New Survivor Perk Concept
Narrow Escape: After Being Unhooked you leave no scratch marks or pools of blood for 45 seconds. Palliative care: When other survivors are in the dying state and within 4 meters of you Palliative care activates allowing other survivors to recover 10% faster. Survivors under the effects of Palliative care can recover…
Survivor Perk Buffs
•Overcome Any time the on hit speed boost is activated Overcome is triggered: Extends the duration of the On-hit Speed Boost by +2 seconds. The Perk has a cool down of 20 seconds. While on cooldown the player will suffer from the exhausted status effect. Creator Notes: Overcome has a strong reward but had little use due to…
DnD Perk Ideas
Here's some fun perks that would be interesting to add into the game. Some may be extreme but it's fun to make it up! Tell me what you think. Invocation: Saving Throw When in the Basement near the circle, press the Active Ability button to begin the Invocation, which takes 60 seconds to complete. During an Invocation,…
The anti camp mechanic is extremely flawed. Video proof
Here's a video of a blight camping both hook states and I never even made it half way with the anti camp bar. How is this not considered camping? It seems to me that this mechanic is flawed & needs stronger reinforcement to punish this play style.
Stranger Things Buff
Hi everyone just a random post on Stranger Things perks that I believe could use a slight tweak now that we have the glorious Nancy and fearless Steve back in the fog! :) Nancy Wheeler Better Together - The aura of all generators you are currently repairing is revealed to all other survivors located within a 32 meters. If…
Adrenaline Is Bugged... again
Hooked survivors do not proc adrenaline when unhooked. Please fix or at least acknowledge that a fix is in the works
Background Player
Should the perk work if you are picked up and break free of the killers grasp as well? This would mean if you are flashlight saved, wiggle free, pallet saved, or DS in the time frame then you are also given the speed boost. Would this be to strong or a nice buff?
New Killer Idea
Killer : The Phantasm Otherwise known as the hallucinator Power: Apparition The hallucinator is able to create a bond with its victims and prey on his or her confidence until the only thing left is fear. He leaches a spiritual bond that drains a survivor over time but only at a specific range. Survivors slowly fall into…
Is anyone else sad over the Background Player changes
I had a whole build ready. Desperate measures, resilience, BT, and background player. It countered so many killers who camp and force hook swaps. Now this exhaustion perk has little use and goes to smash hit/head on F - D tier. Flashlight saves is the only function because why would you want to waste a SB and be exhausted…
Perk Tier Idea
Key Add-on Rework
It is that time everyone! The key add-ons are due for some dusting off ever since the key changes and hatch changes. Now that the dust has settled for both Killers and Survivors here's my recommendation for how the new system will work. With that here we go! Skeleton Key - Changed to a Very Rare Item • Open the hatch 10%…
Anti tunnel / Camping Concept Perks
Perk 1: Fracturing Grip You know how to leave a mark when giving a helping hand. Each time you unhook a survivor fracturing grip activates. • You unhook a survivor 15% faster. Each time you unhook a survivor the hook breaks for 20/25/30 seconds. " In order to stop the beast we must first set up a strong defense. " Perk 2:…
Ada's new perk Low Profile
Ada Wongs new perk Low Profile is to situational in it's PTB state. Currently it is hard to choose using LP over Sole survivor or Left Behind since they are stronger more dependent end game last resort perks. I suggest a slight buff that not only makes LP a little more stronger for end game but also allow useful gameplay…
BlastMine Repressed Aliance bugged
The perks now activate together instead of the game allowing you to apply blast mine over repressed alliance when blast mine is active in previous iterations.
Can we have better penalties/rewards with the DC'ing and killing on hook
Ever since this update player will throw the teams game by quitting a match or killing on first hook. I did a tally and so far 8 out of my 15 matches have been thrown due to this matter.
Fear Street
Just saying I enjoyed this trilogy a lot and would love to see the killers somehow find there way into the entity’s realm. My killer of choice would be Ruby Rose and her iconic song as a heartbeat like huntress.
Why is sloppy butcher not disabled
There has been an exploit for months now on at least consoles (Don’t Play PC). Sloppy butcher causes the survivors to suffer from a lag which therefore effects hit registration & gameplay mechanics. Killers have been abusing and I don’t understand why the exploit has yet to be fixed or brought up by any devs.
How killers counter Power Struggle
So I’ve noticed that a killer can pick you up and swing out of the pallet range before you are able to drop the pallet. Was this intended? I find it weird how the killer has a button input before the survivor and makes the perk useless after the killer knows you have it equipped
This Games hit detection is god awful
In other words it’s trash. Thats it :)
Freddy is unfun to play against
Change My Mind
Let’s Buff the weaker non meta Perks
I love this game but I also wish the devs would go through on perks without giving them such harsh downsides. Whether that be by adding long cool downs, tokens, or requirements to be met. So I figured it be cool to ask you guys if you could pick one non meta perk and buff it. What would you change? I would buff Distortion.…
Petition for more Nancy Wheeler Cosmetics
Honestly can we get the party outfit when Steve spills the juice on her shirt. The fact that we don’t have that outfit is “BUll Sh*t” 😂 lol only fans get that one also can we please fix the hair on this cosmetic already! This outfit does not do her justice when compared to the show !
Is this reportable?
Just played a match where I was hooked and a two SWF group was purposely hiding locker to locker in the basement instead of working on gens or unhooking/helping the team. They also hid in lockers around the map too for a bit before I died.
So I really loved the Silent Hill background when the DLC came out and I was wondering. Does anyone else think it would be cool that when you play the character like Oni or Pyramid head. You got that specific background in your loadout lobby. Or at least had the option to turn it on.
Soul Guard does not replace Unbreakable
If you are under the effect of let’s say hex ruin. And you pick yourself up. Even though you were under the effect of a hex. Your unbreakable is still used up first. Instead of counting soul guard for your pick me up. So don’t expect to be able to use your unbreakable if the hex is cleansed because you cant
This bug should be added to the game
If your dead and watching/spectating your team. When the exit gates are open and the team is facing pyramid head (no matter what map) the silent hill sirens go off for the spectators. I personally love this and I think when facing pyramid head the sirens should always go off when EGC starts on all maps.
New Perk (Fan Made)
Swift and Bold Over time you have learned that you can’t always hide from the monsters. Sometimes you need to fight back. After stunning the killer by any means three times Swift and Bold activates. While Swift and Bold is activated, you kick at your aggressor to buy yourself some time. Performing a quick vault animation…
Now that we’re expanding on the idea of what a Licensed Chapter can be
First it was the classic License with Michael, then we got the first Monster/Human hybrid with Demogorgon. Now we have a video game license soon with the silent hill chapter. So I was thinking. How do you guys feel about the idea of getting a creepy pasta chapter. Also what creepy pasta would you like to see. Be honest but…
This Game Though
I love this game but oh man. Waiting 15 min for a match then being tunneled and ebony Mori killed off the back and put back into another 15 min lobby is so sad.
Answer Honestly
How do you feel about Huntress’s insta down hatchets. Personally, I feel they should work like deathslinger where they have to be thrown a certain distance
Babysitter and For The People
If you use FTP it currently does not give you the stack towards babysitter even though you did technically fully heal them. I personally feel that this combo should work
Question on a new perk in PTB
If I have off the record active and I am also using Distortion. Would I be able to keep my tokens since off the record is active and my aura is already hidden?
About breakable walls
This better be added to the god awful maps that have the god window loops. I believe the maps are Iron works and cold wind farm. But the one map that has the god window, along with the cat rail above needs this ASAP. Survivors abuse the window
Here Me Out
Yes, trials without old Hex:Ruin will not be the same. I agree. But now that players are not always expecting Hex Totems. People are quickly adapting to applying more Gen pressure and less scouting. Hex’s are not destroyed as quick as they used to be due to survivors not always expecting and looking for Ruin at the start…
My Rift is bugged!!
My devout challenges can not be claimed and I can’t proceed further
Message to all randoms
If you are not in a chase. Work on a generator. If the killer is pressuring hook. Work on a generator. If your teamate goes into the dying state. You better be on a Generator for him to see his chase meant something. This has been your PSA on how to work on generators
Possible way to Buff No Mither
A survivor starts the trial fully healthy but instead always suffers from the exposed status effect. When unhooked or healed from the dying state to the injured state a survivor suffers from the broken status effect for 60 seconds. After the 60 second timer is up a survivor is fully healed and permanently exposed once…
I’ll admit it
Even though the Hex : Ruin Perk was changed. And it made me have some doubts. I will admit the amount of effort and love put into the new Lery’s map is astounding and it makes me happy to see that the right steps are being made into improving the overall look and gameplay of DBD. You guys deserve a pat on the back and…
Question about Gens
Do the devs know that gen times especially against SWF teams is ridiculously fast or do they think it’s not a problem and that’s why no solution besides one hex perk has been made. Also side note. Why should one be forced to run a hex perk to “Barely” counter gen speeds. Over having a mechanic that greatly brings more…
So now that the Demogorgon is in the game..
..What other movie Monsters do you think would be fun to face in the DBD universe? Personally I would love to see a Scarecrow in this game and have some sort of interaction with the already existing Crows.
Vigil be like
Gain your exhaustion back 20% faster.... ...when you don’t need it.
I love this game but
I’m sorry but I don’t have the time to wait 10-15 min for a game. So many nights I’ll log on just to switch games due to bad Lobby Q times
New Map
Anybody else feel that the new map is incredibly dark. Can we please add some better lighting to the map tiles for killer?
Question about Blood Echo
When a survivor is afflicted with the exhaustion status effect for 45 seconds. Is it a pure 45 second timer and then the exhaustion is gone. Or is it an actual exhaustion debuff on a 45 second timer that can last longer if the survivor is running around.
Is nemesis and furtive chase being fixed?
Right now they do not proc together and I was wondering if this is a bug or meant to be.
Why Keys Can be Broken
I have been trying to play Demogorgon and I believe one of the best ways to play him is by setting up your upside down portals next to the three closest gens and play out the late 3 gen strat. While it is a very useful strat . If one survivor Ends up bringing a key. As soon as you get your first sacrifice the other three…
The perk should not show my aura against a stealth killer since I can’t see his aura.
Can’t wait for the day Spirit receives some Updates
That’s it :)