All these changes look good and all BUT
FIX THESE ######### STUTTERING FRAMES AND DROPS. Why is this BS even still an issue?! And it hardly ever affects survs on the same level as being an unplayable mess on the killer side.
Merged: Xbox - Pinhead possessed chain blackens the screen
This discussion has been merged.
Circle of Healing is proof the devs hate killers
Seeing as they'll NEVER fix hex totems, they decide to give survs yet another broken perk to abuse. Why can't killers rebuild their totems when they only have 4 perks vs. 16? Oh wait, they hate half their base. Why keep totem spawns so obviously surv sided? Oh yeah, hating the base. No wonder killers are dropping like…
######### matchmaking killing solos
So is this a thing now? Randomly lumping survs together with no metric to measure skill? I guess the only two groups that will play this game from now on are killers and SWFs, seeing how if this is the heralded MMR at work, you just killed solo survivor.
Why are Claudettes the worst survs in the game?
Self explanatory. Why are people who pick her absolute trash at everything? I have yet to see one, either as killer or survivor, play the game like they have half a brain. Is this the noob skin that potatoes pick whether it's a regular to P3? If there's more than one in your group it's almost a guaranteed lost. JFC they…
No gen builds
Any killer mains just stop trying to address gens a'poppin' and go with builds that focus on the primary objective of hooking and killing since that aspect will not be addressed? If so, how effective is it on killers outside of those that can traverse maps with ease?
Why is your matchmaking STILL broken?
The devs are doing everything in their power to not address the issue. What the hell good are DC penalties, lackluster killer buffs, insignificant wall breaks, and surv buffs when you still have broken matchmaking that allows cheat with friends to habitually game the system? You really should put a disclaimer on your…
The Doctor now crashes games
Why was optimizing not addressed on the Doctor rework before putting it on consoles? The frame rate drops to -1 when you're 5 minutes in a game. Notifications on the Xbox has always been an issue and there's too much for the system to handle apparently when you use his power and the framerate never recovers.
Time for killers to gen rush
So the devs nerfed Ruin. It's really not that much of a surprise from my experience playing so far how changes have been mostly in line to help survivors. We all know gens will fly faster without it and destroy certain killers. Now is the time to prove gen rush exists: switch to survivor, arm your toolboxes with second…
Your rank system is broken
Fix it. Rank the highest rank survivors with a killer of equal rank. Should still not be an issue unless you hate killers.
Double Decisive Strike Glitch
So in addition to Decisive Strike, apparently survivors can trigger it a second time by hiding in and coming out of lockers. This happened to me in at least two separate games on Coldwind Farm and The Game. Terrific.
Fix Gatekeeper Emblem
When you sacrifice 3 of 4 survivors it should not count against you if you get genrushed. It's your job to kill and sacrifice. Not kick gens.