Love it when they're mad when...
Tell us all the things you love to hear/have heard, people be mad about! For me It's three gens. For some reason whenever I successfully set one up I am almost guaranteed a toxic post game chat. Sometimes even being accused of camping.
Indeed, Imagine camping... "-1 Proximity to hooked survivor"
I had them by the kahones after that stomped my head in with god window at ironworks. They where unhappy. But you know, when I have a 3gen with a center hook and the healthy people keep running to god window as soon as I get close its kinda set and done that its gonna be a 3k at least. ...Oh, also they one DC'd and gave…
Get told to get better all the time
I'm a rank 7 that has recently decided to main clown, I constantly go up against mostly "Rank 4's" and kill them semi-consistently. This wasn't a problem until I hit rank 8-7. It doesn't matter if I win, It doesn't matter if I lose. I'm always told some variation of "Get better trash clown" or "God you suck, quit proxy…