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  • Default DbD FOV is actually 87, Shadowborn brings it up to 102
  • If you're below the MMR softcap without tunneling or camping (Which lets be real, everyone here supporting the necessity of tunneling would be below it if they didn't, and might be below it even while tunneling) then it's absolutely not necessary. The reason why? Matchmaking is terrible. It's wide enough that I can get…
  • Locker saves are still possible with flashbangs/firecrackers afaik, though you don't get the 0.4 second buffer so you need to time it perfectly
  • If going to a gen you saw being worked on while on hook to get healed is too hard then Medkits (+ Build to Last), survivor aura reading perks like Bond, playing injured and slamming gens, going for a hook rescue when you see another teammate being chased, or even Self Care + Reactive Healing/Botany Knowledge/Desperate…
  • If you greeded so hard that you can't make it to a pallet or window or any moderately large circular object in under 2.5 seconds against a chainsaw killer then you kinda deserve to get downed
  • The visual TR is very cool, but how will it interact with killers like Huntress and Freddy who are balanced around a small TR with a large and obvious lullaby? Currently the only killers with a lullaby are Huntress, Freddy, Twins, Trickster, Onryo. With some of the easily missable lullabies like Onryo I can see arguments…
  • Thing is that on both old and new Eyrie you're basically never going to run out of pallets outside of 40 minute genkick games. The pallets being closer though means that it's even harder to make a deadzone since you have to break more pallets to make the same sized area a deadzone, while also making it harder to mindgame…
  • Did you have Hyperfocus equipped?
  • Except Eruption is a perk that only works against people not on comms, if you suspect you're up against a SWF why would you ever bring it over more reliable gen defense like CI/Lethal/Pain Resonance/DMS/Deadlock/etc. when you're only getting 9 seconds of regression from Eruption?
  • Most likely they got grabbed off a gen or something and another survivor was there to flashlight save during the grab
  • It's very much counterable with perks, just bring Deliverance and don't get hooked first then go pull the person off the hook and unhook yourself at the last second. If done properly you waste 3 minutes of their time and they have basically nothing from the facecamp
  • In short, your grade (Ash 4-Iri 1) has no impact on matchmaking and is only used to give you BP at the 13th of every month when they reset. They're pretty much just an indicator of your playtime that month Matchmaking is determined by a hidden MMR rating. As survivor it increases by escaping through the exit gates and…
  • I don't expect it to have too big of an impact on kill rates because it should only really improve the gameplay of a very specific subset of survivors, namely: Not on comms Good enough to interpret the status icons to know what they should be doing Not good enough to do so without the status icons At the fabled "high MMR"…
  • For the Wesker clip, you only take damage from his power once you hit a wall. If you go through the video frame by frame you can see your endurance from DH runs out a few frames before you take damage from hitting the wall
  • They played 101 games of survivor with only 26 deaths between the four of them, once you're at 1k MMR you can only get up to 20 MMR per game if you have at least 10 minute long games In the most conservative case of every game lasting only 5 minutes and there always being a hatch escape and deaths always being the max MMR…
  • I'd be down to do it if accessibility perks like Shadowborn and Spine Chill were still available
  • It's a pretty sweaty build if you're playing seriously; 3x Salty Lips + Map offering and every survivor sacrificing 1-2 perk slots in order to deny any pressure from first hooks is really strong if they're efficient on gens since you can still do 3x DH+OTR/DS+UtA+SM and 1x DH+CoH+UtA+SM and just never waste time on…
  • With the caveat that more information = more escapes not always being true with bad survivors, since getting confirmation your team is being useless can incentivize DCing or suiciding on hook in games where they would have otherwise played it out if they didn't know what their team was doing.
  • All I can really say is skill issue, currently have a 43/56 kill rate over 14 games on RPD as killer
  • Luck is useful, you just need the entire team to be bringing 4x Salty Lips + 4x Up the Ante. At that point you can kobe extremely consistently (89% without Slippery Meat, 99% with Slippery Meat) and it's basically Deliverance without being Broken for 60 seconds and without needing to get a safe unhook first.
  • Actually, MMR not directly measuring skill is a property of every MMR system on the planet. What any functioning MMR attempts to do is to be able to predict the result of a match, of which skill is only part of what influences that. As an example, if I start all of my chess matches with the Bongcloud Attack as white (1. e4…
  • I don't really worry about prestige when I'm playing. Both my easiest and my hardest killer matches have been against p100's and as survivor I play as a p0 level 0 Yun-Jin half the time anyways so complaining about other survivors being low prestige would be pretty hypocritical there. Mostly I tend to be weirded out by…
  • MMR was never designed to be an indicator of skill, and the correlation to skill is only because skilled play tends to lead to more kills or escapes. What the Kill Based Matchmaking system in use was designed to do is provide a function that can predict the chances of a survivor escaping/dying given everyones MMR and then…
  • Reassurance can be useful if the killer is camping basement inside the basement instead of at the top of the stairs (e.g. Insidious Bubba) if you pair it with Sprint Burst. 99 your exhaustion, run downstairs, apply Reassurance, Sprint Burst out. If the killer is smart and camps the top of the stairs then it's a lot harder…
  • You can do very well without gen regression as killer, it just requires survivors to make a mistake in positioning at any point to allow you to snowball and then have short enough chases for the rest of the game to prevent them from resetting. On Wraith I alternate between running gen regression (Shadowborn/Jolt/Scourge…
  • As someone who regularly plays like this there's three main skills I've found that need to be up to par with people running perks in order to have a normal escape rate: Your looping skills need to be on the same level as someone bringing exhaustion perks, Windows of Opportunity, Resilience, Self Aware, and other such chase…
  • Speaking as someone who plays perkless quite a bit and pretty much never stealths outside of killers like Nurse or Spirit, the only thing you need to have a decent winrate in solo queue is the ability to adapt to whatever role is not being done by the rest of your team, and to go for high percentage plays that lead to 2-3…
  • Can't really say how many of those randoms were duo/trio but the escape rate in my solo games is 45.2% overall, with my personal escape rate being 41.2% over 422 games. Escape rate presumably drops if there's no swf's in the game but I doubt it'd be below a 35% overall escape rate
  • BHVR hasn't updated that screen in ages, the stuff that's actually reportable can be found here: You'll notice that suiciding on hook and going AFK aren't listed as reportable offenses
  • Not only is hiding your red stain a part of mindgaming, showing your red stain can also be used as a mindgame to bait a vault
  • I see we're conveniently forgetting about Commodious Toolboxes with Wire Spool + Socket Swivels/BNP as well as Skeleton Keys with Blood Amber + Prayer Beads
  • Play yellow bottle only Clown, you'll get it in like two games
  • Apart from the advice given on how to make the KI information useless you can also counter it by not getting into situations that would trigger KI in the first place. Stuff like being oblivious/outside the TR against Legion (Oblivious can be forced with Blue Glyphs even if the killer is running no oblivious perks/addons),…
  • Support can see the matches you've reported, so if you provide your id and enough information to identify the match they can find the cheaters id. You don't need the id of the person you're reporting anymore
  • Just because it was a bug fix doesn't mean that it didn't buff Eruption, much like how the Blast Mine bug fix nerfed the perk when it stopped giving you back Blast Mine if the killer didn't kick the gen
  • If you're a casual mediocre killer player facing survivors that are efficient on gens and don't make any mistakes (BIG if btw, even survivors past the MMR soft-cap make mistakes) then yes you're going to lose, that's just good game design. The alternative would be to suggest that even strong, efficient 4 man SWFs should…
  • Dataminers have been able to determine specific peoples MMR in the past, though that doesn't necessarily mean that the cheater had access to hacks that specifically tell them other peoples MMR
  • If you understand how pressure works, you're willing to play scummy, and are playing a killer that can snowball hard you can play with 0-1 gen defense perks depending on the killer (Corrupt Intervention on setup killers like Trapper/Hag is still pretty mandatory) and still do fine if survivors make even one mistake. Two…
  • They made it more lenient, it's now 0.4 seconds
  • Mettle of Man + Object of Obsession + Empathy. Mettle reveals your aura to the killer when active so comboing with OoO lets you see the killers aura, and if it's not an instadown killer then empathy lets you see when the person getting chased will go down. The problem with this of course is that asking every solo queue…
  • Deja Vu is around the same strength as Windows of Opportunity, in that for bad to above average survivors it helps a lot while for good survivors who could already do the things it does without it it's a dead perk. With rare exceptions like Suffocation Pit spawning 5 gens on one side you can generally expect gens to be…
  • Build: No perks, no items, no offerings, mostly solo queue (Two of the games are a 2 man SWF with text comms, don't have the option to filter them out), P0 survivor. Lobby dodging was only done for ping reasons, otherwise played with what I got Overall kill/escape rate: Personal escape rate: Escapes per trial: Outcomes:…
  • No they lost ~1.89 generators from the killer getting 5 downs (125/90 + 0.5), the incapacitated effect is gen regression in the form of opportunity cost since otherwise they'd be sitting on the gen that just got eruptioned. Compare this with Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance which would only cause 0.75 gens worth of regression…
  • Disagree with 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. If I'm on deathhook you bet your ass I'm running to non-deathhook survivors doing gens instead of turning the game into a 3v1 early IRL situational awareness can replace perks like Kindred/Bond/Situational Awareness by paying attention to what gens are being done, where boon totems are…
  • Nurse, Spirit, Hugtech Blight, Oni, Curve Billy, Basement Bubba
  • Except for the fact that you now have to play out a 3v1
  • If MMR is by score instead of kills/escapes then categories would need to be uncapped, even if it's just internally for MMR and you still max out at 10k bp per category, otherwise the guy getting tunneled for 5 gens and dying in the endgame with 10k points after getting 0 objective or altruism points looks like they did…
  • There's also clips of people working on a gen for a few seconds before it gets blocked by corrupt intervention