Am I missing something
I’m a killer main but trying out more survivor. Went against p100 trapper who sent us to midwich who one hit downed us Ran deerstalker, brut str, spies, grasp with bloody coil and honing stone. And we didn’t step in any traps or anything he just one shot us. That shouldn’t be possible right? I’m a console player with cross…
Can we make the new map less dark, survivors run into buildings and I can't see them anymore as its just too dark, my tv brightness is fine with every other map and outside but not in these buikdings
I hate coldwind and swamp
Please just at least make it so that i can go into the corn or grass and not just be able to see yellow fuzz and maybe the occasional scratch mark cause optimisation and frames are seemingly non existent on console.
Selective Crossplay
It would be nice if they made it so you can select who you can be matchmaked with because I have no problem playing with other console players as our issues are pretty much the same (lag, frames, controller aim etc. Etc) but personally i very much dislike going against pc since their movements and aim are in all honesty…
Stop the hints
I played as survivor earlier due to the killer bugs annoying me and as the game was loading those tips came up telling me to look at a ghostface to reveal him Imo I shouldn't have got the warning as I became extra alert and just looked for him all the time so he had no stealthyness This also happened against a trapper and…
Matchmaking bad
Im usually complaining that my matchmaking is bad as a killer and all I get is red 4 mans when im rank 8/9 usually But this game I matched with solo's (they came in at different times so im assuming so) So then I felt bad because there was little chance for them just like when I play against way higher ranks
Please with matchmaking
Please can I get an at least somewhat fair and fun match. Either I play as killer (rank 9) and go against red ranks or I play surv (rank 19) and go against rank 10s Its just very unfun when you realise that they can loop you forever from loop to the next or they start 360 you
My Opinion on Pyramid Head
I've played a couple of games as him and I've played against him a few times (killer main so opinion may be skewed) and my main cause of annoyance is the torment. Personally I think it should work so that when you're tormented it lasts for a set duration (and then add ons) before expiring. It feels cheap just laying down…
No red ranks on ps4
Im only a rank 13 killer at the moment yet im being matched with rank 2 swf which ends up being pretty much a complete waste of time the majority. I used to be proud of finally reaching rank 10 yet now all i get is red 4 mans Even if i try to play survivor (rank 12) then its like a 20 minute que and then tunneled and die…