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  • @CrowFoxy @UlvenDagoth I've pipped both in games where I've got 0 kills and in games where I've got 1 kill so how are you trying to imply that if a killer gets a 2k it's automatically a de pip?? Maybe you just played badly in the matches you de pipped for you to not even get a safety pip.
  • @Aztreonam78 noooo probably you just get destroyed by swf 4 man teams without cause you don't know when to leave the people who are looping you wasting your time
  • You do know that actual tbagging is crouching up and down over someone's body. You cannot tbag unless your over someone otherwise it's just squatting. I just find it funny that you always see killers says that "tbagging" is toxic when in fact you can't tbag a killer you can only do it to other survivors. In other games…
  • @thesuicidefox why isit such a big thing you couldn't get to it?? I get your frustrated because it's happened to you 3 times but I bet the other 30-40 matches you played around that time (might be more might be less) you didn't come across that problem. I play mainly survivor and I feel sometimes a killers totem should be…
  • @iTz_KilLaZ_x the whole totem thing can't really be helped. Sometimes you find it easy other times you don't. It's really a matter of luck
  • @FredKrueger you didn't burst any bubble I was just giving you an insight into what might be happening. Even when I'm playing killer I might start a lobby then go do something and come back in time for the loading screen or start of the match. Unless I'm in a party I never just sit in front of my TV screen waiting in a…
  • @FredKrueger sorry I don't agree if your new to a game how can you expect to pick it up and be good in a couple hours it's not going to happen, and that's any game not just dbd. When I was learning the game, swf or good survivor teams in general taught me the most. Yes it was frustrating but was also very informative
  • @ninjaturbokill I agree loool
  • I'm an average killer at best and when I come across a good looper that's wasting my time I leave them alone and go for all the other survivors instead. Why do most people think unless they kill all 4 survivors they have had a bad game or unless they escape they have had a bad game?? Isn't the main purpose to pip??
  • @FredKrueger sorry but your assumption that people don't ready up because they are getting their party together is wrong. Maybe that's what you do but most people don't ready up because they searched for a match and then went to go do something else in the real world like go to the toilet or make a sandwich etc.. or they…
  • Why do most people moan and cry about everything in this game just because they don't always escape (survivor) or because they don't kill everyone (killer)? Isn't the point of this game to pip?? I've pipped as a killer plenty of times and not fully sacrificed a survivor and they all escaped. I've also pipped as a survivor…
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