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  • Not what I meant. But if you didn't understand, you will eventually. There's a reason why matchmaking has gotten as long as it has. The playerbase has been dropping too fast for a while now, people are getting bored of the game, some are getting annoyed at the changes the devs make, and some are getting annoyed at how…
  • I don't think this game needs any longer matchmaking ques and also I don't think the devs will ever divide the playerbase even more than it already is
  • You ask that as if there weren't already children playing this game, adding fnaf wouldn't make that much of a difference especially since it's fanbase isn't exclusively kids, they probably were when it was starting out but not anymore, especially with how dark the games and books have gotten over the past couple of years
  • I don't know if you've noticed but the fanbase of this game is already torn apart right down the middle, between the balance of killers and balance of survivor debates and the debates of swf the fanbase is already like this, adding a killer that not everybody agrees with wont change anything, just look at demo, and it…
  • I can understand this but as for the first reason, I mean yeah, he is nowhere comparable to the top slashers in history, but thats mostly because they are older and also they were from movies which more people see than there are people playing videogames, also when you really take a look back at those movies they mostly do…
  • I doubt a rando "horror" game is the reason they are getting traction again, they can throw out a movie at any time and nobody would stand in the way of that because of how famous of a killer he is, it would be insane to believe that they need the atention of a bunch of gamers of this one game out of thousands, just to…
  • Yeah, we are talking about probably one of the top 3 most iconic killers in the business, he wont be forgoten, just like jason, ghostface, leatherface, freddy... the list is long but the top spots are always the same
  • I'm ok with springtrap but michael afton being a survivor is really redundant since he is springtrap, and the bullies would be unnecesary skins since legion already has too many skins/reskins as it is and also because they just would be pointless simce they really are not that important other than being the reason the kid…
  • Just because he's licensed doesn't mean he's expensive, I mean yeah the franchise keeps making games and books but they aren't so popular as to give his license more value than any of the past licensed killers, I mean we are talking about horror icons... well except for demo..., also the movie is mostly rumor, yes it was…
  • I mean so is cod and those are always full of 9 year olds
  • Honestly I think fnaf can be scary at times but it's mostly because of the tension and unexpected jumpscares, the first game was extremely good at building tension while the second got your heart rate up because you had to pay atention to so many animatronics at a time that it made it easy to get hit with an unexpected…
  • The nerf isn't really all that bad, it's mostly to deal with people that ONLY use the chainsaw to down survivors instead of whacking them with the hammer when up close or close enough to not justify using the chainsaw, honestly if you ask me, I'd be fine with or without the nerf it doesn't really affect him so much that…
  • I know I'm saying that that isn't the only way though because yeah slugging has a time limit but it's still 4 minutes that the killer has the freedom to hunt the other one without the posibility for escape, also the goal the survivors have at that point is them both escaping which is impossible if the killer is keeping…
  • Honestly I don't know why I even bother with people like you, no matter what anyone might say, even if a dev themself would tell you you're wrong you wouldn't admit it. Neither one of us opened the discusion because you started this when you said you found it amusing how people confuse what is actually hostage taking in…
  • I would probably say the leviathan since angels aren't the right fit and demons would probably be too OP, and most of the other stuff are actually either not very important to the story or might be harder to put into the game without compromising too much on their balance. On the other hand though they could probably get…
  • But see all you did was mention 1 of multiple ways to take something hostage in the game, in case you haven't noticed in none of my comments I related it to tunneling or slugging specifically, when I mentioned slugging that was a very good example of the game ending in an unatural way there is nothing natural of blocking…
  • Sure I agree with what you're saying just like I agree that it's not an easy fix based on so many factors, but it's like I said to another guy on this very discussion, I actually can condone camping, slugging or tunneling on very specific circumstances but other than that I can't agree with the fact that they later say…
  • But see that' where I was trying to get, you said it yourself the survivors can't force the killer to play a certain way, yet that's the excuse that most of the sweaty campers use "the survivors forced me to camp when they got close to the hook to try and rescue" or "the survivors forced me to camp when they genrushed me…
  • Tell me then mr. Know it all, what exactly do you think taking hostage is in dbd? since you clearly seem to know better than every one else. Explain to me why the term is wrong, why it wouldn't fit or why the very people that made up the term seem to have got it wrong, why the devs and the comunity seem to have given it…
  • There is nothing wrong with them giving you a tip on how to deal with a situation, especially when most times there is some way around it. And this doeant make them out of touch with their comunity if anything they would be more because of it because they know about the situation and are trying to help you through it also…
  • I completely agree with you on this but what I meant was that there is nothing on play that forces the killer to make the choice they just decide based on their style of play, if the killer likes easy kills they camp if the don't or don't care enough to want easy kills they don't. What I meant with my previous comment is…
  • First of all I'm not a kid, but then again you wouldn't believe me anyway so why bother with someone that starts off a comeback with a comment like that Second of all taking hostage isn't a maleable term there are two cases in dbd where the term fits camping and slugging the second to last survivor just so the killer can…
  • Devs have been fixing infinite loops and the truth is that loops are still not perfect because of the sudden boosts in speed killers get when chasing survivors for extended times, and those two things are being acomplished because killers have been voicing their problems in the game so saying a survivor cant do the same is…
  • Then that 1 or 2 survivors would just be waisting as much time as the killer making it harder on themselves because the killer would already know where they are and once he doesn't have to camp anymore, it wouldn't take him as long to get another survivor on hook
  • Killers are faster than survivors for a reason, and if they aren't then they have the means to stop them, I mean no survivor can just run in circles around the hook and not be downed, also it doesn't make the one that is on hook invincible because it's not stopping the progression its just adding more time to the progress…
  • It's not about the survivors always being sucsessful in this situation it's about making the killer choose between risking the chance at killing the others just to kill 1 or hunt the others, risking the kill he could have. Also even though it is mostly the survivor's fault he was hooked, it isn't his fault to die if he was…
  • Actually survivors are entitled to 2 extra chances, that is the point of having to hook them 3 times to kill, it's just different when they reach a new phase in the hook system, like if you were hooked but weren't saved before you reach the second phase then it cost you 1 aditional chance. Also no matter how carful you…
  • You can safe unhook on that situation, it's just harder to pull off because it depends on how the killer reacts to the attempt, the basics of it is you need 2 people for the save, 1 to get the killer's attention and the other to unhook, the aproach depends on how the killer reacts to the survivor that would take the risk…
  • You preetty much described a hostage situation in your last point. I agree with you on most of what you said but that last point is just nonsense and so is the fact that it's impossible to name a way to fix it without it being exploitable, it's a game... the devs decide what they can and can't do, what we can and can't do…
  • "take hostage 1. To hold someone captive and threaten violence to them in order to prevent another party (e.g. the police) from using force or in order to create leverage so that another party will agree to meet some demand. 2. To assume constraining, limiting control over something in order create leverage to achieve…
  • How could the survivors abuse that? It's a mechanic that would litterally be in the killer's hands whether it's in play or not. Also when did they try that? I don't remember seeing something like that being tested ever.
  • When it comes to the last 2 survivors then I only slug if the other one is in line of sight or if I hear them around me otherwise I much rather just hook the 3rd and hunt for the other while looking for hatch The only other time I would slug is if I down someone and there was someone else with them that I can at least hit…
  • Honestly NOED wasnt common... like... at all, until they buffed all hexes so that they were bassically the same on all levels. I say just revert the buff to it and leave it like it was so that only level 3 had the exposed status. I'm really annoyed by the perk but mostly because most people don't even bother to raise it…
  • But you have to admit that without ruin gen speeds are extremly tough on slow killers
  • Jeez man chill. First of all we didn't do anything to him, he litterally just did that for shits and giggles. When he started chasing me I was the second chase of that game and I didn't do anything that would have justified that at all. On the rest of your comment though... yeah I can't even begin to tell you how wrong you…
  • The problem is that even though it was meant for weaker killers (which I can completely sympathise with since my favorite killers are on the slow side of the spectrum), it was used too much by stronger killers also. It was used too much since the hex buffs that made it pointless to upgrade it. It became the go to perk of…
  • Yeah I literally had to tell them to leave me and just do gens so that they could escape while I bought them time but it really bothers me that this is actually a kinda common thing that happens, and there isn't much the others can do to counter it besides playing the game as if that survivor doesn't exist or the others…
  • He only got me, by the time he finally decided to actually go for the others they were already opening the gate
  • The thing is that the devs tend to balance the game in favor of newer survivors and experienced killers, which is a simpler way of making perks and abilities that both of those groups would have stronger, while the other ends of both spectrums get worse. Because of that type of balancing experienced survs are indirectly…
  • I mean the killer's objective is to stop the survivors from escaping, so just focusing on not letting 1 escape is not the game. And I know that I'm not supposed to survive more than 50% of my games, but even the most entitled killer main has to admit that camping is a ######### way of going about playing this game in the…
  • Lol. I might've dropped a pallet on his head
  • I don't actually mind allowing the others the chance to escape with my sacrifice, I just mind having spent so long in matchmaking just to die on my first hook when I barely got to play at all on that match
  • Ohh. Yeah I guess he doesn't have the same potential she has but at least he's different and at least he can actually aim properly, unlike the huntress which is preetty much a guessing game about exactly where the hatchet will land
  • It's not being entitled if I have to get hooked 3 times to get killed, it's still one life but I at least should get my 3 chances, not just be hooked and instantly have to drop my controller simply because 1 moron didn't bother with playing the game like he should've
  • From what I can tell at least most of the time if you look around in the forum, most pages are mostly killer complaints, I'm not saying that survivors don't complain a lot her but most of the time it's killers
  • The thing is that any killer willing to waste most of a match facecamping like that is obviously willing to tunnel. And by saving me there was a really high chance that the person saving me would have died also
  • I was playing with some friends during that game so I wanted to help them escape by keeping the killer occupied since he obviously had no intention of letting me go. I actually had to tell them to just finish the gens and escape while I held out. Because he clearly had no intention of letting me escape
  • That's exactly my problem with this, after having been in a que for so long, its really uncool to have this happen and not get to play at all
  • How is the huntress worse? I didnt see anything about her in the notes
  • I think what he means is that there should be a better way to discourage camping since obviously whatever they have in place for this right now isn't working
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