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  • So you just played like every survivor does against killer for your last archive?
  • He is stronger in thr sense he can use S&D more often however scamper became useless ans getting hit by new scamper requires you to be absolutely unaware of what game you are playing, or have a serious visual and hearing impediment. Did he deserve the nerf? Yes absolutelly, old scamper was BS. Id say chucky is stronger vs…
  • I agree absolutelly unnecesary on their part. However I also think people exaggerate a lot what being called or typed in a videogame entails. Like just block/mute them I see no issue with bhvr adding vc to the game. Mind you I have been called al sorts of things since my xbox 360 days and other games, multiple people have…
  • I might be wrong, but can't you kinda just...mute peoples voice chat in games where that mechanic exists?
  • The meta exists in every multiplayer and some single player games, its normal. You cannot stop people from wanting to win, the fact that you play goofy and want to mess around doesnt mean everyone shares that view. Its like going into a football match just wanting to do flashy plays and complaining the enemy team is…
  • Fortnite brain
    in Ugly Killer Comment by squbax May 15
  • That may be your opinion. I love moris, they are incredibly fun and prob the only reward given to killer for going for 12 hooks, technically 8 hooks but its the same energy. It absolutelly pains me as someone who uses them to see them go.
  • They do but it is important to know when to do so, if you see that predropping is thr best alternative to burn time and extend chase without compromising the match, then not predroping is a bad play. Also even if we are talking about looping you have to be high or have less than 50 hours in the game to not loop an m1…
  • So she is good against bad players?
  • She is one of the weakest killers, however she has a high killrste. Because the average pub warrior is incredibly bad at the game and cannot even loop an m1 killer. Proof of it are killers like sadako, which after her rework is incredibly easy to beat, yet pub player somehow not only die to her but get condemned.
  • You can loop a myers for entire days if he doesnt have tombstone. A good plague will down a decent survivor even addonless, thats why I guess people rate her that way. But on the other hand I might get hate for this but I wouldnt trust the japanese tierlist. Maily because of the goofest that was the japanese tournament. I…
  • Rn his cooldown is his biggest issue, he is easy to play because of the scamper mechanic, which I do agree rn is problematic. But he is very easy to dodge if you are not out in thr open or in a deadzone. His stealth is countered by having ears and even if he surprises you and hits you with slice and dice, he has to wait 18…
    in Chucky changes Comment by squbax May 10
  • Agreed, altho is more of a dbd player thing rather than a killer thing. People to this day do not know how easy it is to counter new sadako, and there is a ton of videos explaining how easy it is to destroy her, yet you see a lot of players die to her. Also dredge, I still see people locking two lockers next to each other,…
  • Literally ask any comp player, slinger is way more consistent that huntress. Huntress can snowball a lot but only if survivors make massive mistakes, slinger doesnt need survs to make mistakes in order to down them. Literally go and ask momoseventh, knightlight and other comp players, most of thrm will tell you that…
    in Chucky changes Comment by squbax May 10
  • He wont be bad, but he doesnt have any unique qualities, why play chucky when slinger does anything he can do but better? Like chucky without flicks is just a sad 110 killer with a semi decent antiloop, he is incredibly overated, like any decent team will wreck him die to time management, and now yes his cooldown is lower…
    in Chucky changes Comment by squbax May 10
  • It is a downside against SOME killers, like broken for the entire match against m1 killers is meh since you can just loop them till dbd 2 is released. For example broken against plague or legion is literally a non issue, against instadown killers is amazing if you are a dh user, but it is a huge detriment against good…
  • I mean having a power you can use a lot that is easy to dodge is the same as having no power. Imo the correct way to to this is exactly what they have gone but restore his flicks, it creates a bigget skill ceiling and makes playing him actually better because now he is just a 110% killer with mediocre antiloop, literally…
  • So there is this white gigantic aura you should be seeing when repairing a gen right? Go near that object and you will find a TV, interact with it to turn it off and make sure she cannot condemn you. Thats it, you solved this issue.
  • Very true, going down first or not playing against trapless trapper might be reasons for this to happen. OP didn't took that into account first.
  • A bodyblock while not that usefull can buy time for the target to get to a loop, if the laurie does a good bodyblock she esentially can let the recuer get to main building or a strong loop, forcing the killer to drop chase and go for the other target ir the bodyblocker. You are quite literally forcing a tunnel, that is to…
  • Look at the comment from OP directly above on how a laurie literally used them offensibly when they werent tunneling lmao.
  • Those people are as bad at the game as these survivors. Both have no excuse to fumble that bad while using such strong set ups. Also O get the other sweaty stuff but a mori? Moris do nothing, a good sweat will use a map offering much like these survivors, a mori is just some cool animation. Also idk how your reading…
  • No, maybe I communicated that wrong. What I was refering was, this people had stacked up builds, they chose the map they will play on, they are playing against an addonless, perkless wesker and they still didn't get a 4 man out, god forbid they are also swf, because if the are I have no words. So in my opinion if you…
  • Aint no way these people let you get 2 kills with those builds and choosing the map. There are people who legit NEED cheats to win because man that match has no excuse in not being a 4 man out lmao.
  • I think a fair chase time depends on the players, for example if a survivor who doesnt know how to loop gets downed in 10 seconds then it was a fair chase because the killer knew how to play and the survivor didn't. Same goes the other way, if a killer gets looped for 5 gens because they were not able to down the survivor…
    in Chase Times Comment by squbax May 5
  • It would come as a surprise to you that comp survivor players are using this exploit a lot. And comp players are leagues above the skill of pub warriors, not because they are incredibly good but because pub players are incredibly bad at the game. So yes skilled players are using this, I think its a similar case to what…
  • She did an amazing work with her Voice acting giving life to personally my favourite killer. May she rest in peace.
  • You absolutelly can, just not in the way you are mentioning. Take this scenario, I have ds and plotwist, after I get unhooked I wont bodyblock but rather I will go around using EMPs, triggering hags traps, placing turrets, doing the box, disabling trappers setup, and guess what if the killer tries to stop me I plot twist…
  • Issue is that logic works backwars tho, if a killer has a lot of awfull matches, they get sent to badham, the game or GoJ they they will lekely A:take a break or B: start tunneling, camping etc because well, that way their experience is not hindered. See the issue? You are asking one side to bend the knee while not…
  • Not everyone, I have read a lot of comments on twitter/x of survivor players complaining thr use of the killswitch and saying at least potential energy is still avaliable. However IT IS twitter so expecting a reasonable opinion is not a thing you should do.
  • I play without slowdown and using brown addons as slinger/unknown, people still dc if you are not throwing the match or down them early. Survivors saying "if the killer plays fair we will not DC" is as honest as killers saying "If killers get buffed we will not tunnel" both of them are just plain lying.
  • If that is as your words an attitute, why change it, I rember vividly you commented on killer players that just because they believe combos like fladhbang+bgp are uncounterable they fo not need a change because counterplay exists. Killers who get 1 hook and 2 gens done (which is mostly gg if the team isnt throwing) get…
  • Nah, as someone who plays overwatch I 100% support that change. The quality of my quickplay matches went up a considerable amount after that change.
  • My survivors give up when I get first down too quick, or I down someone and see in front of me another person and go chase them for more pressure. They give up when I snipe them as slinger or unknown, not only that they also give up if I use a ward and they had a map offering. Mind you I am literally playing without…
  • I mean yeah they want to give you the most unpleasant match posible so its only fair. Shame now you cannot just target the one that was doing it, you have to target the whole team only to get to them, so 3 people pay for one, altho many times its a swf so it wont make a difference.
  • Los reportes por sluggear NO don validos y seran ignorados. Los desarrolladores ya han mencionado esto en el pasado (imagen). Si es un problema puedes utilizar plot twist o unbreakable pero NO es una accion reportable y tus reportes seran ignorados.
  • This stems because people think bodyblocking is good, which it isnt. What you should do is use ds and plot twist and after getting unhook go and undo the killers setup, use EMPs, trigger all the hags traps, trappers traps, place turrets, do the box etc… if the killer ignores you they lose all their power setup, if they try…
    in New Ds Comment by squbax May 1
  • Could be possible but I am not talking only about gameplay aspect, which is why I think you omitted the other part of the post, when has a survivor player ever avocated for chages that make the killer experience better? Literally have seen it like 3-4 times in all my time on the forums and dbd related social media. When…
  • How? His white mask can be seen kilometers away, I thought it was on lerys or midwhich. That myers should have been looped till next midchapter patch.
  • This social contract only comes i to play for killers tho, in my time playing this game (2016-2024) I have never seen an ounce of empathy or regard for gameplay quality from a survivors towards killer. However I have seen multiple times the contrary being avocated to. When the stun save timing patch that broke saves…
  • You can literally loop him forever, I genuinly thought people stopped dying to this meme build like a year ago. In all seriousness avoid corners and if you got hit, you can just go to any loop, by the time he gets bloodlust to hit you again a lot of gen progress should be done. With like 3 or 4 chases done like that or…
  • Depends, if 80% of the playerbase cannot loop an m1 killer for at the very least 1 gen then yes they are doo doo. Obviously there will be times you are distracted or listening to music or whatnot and commit a mistake and said m1 killer catches you quick, but if you are paying attention I believe there is no excuse for you…
  • Because on some killers thats the case, for example if you get curved by a blight/oni or flicked by a wesker that is the killers skill making them have the advantage you are correct in that assumption. But if you lose to a trapper or get outplayed at a loop by a sadako thats 100% on the survivor making a mistake. Yes I…
  • So you are not playing nurse nor blight, that leaves the other suggestion open, survivors are throwing or merely really bad at the game. First down and no gens means someone messed up horribly, as the map still has all resources and strong loops are avaliable.
  • My point is that a lot of people think soloQ is bad because they lack info and its just not true, soloQ is bad because soloQ players are bad. You can have all of the info in the world, if you heal against legion, do not use emps correctly, go down in 10 seconds your team will lose no matter how much info you have.…
  • If the unknown ever hits two survivors at the same time they had to be either bots or intentionally be throwing the game. While I agree huntress is extremely overrated by dbds playerbase, unknown is also very overated, the only aspect that people do undertand is strong with him its his tp. But his proyectile is not as good…
  • Hook the other survivor and then eat the ds, then tunnel that survivor as you know they dont have ds anymore. Not really a counter as you have to eat the ds but you will be more effective compared to letring them get plot twist.
  • If we balance things taking into account comp dbd, a lot of changes that you might heavily disagree (hell I do so too) should be done, because comp while it shows how the most skillfull players perform isnt a reflaction of the game. Example: ghostface should always play indoor maps, survivors cannot have duplicates of each…
  • If you cannot get value out of background player with the current version of the perk, as a swf or soloQ you literally have a massive skill issue, the perk lets you get a guaranteed save if someone goes down at a pallet or if you have a flashbang or a very, very, very easy save if you have a flashlight. Literally have no…
  • All the stealth or crouch mindgames can be countered by using checkspots tho, you just make the killer wate time trying to do fancy stuff while you wait on the checkspot. And the short loops where crouching is actually usefull, you can get a hit regardless with a good double back fake, whoch any killer can do. Idk man as…