If you wonder how to complete white glyph..
The description is really vague.. You have to go to the basement without losing it, and interact with another glyph there. After that you can safely drop it.
Thanks for having the best servers in SA..
Oh i wish.. The servers are trash, literally after every update or tome release SA servers collapse and return 180 ping or more wich is unplayable. It has been like this since forever and you guys don't deign to spend some money to improve the servers, this is pitiful. And its not only after updates, at some specific hours…
Keys in every chest again
Edit: Not a bug, i can confirm it was a one time thing, i coudn't repeat it in the same map or any. A mod can close this. Playing on pc. Hi so apparently key drops are bugged again. I got 3 keys 1 ultra rare and 2 rares from chest in gas station just with plunderer and nothing more.
Midwich Elementary School stuck in place
Playing on PC. I got stuck in place between a bench and the hook while trying to bodyblock the killer while healthy. Didn't reach in time and after the killer hook the survivor my character was sucked to that position. The killer could down me but he coudn't pick me up. Here a vid: Luckly i was released after the survivor…
Dead dawn saloon bugged
The windows of the bar do not block by the entity and it has a really broken infinite, can we please remove this map from the game already? Worse than haddonfield..
Hi i haven't been playing dbd for a while because of the winter here, and now when i log in i notice that my jill outfit was refunded and deleted again. Is this a rollback or something that was done globally? You guys really don't want me to buy skins.. lol
Adiris winks at you
So Adiris winks at you now and wear no panties with her new skin.. is she suggesting something? 😂 Btw the best skin of her, she looks gorgeous.
Please fix south american servers
People are getting between 180 to 250 ping most of the times. It's awful.
Ji-Woon having fun while waiting for his release
I hope you guys are excited as he is!! 😂 Sharing it here for the ones that may miss it. I had a good time while making it, i hope i can make some of you smile 😂
Everyone that criticize LGBTQIA+ community should watch this video
Turn on subtitles if needed. ❤️🏳️🌈✌️
Pustula petals, will they work in the event?
I still have like 80 pustula petals across all my killers from the past halloween event. Anyone knows if it will work on the new one? I also have a lot of bbq invitations, a pity that it didn't occur this year.
Oni is still bugged and now worse than before...
Why devs hate Oni so much? Hes been bugged for months and now i got a bug that was even worse than before. This time, i wasn't able to use Blood Fury the entire match, not even hitting another survivor again could fix it.. I recorded a video to show it. Bug: Yamaoka Wrath stuck at 99%, forbidding the use of Oni power.…
So what's the purpose of forbid killers to change killer in lobby?
This is one of the dumbest change done so far...
Oni Blood Fury not working
Hi, for some reason the activation of Blood Fury its not working properly despite having the power fully charged. I have to hit a survivor again to make it work... A very annoyng bug. It happened multiple times in a single match, in the Yamaoka temple. Im on PC. How to reproduce the bug: Passively recharging the yamaoka…
Expert Oni bugged
So another bugged achievement thanks for wasting my time and moris...
Gen repair slowdowns core mechanic idea and no tunneling incentive (no perk based)
I always thought why a survivor require 3 hooks to be killed and can get fully healed whithout any downsides for being pierced by that hook 2 times before death. Are they mutants that can regenerate? Hooking people needs an incentive and we have gens that gets done too fast, so we have the perfect couple to balance the…
Really Behaviour?
I was thinking while waiting all this time that this could happen and that it will be very hilarious.. guess im a magician or it was expected. The event was posponed for a week, what is the point in releasing a part of the promised? I didn't care about waiting more. I would have prefered to get all the content in a single…
Beep sound when starting DbD?
Hi, for some reason im hearing a beep sound when starting dbd anyone knows why? It plays at starting and stop, not a problem, but im curious. Edit: I managed to solve it, it was caused by the new radeon anti-lag setting in my graphic card. It was just causing that beep sound, but i prefer to switch it off to prevent…
People still dc againts Legion
I guess some survivor bad habits will never change... i got 2 dc because i had iri button with Legion.. Now this is why following survivor mains thoughts isn't a wise choice. Legion needed fixing yes, but instead he got screwed and now he could get some QoL changes, and there is still people that think he his op and refuse…
If you guys want to kill legion go ahead with the changes
I can't believe what i just read. Hes going to get the heaviest nerfs i have seen so far, surpasing by far the freddy nerfs post launch changes. Is this an april fools? The Legion can no longer see blood pools (in addition to not seeing scratch marks) while in Feral Frenzy. Goodbye bloodhound. Feral Frenzy is immediately…
Guide: How to play againts the plague
Step 1: Suppress the desire to cry for nothing Step 2: Think for once after a new killer is realeased and get away from the disconnect button. Step 3: Now with a clear mind, find the way to play againts her. End of the guide. Now seriously: Don't use the fountains unless is strictly neccesary. You give her power by doing…
Ahegao Meg :P
Made by me with Xnalara
Shadow changes to matchmaking?
Hi, today im having my rank 1 lobby filled in less than 20 seconds as a killer.. I haven't seen this in the game from long time ago lol. It's real sorcery.. The normal waiting time for me was 20 min or more a real pain. So if some changes has been made congrats, i can enjoy playing killer again.
Rank 1 is a wasteland again
The matchmaking is broken again, playing killer is getting worse and worse even at peak hours and with the double BP, the lobby takes forever to fill.. This game don't have enough players to have a "rank" system. It should be removed. I never dc on purpose to depip and im forced to do it..
New bug or hack?
Hi, the last match i played i coudn't move my character at all, just rotate the camera and crouch, is this some kind of new bug of the new build or a killer hack? I recorded a video if its needed. When i died i could see the camera in game from the hook death point of view with the end match menu... very rare.