Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Saying that would be me saying don't bring moris either but yall aren't gonna do that tho right?
  • Erm the gens still need to be done for key to even be used unless its the last survivor in which it doesnt matter how many gens are done for all to leave every gen has to be done which is basically the end of the game and for three you. Need 4 gens and two you need three where killers have to get that first chase and…
  • Lol thats sad you duck and dc lobbies. Then you get mad about it but uk what happens lmao you make no sense plus Its not that deep because you see a key. The key cant even be used till either the gane is about over or is over most times when i bring a key the killers see mines just fine and i tend to get tunneled and face…
  • Eh they still had to put work into using that key its not like its "oh i found a key guys lets go" they have to still do 4 or all of the gens to use that key since one person died. Killers will complain about keys but not how bringing devour hope is a bypass to moris after 3-4 hooks if the totem isnt found 🤢 ew "balanced"…
  • Eh but then its not like you can just instantly use a key you have to have a certain amount of gens done and people alive to use it. if everyone is still alive ALL gens must be done to even use the key and 4 for three survivors and 3 for two and any for the last so its not as if its a easy win here. with moris killers only…
  • Yea true but then again me personally from the games i play i rarely see anyone saboing hooks
  • Killers: complains about survivors pre-sabotaging hooks Devs: changes that so they cant Killers: still complains about the new sabotage changes Survivors: well whatever --------------------------------- I dont see alot of sabotaging hooks going on much honestly (from the games i play) most of the time i play against…
  • My point was made in my post as i asked so killers dont have it easy? And killers can close the hatch when its open only time you watch us jump in is when one when find it before you do but your right there or two you let us jump in and not be a [BADWORD] and snatch us out instead
  • So killers dont have it easy? You have ruin, devour hope, blood Warden, BBQ, NOED, end game, one-hit killers, infinite tier 3 Myers, sloppy butcher, you can close the hatch, haunted grounds, you can open at the gates, you can kill us and hook us mean while we can stun you with a pallet or flashlight for what 3 to 4…
  • Well I run BT at all times these days because alot of the killers seem to either have NOED, BW, or just camp and tunnel that one person after the last gen is popped. So it doesn't really matter to me if im playing alone or swf. I'll try to find the totem or just save if possible even if i died doing it or not because I…
  • True but i mean using them only 60% work because ill use sprint or balanced and its like i never used it because they are the same before i used it because of how fast they are but with me its only good on some loops and not so much good for distance from my experiences ive had
  • I personally see this alot not sure about pc players so i cant speak for them but on ps4 and xbox they play like this 75% of the time if not they just use his speed boost like a legion with no mending effect and dont even use their stalking power and just teabag, another one is tunneling and bring a mori and killing…
  • True but most of those perks you named for survivors have been nerfed but killers are just as bad as survivors some play for fun yea ok true, but some are also super sweaty and some just dont care. You guys have NOED, Blood Warden, and even End Game and i do agree Blood warden can be used as a insurance perk and can be…