something. The killer can only do that if you play along with them.
  • OMG I accidentally tunnel people out of the game all the time, especially when there's 2 of the same survivor in similar outfits. I'm just not good at keeping track of everyone's hook states while playing killer. I genuinely try my best to not tunnel basically all the time, but because I can't see who is on death hook I…
  • I like the idea of adding survivor perks that directly counter camping. One that slows hook progress when the killer is close would be good. So would one that increases your chance to escape from the hook when the killer is close. The closer they are, the more chance to escape up to like 90% or something. With counterplay…
  • how can a killer stretch the 4 minute (total) slug timer before you die to 30 minutes? It is a max of 4 minutes, and that's if you have spent no time on the ground yet for the whole game. After 4 minutes of being slugged/on the ground, you die. I play both survivor and killer and I think it's fine. I don't want the basekit…
  • YES! I have chatted with a couple friends about this. I think he could be an awesome character for DBD and I think Don Mancini and Brad Douriff would be super into the idea, personally. He could be like half the height of other killers and his power could let him jump and grab onto people and stab at them like Victor and…
  • I also am experiencing this. Sacrificed all four survivors on the Dead Dawg Saloon and got 3 sacrifices on the challenge. Playing The Ghostface. Perks were: I'm All Ears, Hex: The Third Seal, Monitor and Abuse, Furtive Chase Here is a screenshot of the end-of-match screen.
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