Just curious about what people think of dedicated servers on ps4. Is it a hit or miss? I have had a great ping in most of my matches but on the other hand some weird stuff has happened like hits that would have never connected before dedicated servers and sometimes there is no fluidity in games and they seem kinda cranky.…
I had a game where I hooked Laurie. After hooking her I went away and saw Dwight nearby so I chased him and downed him. After downing him I picked him up and Laurie got saved in said moment. I went on to hook Dwight and go back to the hook where Laurie was (I thought they would probably be healing and I was right) I chased…
Like really, I have to wait around 15 minutes for a match and the group that I get into is this? How can I even get in a game with rainbow colour survivors. This is also a great example why I would like to see the ranks in lobby again because I wasted a good amount of the nurses time running around with 3 players…
Just got a game with 4 man swf all running headon and running inside badham preschool hitting from every possible locker with the stun. They brought an offering for the map. It was actually kinda challenge to hook survivors because they tried to get downed inside the basement. They did not try to do any gens, only pull off…
I just wanted to share how oblivious some people can be. Basically got accused of camping when I was chasing someone else and then this individual triggered my trap on killer shack and afterwards I decided to lay off the chase to teleport to a trap I placed inside the basement to meet him when he runs downstairs and that…
So I noticed one small flaw with the EGC and it has to do with the last survivor remaining after the killer closes hatch. Yes I know for a fact that when this kind of situation happens it is because the survivors messed up and the last remaining shouldn't be entitled to a "free" escape via exit gates. My main concern isn't…