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  • I've come to the conclusion that both sides take this game too seriously. It's designed by the devs to be balanced around having fun but human nature makes us want to compete and play to win. Not 4king every game and not escaping every time is ok, there is no win or lose, just play to have fun. Surely nobody classes…
  • If you dont like it then no point in playing. Only thing that bothers me is the camping killers because I feel it truly ruins the match. I dont really notice bugs every single time I play so for me it ain't that bad. The bug where you couldn't hook a survivor was bad though but they sorted it relatively quick. The game…
  • I bought the pass once for the clown cosmetics and I didnt get to max level after trying as hard as i could so i haven't bought the pass again. Dont need it. Plus I use shards to buy the new characters so it ain't that bad. This isnt pay to win in the slightest.
  • I've basically stopped playing survivor. Every game started to feel terrible, just bad teammates and killers not making the game enjoyable. I dunno if it's crossplay, maybe I'll try switching it off. The devs seem to be more interested in banging out new content rather than fix issues that have been around for years. They…
  • It's generally a waste of time to blind at a pallet. If they have a flashlight I start the break animation straight away so they stand there blinding while in breaking. By the time you've moved forward, blind is gone and they haven't got far. If they had just ran whilst I was breaking the pallet I reckon they would have…
  • 'I'm terrible against a killer so they must be nerfed into the ground'. Shes one of the weaker killers. I agree she's not fun to play against as I find myself spending long parts of the match trying to get her traps off. That totem idea is just ridiculous though, noone would be in their right mind to cleanse a totem with a…
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