Is Switch Cross Progression Cancelled?
Is Switch Cross Progression cancelled? Yes or No. :)
27th June 2022 Dev Livestream
This is just a short feedback post to say how much I enjoyed and appreciated the most recent dev livestream about the mid-chapter changes. It was super engaging, straight to the point (thank you for this) and felt like we were really being given good information regarding the changes and reasons why + it felt like people's…
"Technical problems" and Switch Cross-Progression
Despite switch cross-progression having an ETA of last year by end of Q2, we still get the answer that the reason it is taking so long is "technical issues" etc. What does this ACTUALLY mean? Why has this been so difficult to implement because from a player point of view it makes absolutely no sense. It's frustrating.…
That Switch Cross-Progression Update
(https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/293817/switch-cross-progression-update#latest) It's kind of crazy to see that this has become so frustrating. At this point, it seems clear that BHVR regret announcing switch cross-progression and are just going to try and forget about it. There was no major announcement of…
Q&A Stream + Switch Cross Progression
I'm at least glad that they mentioned switch cross-progression, but I am yet again dumbfounded as to how long this has taken and will no doubt continute to take. I remember in the Q&A at the start of the year where we were told they were working with their partners to get it sorted and yet this is the same response they…
Uncleansable Totem on Léry's Memorial Institute
Platform: PC Description of issue: Uncleansable totem spot (as shown in screenshot) on the outer edge of the map adjacent to the room that connects to the exit gate. Was completely unreachable by any player in the match. Additional Information: Most additional information can be found in the attatched screenshot.…
Are leaks good or bad for DBD?
Note: This isn't hate towards leakers or people who keep up with leak pages (I do too), I just want to see what people think. Leaks really for any game tend to not be the best thing personally, but for DBD it seems like leaks and leak pages are just widely accepted, often posting about future content that is way in…
STILL no word on switch cross progression. Why?
It almost seems clear that switch cross progression, which was supposed to come out by the end of Q2 (so 3 potential days left, removing the weekend coz there wont be an update then), is basically delayed immensely or cancelled. Honestly the recent trend of BHVR ignoring the community is really frustrating and is making…
Cross Progression - Is it actually coming?
It feels so weird that we still don't have switch cross progression. I know in the Q&A stream near the start of the year they said by the end of Q2 (end of June) but originally said they suspected it would be the start of April. Its really frustrating and weird then that we haven't had a single update on the progress of it…
Communication around Switch Cross Progression? Update?
There really hasn't been much information given on switch cross progression. We were told it was suspected early April and yet there were no further updates after this passed. It would just be very much appreciated if something saying that it's going to take extra time was told to us. I would love to buy more DLC across…
Is switch cross progression still coming?
It really feels like cross progression for switch has been pushed back and delayed beyond belief to the point where it doesnt even feel like its coming anymore or is something that got side-lined? At least some update on the progress for it would be nice.