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  • Me reading the patch notes : cool.. mm thats seem too much but we'll see. Reach Mettle of Man: "laughs for at least 2 minutes" Being serious, i mean.. at least they hearead us about it needing a buff.. they just forgot to read any of our suggestion and came up with something else which usally work for them.. not this time…
  • Survivor only when with friends, so most of the time, even tho i actually prefer and consider myself a killer main.
  • Just to clarify, ANY offesive action does notify survivors about NOED or Devour hope. Chainsaw, red vomit, hatchets etcc. As a general rule, if it takes away 1 token from Play With Your Food, it notify about 1 shot perk. Devs said multiple times that the really want to make a difference between basic attack and special…
  • Now, i dont want to talk about NOED ans everything related because everyone knows how this topic goes, but what kind of "mind game" is to one shot someone without indications? And before someone decide to write "just do totems" I am not saying no counterplay, but no indications. Is like if make your choice doesnt notify…
  • Maybe you are a great spirit and this leave them little to no chance unless they have iron will, and is not really fun to lose no matter what. Maybe they just dont like playing against spirit. Killers dodge lobbies for items or other stuff, so does survivors when they absolutely hate going against a specific killer.…
  • And that's why the devs are changing their add-ons, or at least the Pins.
  • Is not really that i want to. Is more about i get there anyways. Is really easy to climb and getting to rank 1 both roles each season is almost like a challenge. An easy challenge, but still someone i want to do. I have always been rank 1 since my first seasons (when my friends boosted me) and i want to keep it up. Also…
  • Good point!
  • I always talk about it but some people just ignore the problem because "the game is balanced around Pc". This makes no sense at all but whatever. Killers dodge for a lot of reasons one of these being really short lobby times. Thry can afford to dodge 3 lobbies before a survivor find one to play in some cases. Killers knows…
  • This isnt a nerf... i mean, you see where the downed guy is but you should already have a general idea of where he is. If you downed someone near the harvester and then you see a survivor near with infectious fright and down him too, you will now see a scream around the harvester. Well, thats obiviously is the downed guy…
  • I think you are taking about a glitch. The nurse make no animations (she keep her hand stand still instaed of like rising it and closing hit when full charge) and the sound enter like in a loop. This does not affect gameplay at all and is just a visual glitch that occur sometimes. I think it happens if you start charging…
  • Level 3 exhaustion perk recovery time : 40s This means it would take 80s while running if using a perk slot for it. How is this even supposed to be problematic? If you can't catch someone for more than 80 seconds then there is a major problem. I think Vigil should be just this. You recover from exhaustion while running at…
  • Overcharge, Surveillance, Sloppy and thanatophobia is a solid build. Sloppy + thanatophobia is a good combo since punish both healing and not healing, while overcharge+ surveillance gives more map awarness and prevent gen tapping
  • Here's all my mixed outfits.
  • The Charity Case DLC gives you 26 unique cosmetics inspired by some dbd's content creators. They aren't all the cosmetics inspired to dbd's content creators (for example it doesnt contain noob3's shirt) but it will gives you all 26 promised cosmetics.
  • A survivor affected by blindness cannot see the auras, but every perk still work normally. In the OoO case, the killer can see you but you can't see the killer, however the perk icon will still light up when you are looking toward him. If blindess is affected by a locker them the killer won't be able to see you either,…
  • Unhooking in front of the killer with BT still a stupid idea. It still farming.
  • I know... but what can i do? I am so bad that i can not win without hacks.. even my rank 1 each season is probably fake... i must be punished for it. I'd say a 3 minutes forced struggle on hook should be enough....
  • I think two or tree times with nurse. Since she is "impossible" to use on console, if i win with her i must be hacking. I also remember one time getting reported for "hitting through walls". This walls was an haddonfield's fence.
  • Right after the rework i have started to play Freddy and he replaced Rin as my main. He may not be strong as her, but is a lot more fun for me. He has everything a killer need without exaggerations in his basekit. Map pressure, map presence, chase potential, game slowing and some sort of traking. With add ons he can…
  • Only an idiot would do that. A random come and try to unhook you, the killer is away. Unless the other memebr is already near avoiding the unhook means that you are giving the killer a lot of extra pressure since 3 people are of gens or 4 if he is chasing someone. If SWF are that super efficent swat team they will never do…
  • Devs proposed that a lot of time ago, and then decided to not add it. People dont want this feature because they fear someone could use it for trolling. Well, every single thing in this game could be used for tolling and anyways, if someone just refuse you to unhook you multiple times, just leave him die. Survivors should…
  • I think this perk should just give you a massive bloodpoint boost. You dont run it for an advantage, you run it for a challenge. Everyone knows that and whoever like it would disagree with a buff that will change the nature of this perk. I feel like a bloodpoint bonus like an extra 100% awarded post trial would encourage…
  • I would prefer a sucide button in end game collapse. The survivir can decide to instantly get killed by the entity. It happen to often that the killer down you and wait for 4 minutes because of the slowed bar just to see the cool animation. If you are the sole survivor and you are downed, you should be able to end the…
  • Omg i need to try this. About the post, this idea seems really funny. I guess i will try that later. I will try to find some other funny ideas like this
  • Today is an important day. I finally menaged to make "Mettle of MoM" work. I took a protection hit each time the freddy picked up the poor jake (i was following him with bond to throw some pebbles at him) Charged up MoM, my friend jake get hooked the second time. I run to him injured, take the hit and make the save with…
  • I amnot sure if this was my unluckiest match ever, but i remember this situation. 1 hooked first phase,1 downed near and 1 at the gate. I go to the gate to force the last one to escape, then i realized that he was already out before i got there (i havent paid attention to the survivor status icons), then the hooked guy…
  • Actually with hag you dont even want to commit to long chases. If a trap trigger, teleport unlesa you know you are gonna catch him in a matter of seconds. Anyways reasons to drop a chase are if you aren't a great killer to stop chases and the survivor is running to a strong loop (aka infinite.. even if they arent…
  • Really good guide man. Simple and effective and i completely agree. Actually, i think you should move (or ask a mod for move) it into gameplay guide. This is general discussion. Anyways great work! I would only add a little thing. "If the chase is going on for to long, or if there isn't any objective in the side of the map…
  • If someone dc mid loading then all the offer and add-ons/items return to the owner. They just get unequipped.. i am not saying that this is glitch proof, but theorically thats how it work. Tbh i find a bigger problem killers who wait the match to start and then Dc to make you loose all the BP offering. Almost everytime i…
  • This seem a nice idea to me. I am not saying that this is really needed, but it seem a nice idea. It reward for multiple hooking and to chase different people (you dont want to chase someone who has a repair penality). As i said, not sure if this is needed, but i find this suggestion way better than most stupid ones that i…
  • Ok so, i am a freddy main since the rework, and i can tell you that pallets are way less scary than snares once you learn how to counter them. So, first thing is obiviously try to stay wake as much as possible. This is generally true against freddy, but if you know he has dream pallets, then is even more important. Freddy…
  • I really appreciate this man! Trying to find a use for these perks is not a simple thing. You really need experience and game knowledge. I try to do the same and i have found some good use for a lot of non meta perks. I would really like to see you doing more of these !
  • I can not say if this is worth or not, especially since your killer instinct won't work (is based on YOUR terror radius), but yes. It theorically works.
  • Most Killers moves at 4.6 m/s , so 50% is 2.3 m/s. Not 3.15 m/s. Unless you were talking about something else. I think this could be helpful in some situation, but still not really powerful. Imo it's worth for some testing at least
  • The problem with it would be that perk perks wouldn't help with no instadown killer (and right now we only have 4 of them) at all. Yes, it would also counter instadown perks... but i am not sure how effective it would be. Still a good idea tho.
  • You can do whatever you want, no one will stop you from camping. The only thing that you must remember everytime is that there is a person to the other side that want to have fun as well, but is stuck standing still for 2 minutes
  • To be clear, I am not saying that this is ok, especially for 3rd vault block (which has happened to me quite a lot of time now), but the problem with bamboozle only occurs if you get window juked.. well.. i mean you shouldn't fall for that simple juke. Hug the wall and turn your camera as fast as possible after the vault…
  • I think it would still not really worth. At the moment, protection hits that count toward mettle are hit taken 1- while the killer is carrying someone 2- just after an unhook 3- while near a downed player 4- while healing a player All of these are pretty consinstent atm. The one you are reffering to is a different type of…
  • 2 seconds mean that if you jump in the locker and the killer swing and hit the locker, you would barely charge it in time. I am not 100% sure but i know that 3 seconds is just to much even if the killer miss. I am not sure if this would be a good or a bad thing
  • Wait, you want to play a game where the sound is the most important thing, without any sound at all? Or do you mean remove music in game like chase music and injured music?
  • Is important to know that when you break it completely, the totem does a kind of explosion. It doesn't give any audio-visual pop up notification, but is possible to see an effect around the totem that expand and the sound is decentely loud if the killer is near enough. You should be able to see this as a survivor if you…
  • Well.. i mean, its hard and you have to put a lot of effort into putting pressure (and even more into learning how to do it) but you can. I never use it and i know plenty of others really good killer main that dont need it at all. I know how hard is to stop using it. It is really hard, but the benefit is gonna be huge.
  • Mmm.. i think that i can't. Useless perks are not healty for the game, unless you like to use and see always the same perks used over and over again ;)
  • Well, i think ruin makes the game more boring for survivors and less challenging for killers, as well as teching bad habits to who use it (not putting pressure because a perk do it for you).
  • That's a really good idea! It rewards being able to win a chase, and with the new perk "fixated" i hope this is gonna be a more explored strategy. Anyways, the "counters" i am referring to are the following 1- you see him, so you get a lot if information out of that. You know if is worth going to defend a generator or…
  • I can kinda confirm. I play on ps4 from a lot of time now. The killer DC problem was terrible back in the days. Now its a bit better, but still a big problem. I play red ranks and here most of the killer accept the lost and are really kind, but there are some that just complain and blame you because "you were in a SWF" or…